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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Yes, because all recessions are created equal.
  2. What did he do to them in the first 2 years? If anything, he tried compromising when it wasn't necessary. (Stimulus - extra tax cuts, Healthcare - no public option) Republicans have "gotten him back" over the last two year if you want to look at it that way. Their goal was to not help the American people in a struggling economy. Their GOAL was to prevent the re-election of Obama and they were proud to come out and say it. Disgraceful.
  3. Well, Republicans wouldn't have the goal of voting against everything the President supports to prevent re-election anymore. Maybe both sides could work together for a change.
  4. Define "limited" and "fiscal responsibility". Of course people are for those things - they are just words. They want to dramatically cut spending by the federal government which will definitely raise the rate of unemployment in a rough economic climate like now. Our debt is not an immediate problem until politicians start playing games like they did last year.
  5. I just don't like the Tea Party because they are just so wrong on what needs to be done to help the economy. And they have supported some pretty nutty politicians...
  6. Bush's face at 3:46 is priceless. He's like "Oh man, I'm screwed!"
  7. Well, he definitely hasn't been a Kenynesian by any stretch. The only thing close was the stimulus package. The economy is going the way Republicans wanted it. Private sector growing, public sector shrinking. Spending was reigned in and taxes have remained low. And now we see the results in the slowing recovery.
  8. The first 2 years, things were at least getting down. Stimulus bill worked to an extent, but was not large enough or targeted well. Health care had some good things but came up short. At least SOMETHING was being done is help. The Republicans approach of playing politics with this shaky economy is lowest of the low. (Democrats guilty too)
  9. It's been a long time. Can't stand him.
  10. I blame the President along with Congress. There is no plans on either side. It's all politics, all the time! I'm really getting sick of it. Everything is so partisan now. Something really needs to change. On the right, even hinting to work with the other side to compromise is a death sentence. Sickening. Meanwhile, the Democrats can't put together anything to help the struggling economy. If they do have them, they are scared as usual because of possible ramifications at the booth.
  11. You recommended John Stossel! Come on bro! I did start the Trayvon thread. Obviously, the case was VERY distorted at the time (Thank you Media!). I got sick of arguing about that. Only thing that bothers me is that people are now praising Zimmerman like he was the victim.
  12. Came into the thread to see someone call Zakaria a "lib". You guys never let me down!
  13. Unemployment has been calculated the same way for years and years and you're blaming this admin for that? Wow.
  14. This post is bad. QE3 never happened. And inflation has been rather low. A lot of hot air here...
  15. This thread is bad. The difference with Helping the poor comes down to one side believing charity or private establishments giving help or the government/state should help. I think both should exist. We have to help/support the poor in some form. Medicaid, Food Stamp programs, and some welfare programs are good but clearly are being abused and need some reform. I hate the idea of just getting rid of the programs in whole. Actually I don't even take people serious when they say that.
  16. This is pretty funny. What exactly will change? Demand skyrockets somehow? Taxes immediately go to zero?? Lolol.
  17. LMAO. That last line is hilarious. Romney worked in the private sector so let's elect him? How about we take a look at his policies first. What is he actually going to do when he gets there?
  18. Define failure though. The private sector has been growing for 2-3 years. And what does Romney bring to the table to create more jobs and spur the economy. Frankly, I'm not sure either guy has the tools to do it.
  19. You're taking this to the extreme here. A lot of people are actually fine with the way Obama is doing the job. If things aren't recovering fast enough for you or you think Romney could somehow do a better job, then vote for him. But I'm sure lots of voters are thinking why change now in the middle of a recovery? Will Romney do better? What does he bring to the table that helps me and the economy?
  20. Well, the polling says otherwise. Obama is leading nationally still and in a lot of swing states. If Romney loses, it will be because Romney is a very weak candidate. Just because people are out of work and things aren't great, it doesn't mean people will automatically elect Romney. A lot of people may think that Romney could do no better or even worse than Obama.
  21. I was flipping channels during the hockey game last night and stopped on The Ed Show for a minute. He was talking about how the polls are closer than ever in Wisconsin. LOL. I predict Walker wins by 6+ percentage points.
  22. Okay guys, settle down. Maybe I should rephrase this. People believe Obama is more like them because he didn't come from a wealthy or political background. Polling shows that people like him more and his values match up closest with theirs. ( I know you all hate the likeablitiy thing. Lol) I am saying all this politically. I'm looking at what a lot of voters vote on...sadly enough. I'm sure most of us here all vote on the economy, energy, etc. - real issues. As DC Tom pointed out, a lot of getting elected is marketing. Romney has trouble marketing HIMSELF without bringing up Obama.
  23. He still can't relate to the average American. He just can't. The same could probably be said about the President but not to the same effect.
  24. If you think so. But, the "real world" argument is something Romney's side can never win. You can say that about almost every politician. Once they get involved, it's over from there.
  25. That pay gap exists almost everywhere. Democrats look pretty stupid on this one though. If you're going to champion a bill (something I kinda agree on), get your own payroll in order to set an example. Wow.
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