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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. No, I knew he used a crate. I heard about the other stuff I bolded on the radio yesterday and wasn't sure if it was true. I guess it is.
  2. The dog incident has it's own wiki page. Lol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney_dog_incident Lmao.
  3. Weird. Obama didn't say the word "cuts" one time in your video. He does say "savings" though. The $700+ Billion did not target benefits for seniors anyways. Another falsehood. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/aug/15/mitt-romney/mitt-romney-said-barack-obama-first-history-rob-me/
  4. I agree wholeheartedly with the title of this thread.
  5. He was a kid. Romney was an adult who literally strapped a dog to the roof of his car. (That gets more ridiculous every time I think about it. Lmao) Either way, it's stupid and things like this make politics the worst it's ever been.
  6. I'll put it the way you guys like it/ http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/502dc189eab8ea604e00000c-590/meanwhile-the-obama-campaign-released-its-own-whiteboard-in-response.jpg
  7. Romney's plan for Medicare: It will be solvent. Thanks Mitt for clearing that up!!
  8. How bad was the "white board chronicles" with Mitt Romney?? Lol. Who the hell runs this guy's campaign? Looked like he was running to be a small town mayor.
  9. It pretty much was. I don't care about the Biden gaffe or whatever the OP is about.
  10. They need to put y'all back in chains! But for real, either both are racist, or neither. Take your pick.
  11. Republicans love Super PACs! Politics is a joke now. This is what they wanted though. A "level playing field".
  12. I agree with this. A lot of Reps are crazy. I like my representative, pretty level headed. I've never minded John Boehner. Now Mitch McConnell on the other hand.....
  13. Going back to the registered voters thing. Is it really a good thing that people are dropping for the Democartic and Republican party? All that will remain would be the far left and far right. Then, they will continue to nominate polarizing figures. I know in some states, Independents can vote in primaries but in a lot, they are closed primaries. Just something to think about. If people want better candidates, they're probably going to have to do it through either political party.
  14. I feel like the campaigns are STILL talking about each other....
  15. Bad gaffe by Biden. (What else is new?) He was referring to "unshackled" rhetoric but doesn't matter now.
  16. q Did she talk about it on her show? I think I beat her to the punch on it.
  17. When you take an average of all the polling, Rasmussen still leans right. It's not a bias really, but it's worth noting. 6-10 point lead?? Are you nuts? Romney will be lucky to get to 50%. Sidenote: Why would someone lie over the phone about their vote??
  18. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst....
  19. Lol. You are correct on the first part. Graduated May 2011. Headed back for my Masters starting in a couple weeks. I don't worship Keynesian Economics or Krugman, but I do lean that way a bit. There is plenty of problems with it, but I think it's funny when people say Keynesian economics has failed here. We are far from using Keynesian policies here. A. The theory assumes nobody would work/produce at a 100% tax rate. That is a huge assumption to begin with. B. It's a little simplistic. The tax code is more complex. The curve is basically taking into consideration one single tax rate. A higher income tax rate could shift more activity into capital gains, etc. We also have payroll taxes and different tax brackets. C. It also bases itself in the assumption that the rich create the output and they need incentive to act instead of doing nothing. I find the Laffer Curve interesting and I'm probably more accepting of it than most "Keynesian hacks". Lol. But, it still has it's problems as most theories do.
  20. Paul Ryan's budget would keep the $700B in cuts as well....
  21. I never said this was the case. The relationship is more complex than that. I don't necessarily agree with the Laffer Curve though.
  22. Yeah, it's all spin... Politics is a dirty game. I wish you would just admit that it comes from BOTH sides of the aisle.
  23. 1. Health Insurance is unlike any other type of insurance. To model it after car insurance is disaster. (Not sure if you are even being serious here) Regardless, you will never agree in this area probably. 2. The tax cut issue. I'm pretty sure we've had this discussion a few times back on the BBMB. Even using the link you provided, tax receipts are shown going down after Bush's tax cuts from 2001 to 2002 in current dollars, 2005 dollars, and as a percentage of GDP. 1982 to 1983 also showed a drop in receipts after a Reagan tax cut. Looking at most of Reagan's presidency, tax collections are at some of the lower rates in our history as a percentage of GDP. We can also look at receipts going up after a tax increase by the Clinton administration. Revenues kept climbing during this time in office without the help of many major tax cuts. So, there is no hard evidence that tax cuts raise revenues or there isn't much evidence to show raising taxes will always revenue either. Economic growth as a whole increases revenues. Tax cuts can help economic growth in some cases, but that doesn't mean that is cure for all economic woes. 3. Foreign Policy - nothing to add. 4. Planned Parenthood provides good service in my opinion. It's a ridiculous target for the right. Focus on something else. Legal or illegal immigration - what the hell is Romney's plan?? Is it still to build a giant fence? Romney also refuses to take a stance on the Fair Pay Act. Make a choice! 5. Nail in the coffin for me as a voter because I fundamentally disagree with him on most of economic proposals. That's it. I've said in the primaries I could possibly vote for Romney or Huntsman. Romney's campaign has been so horrific though. Ox, I'd like to hear your reason for voting for Romney. What does HE bring to the table?
  24. Once again I'm drunk at 6am. I'll respond to oxrock when I wake up. Lol. His thoughts on revenues raising because of tax cuts is !@#$ing hilarious though. It's not the tax cuts that raise revenues. They always decrease when enacted even with these last round of Bush tax cuts. I'll get into it more later...
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