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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Where do you find these quotes? Lol. All polling shows middle class America feels like Obama best looks out for them, not the uber-rich guy. He evens win in the "values" category. Romney has to work to do himself to connect with the average American.
  2. You really think it EVENS the playing field?? LOL. Unions are dying more and more every year. The union boogeyman is over the top sometimes. I rather both Super PACs and Union funding would be disallowed. Only direct contributions by individuals to campaign. With a max dollar amount.
  3. Super PACs are so stupid. I really do hate the idea. Wright being brought up is a win for Obama in the end. Romney can try and distance himself but it'll still look like its coming from him.
  4. I know I was one of the posters who brought up the fact that the board leaned right and was hard to respond to all of the conservatives every time I posted. I have no problem with it, but I couldn't point out any lefties on here. Lol. The righties made themselves well-known as soon as I got here. The only problem I have is that a lot of conservatives here don't even listen to anyone else's POV. It's attack mode from the start. A couple already said that liberals are all emotion and never have facts or proof. I'm not that way at all. I am a numbers guy through and through. I like a good discussion! I do miss the Official Bills MB political section. Really balanced there.
  5. Wasn't a legitimate poll. It was a call back poll for prior interviewers. Interesting nonetheless. RealClearPolitics does a nice job of tracking the polls: RealClearPolitics
  6. My crazy LIBERAL views!!! Be afraid! 1. Abortion: My view is that I disagree morally with abortion but it should still be an option to others. so, Pro-Choice. 2. Gay Marriage: I fully support gay marriage. 3. Prayers in school: Against it in public schools. Kids can pray individually, but no actual classes headed by teachers. 4. Death Penalty: I am against it. Costs more than Life in Prison and innocent people have and will continue to die. 5. Guns: Some light restrictions like background checks, etc. is cool with me. 6. Health Care: I fully support a Single Payer system that will cover all Americans. It works in a lot of places... 7. War on drugs: End it. A complete waste of money. No Return on Investment. 8. Taxes: Entire tax code needs reform. A real progressive tax system without loopholes. I also have an unpopular view on estate taxes. 9. Immigration: Immigration is important for the USA. We need to really push it and make it easier for people to enter the country. 10. Illegal Immigrants: I believe there is good and bad economic impact from illegals. I am in support of the DREAM Act. 11. Free trade: I am mostly for it because the world is becoming more and more globalized. 12. Military Spending: I used to rally against military spending but it can help economically. However, morally I disagree with a lot of our policy. 13. Foreign Policy: Ideally, I would love to just stay out of everyone else's business but I know that's not possible at this point.
  7. I do think Obama actually supports gay marriage is his mind - his personal opinion. But, I also agree that he was waiting for the right time to reveal it or change his "official stance".
  8. I can believe Romney is up. Just not by 8. Rasmussen does lean right in it's polling. Look at 2008 polls for proof.
  9. Haha yeah I need to talk politics and news somewhere! It's pretty brutal here though for a "lefty". Lol. I need backup. I feel like I have to respond to 7 different people each thread.
  10. I seen Rasmussen and stopped reading. And this is just sad. Was this necessary? You should change your username to AngryWhiteMale
  11. I'm glad I even got in the "B" range. I thought it was an easy insult. I have some decent discussion with 3rd I think. I'm still trying to figure out who everyone is here.
  12. That is one of our main problems here and I don't think anybody has an actual solution to the problem. The Republicans have came up with nothing here. Lowering taxes I guess? And the Democrats approach of just taxing the wealthy isn't going to work. We need more income equality here or wages needs to go up. They have been stagnant for years. China is going to be a player in the coming years as their economy grows. They still have a way to go to get the reputation of the U.S. We are going to have to get better at things we are good at - higher education, energy policy, tourism, etc. I love this place. Haha. I don't consider myself a "budding economist" by any means. I do enjoy researching and talking about it though. I start my Masters in Applied Economics in the fall!
  13. Unions have been dying for years. Republicans are just trying to put them out of business for good. Not sure if serious. I get attacked and namecalled on almost every post I make. I thought I was playing by everyone's rules here. This place is full of right wingers that just pat each other on the back all day. I've been called stupid, retarded, and a dumbass in my short time here. But, me taking a little jab at someone is out of bounds? Really?
  14. Your avatar really suits you. Glad you like your state. I don't know the ins and outs of it so I don't have a great idea of how it is there. I just know philosophically, I disagree with some of the things they were doing there. But more power to them if they do it that way. I can't stand Paul Ryan though.
  15. So, Asia has a better and faster-growing beauty market. Thanks for the information.
  16. Sad state of affairs on these forums. Lol Sad state of affairs on these forums.
  17. I think Walker will win but what a blow to Republicans if he loses! Glad I don't live in that state though.
  18. So, we as a people can't talk about multiple issues at once? Weird. By the President just coming out and saying what he did, he can really influence public opinion going forward. Criticize him all you want but he's right on the issue itself.
  19. I like how you believe you have the answers to all of our problems, but politicians just aren't doing them. LOL. I agree on your main idea however that politicians are only interested in getting re-elected. Most of them at least.
  20. Dumbass checking in. Sad adults can't refrain from namecalling. What about our core is wrong LA? What bothers you most? (I'm not saying there aren't problems). You can't just put an economic recovery aside. I honestly think they have in some ways. I agree about kicking the can. I am against expanding government when the economy is strong as is pretty much everyone.
  21. I don't really want to raise the rate right now. I was pointing out that 20% is not out of the question given a stronger economy. People still invest more money here than anywhere else. Don't believe the hype.
  22. Damn phone won't let me quote. 3rd: Public sector workers still spend their money in the PRIVATE sector. Which will help demand and create jobs. Alaska: Fixing unemployment should be #1 priority RIGHT NOW. Fixing benefits takes time. Sacrificing employment and the economy is not a good plan. At the end of the day, teachers and other state/federal workers are losing jobs but that's cool, they're in the big bad public sector! DC: Talking points. BLAH. Pelosi was clearly wrong and sounded very stupid with that one. However, an unemployment chech is better than no check.
  23. I don't know how to quoute people on my phone but it's intended for OC. I apologize for not readng your initial post more throughly. There is the problem that government won't use the money efficiently. It doesn't change the fact we have the world's biggest economy and love to consume goods. How is the 15% killing us? Do you have some numbers to back this claim? Investment dropping? Foreigners LOVE to invest here.
  24. Like where? Less people getting a paycheck means less demand which means less jobs being created. In what world in less employment better?
  25. We are both correct. The Federal Government shrunk 1.3% last year but still had added slightly more jobs since 2009. That may change by the end of 2012. The local government's have definitely gotten smaller. Here is a link: Under Obama, a Record Decline in Government Jobs The decline is public sector jobs has definitely hurt the recovery IMO.
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