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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Saying Obama isn't part of the real world is dumb. Romney hasn't been part of the "real world" since birth.
  2. That's all I was trying to say about it. A great line to deliver to the public. Obama must believe he can turn this Bain thing around on Romney. It could work or it might backfire. I definitely can see it working by Obama pushing that Romney is running on his record of making money for investors and wealthy people and once again leaving the middle class behind. Should be interesting....
  3. I don't care who you are, this was a great line by the President: Thanks for posting the blog from The Economist meazza. I love their stuff.
  4. I'm still not sure what Romney's vision really is. Vote for him and the economy just gets fixed?
  5. I think Romney is going to run into some serious problems when foreign policy comes into play. I know not a lot of people like Obama on here, but his foreign policy record is....solid. Now, I'll wait for you guys to lecture me how I'm wrong.
  6. No way this election becomes a blowout unless a big economic downturn hits. IF Romney wins, it will be by a very close margin. I'd like to see what Obama/McCain were looking like at this point or even Bush/Kerry. A lot of things can happen from now until November. I just can't see a blowout happening either way. Obama is still ahead in the general national poll. I'll put it at 60% chance Obama wins. Some Democrats need to stop acting like the election is in the bag already - it's far from it.
  7. Pennsylvania of course is huge, but I think Obama holds on there. There is a better shot of Obama winning Florida than Romney winning Pennsylvania IMO. A lot of the state polls on RCP are a little outdated. I think we could see some shifts in the swing states towards Romney more in the coming polls.
  8. I don't know why they have Michigan in the toss-up category. If you click on the polling, it is Obama +5. Iowa is definitely in play, not so sure about Wisconsin but it is possible. The problem I see for Romney is he has to win Florida no matter what. There are almost no paths to victory without it. Look how red this map is, and Romney still loses because he lost Florida.
  9. New England usually isn't in play besides maybe New Hampshire. I don't think it's really in play either in 2012. Virginia is definitely a toss-up right now, but I think it will end up going to Romney. NC goes to Romney as well. Full prediction as of right now: Romney: VA, NC Obama: PA, OH, New England States Florida is a tough call. Not sure where this is going.
  10. I'm not an expert on Wisconsin but the whole thing seems like a waste of time. I'm not a fan of Walker really, but he was the guy elected for the job.
  11. Scott Walker is going nowhere. He will win the recall election easily.
  12. Yeah, because those aren't in play every Presidential election........... Indiana is usually a red state through and through until Obama in 08. North Carolina and Virginia as well.
  13. Polls are all about STATISTICS. He does a great job on his blog analyzing polls and making predictions. But, but...DAILY KOS!
  14. If he has a history of this, name 3-5 things without research. Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly Rasmussen Poll on Wisconsin Dispute May Be Biased
  15. I agree. But Super PACs double down on that premise that money talks. We should be trying to fix that problem not encourage it as Magox is proposing. He is butthurt over unions tipping the scales which is not as a big a deal he thinks it is. Let's get rid of that too though. Even the field. Won't happen of course but it would be nice.
  16. Buying elections like in 2000, 2002, 2004 or 2010? Those years?
  17. Wow I don't even know what to say. You are probably the most partisan person I've ever talked with. Your whole argument is bogus. Well, they did it for years so now it's our turn! Because unions (see: Police, Fire, etc) never give to Republicans..... If someone were to read this thread objectively, they'd probably find you to be the person whining...big time.
  18. What's wrong with my compromise? Seriously?! Only individuals can donate. If you have an actual vote in the election, donate then. Place a reasonable cap on it. Is that not an even playing field for everyone?
  19. So rasmussen cool but not PPP? Okay.... These are sort of opinions that form when the country is so divided politically. People believe the worst of the other side. Kind of sad really. It bothers me so much on shows like The Ed Show that he just sits there for an hour just blaming the Republicans for everything wrong in the world. Same could be said for other political shows on Fox.
  20. It will make me smile when Obama wins and you'll have four more years of your own WHINING. You're only happy with Super PACs because they are helping your "team". That's a sad stance. How'd did I change the point? You kept WHINING about unions and their never ending donations and I said take those away and it still wouldn't matter! What's wrong with my stance of unions not being allowed to donate? Your "team" still doesn't make it out??
  21. I remebered a poll that around 30% of R's believed Obama wasn't born here. Didn't think it was as high as 51%. There were a good number of Democrats who were "truthers" as well. People love a good conspiracy.
  22. I am a pollster guy. You must have me confused. There were polls showing a good chunk of Republicans believed the. Birthers claims.
  23. The Obama CAMPAIGN will still outraise the Romney CAMPAIGN. You're arguing in favor of buying elections. Good for you. 740 Millions huh? Subract the union donations and guess what? He still had tons more money raised. Super PACs are just making the political process even dirtier than it was in the past.
  24. Polling was pretty telling that it wasn't just the tinfoil crowd. A lot on the far right believed in the conspiracy.
  25. Man, how bad did the right look during the whole birther thing?? LMAO. And some are still holding on! RIP Breitbart!!!!
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