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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. He's talking policy. Romney should have gave it a shot! (But I do agree it sounds like a lot of his speeches)
  2. https://twitter.com/JoeNBC/status/243900367644004353
  3. Krauthammer: "DNC knew what the weather would be months ago" What a hack. LOL
  4. It was a little long, but it h ad substance and policy talk. Good to hear for a change. I think Clinton did his job on focuses on policy and contrasting the two parties/candidates. It will be tough for Obama to top it but if anyone can, it's him.
  5. I actually agree with that, but I thought the line was good in a political sense.
  6. Great speech by Michelle IMO. Pretty much refuted Romney's speech without saying his name. "Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives." - Mrs. Obama
  7. Own it. Conservatives rallied behind the guy.
  8. Hilarious... So, what if they charge some people extra because of where they're from AND they end up tipping very well? Do you give the money back?
  9. I wasn't saying I THINK they should jump on it. I'm surprised they didn't make something out of it. Especially Lawrence O' Donnell Or ED. I have no problem with the line. I was commenting on the liberal pundits who surprised me for not going after it. Although I did see an Ed Schultz tweet about it just calling it an interesting line. Lol
  10. http://news.yahoo.co...-164648794.html Stay classy Karl Rove!!
  11. Mitt's speech wasn't bad. Watched it live. Not much talk on policy though. "We need an American." I'm surprised the left hasn't jumped on that line from last night. Lol
  12. Prediction markets, which are probably more reliable than most polling shows no change for Romney today. Still hovering at 40%. Everyone is talking about Clint, not Mitt. Republicans dropped the ball...
  13. That's true. Look at George Zimmerman!
  14. Is "Invisible Obama" is this movie? Him and Clint work so well together.
  15. You're a couple weeks late on this one. Very few use RV at this point.
  16. http://twitpic.com/aphguu #Eastwooding
  17. The poll was NBC and Wall Street Journal.... CNN just put out a LV poll that had Obama +2. And why would someone lie to an anonymous pollster?? Never got an answer for that.
  18. It was a NBC/WSJ poll. I seen it on Morning Joe a couple days ago. It was 54-39. I can't seem to find the poll though. Hmmm... Here is the video from MoJo: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/morning-joe/48735257 (The poll was from July, not August) But, here it shows Obama with a 10, not 15 point lead: http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/21/13399788-nbcwsj-poll-heading-into-conventions-obama-has-four-point-lead?lite (In the margin of error of changing so it's not too crazy, but definitely misleading from Morning Joe!)
  19. Or read the polls all of the time... Edit: The latest poll I seen was 15. The average right now is around 9 points towards Obama.
  20. Don't get why you guys are talking about seniors? Ryan has nothing to help Romney with his 15 point gap with women, and 30+ point gap with latinos.
  21. Lady Gaga has 28 million followers. Obama having 18 million after having the account open for probably 5 years isn't that outrageous. There probably is a good chunk that are fake or spam, but not 13 million.
  22. I reeeeaaallly doubt he has 13 million fake followers.
  23. But, I've been hearing that for 2-3 months now. Convention is next week. The time is now or never for him.
  24. So, does Romney get any criticism for his lackluster campaign or is it just "America is stupid"? Haven't seen that one. I'll have to check it out.
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