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Everything posted by fjl2nd

  1. Romney speech recorded with him saying 47% of Americans don't pay taxes and are dependent on government. They are Obama supporters and think they are victims. What bull ****! Not only did he say this, Reince Preibus doubles down on the comments like a retard and reiterates the myth of giant government under Obama. http://www.buzzfeed.com/dorsey/rnc-chairman-reince-priebus-says-romney-was-on-me#HTWF2 And then this comment: And finally, let's point out where the 47% actually are. Mostly red states: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2012/09/17/romneys-47-remark/57797246/1
  2. I thought Mario had a great game. I often focus on him since he is the big money man. He was getting decent pressure and was getting double/triple teamed no matter what some are trying to say in this thread. They even showed a replay of it on CBS. I love watching this D-Line together. I hope they are together for a very long time.
  3. No offense Ox, but that site looks very unprofessional. Plus it looks like they only take Rasmussen polls. RCP, Polltracker, and 538 are probably your best bet for looking at polls since they take every poll into account. And 538 takes it even farther with the statistical analysis.
  4. We'll have to disagree on this. I don't think it's a right/wrong type of thing. I also am confident in the American people. How would you rate the DNC?? Is Romney strong on foreign policy? The smirk comment was a little jab, but you have to admit it was a little creepy when he walked off stage smiling like that...
  5. There is a reason fuel and food prices are not always taken into consideration. I'm talking core inflation here. Fuel/food is affected by many outside factors such as weather and middle eastern conflicts. There is plenty evidence it worked to an extent, but the package was not put together well. It had to be scaled back for political reasons. Our economy's GDP was $14 Trillion, of course $787 Billion wasn't going to be enough alone to get the economy going again. Included in that $787B was plenty of tax cuts that weren't as stimulative as direct spending. Again, oil and food are in different categories. Debtors benefit. Private debt, which is a huge obstacle holding back consumer spending will fall. Suddenly, debt becomes easier to handle because the dollar is worth a little less. Obviously, it's not this simple but it has an effect in the short run. Hopefully this link works: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/graph/fredgraph.png?&id=CPIAUCSL&scale=Left&range=5yrs&cosd=2007-07-01&coed=2012-07-01&line_color=%230000ff&link_values=false&line_style=Solid&mark_type=NONE&mw=4&lw=1&ost=-99999&oet=99999&mma=0&fml=a&fq=Monthly&fam=avg&fgst=lin&transformation=pc1&vintage_date=2012-09-14&revision_date=2012-09-14 Graph of CPI over the last 5 years which included food and gas. WHERE IS THE MASS INFLATION??
  6. B-Man, wake up. You are completely understating the trends. Romney looks like toast. From the great DNC to Romney's incompetence on foreign policy, it's looking bleak. Not to mention that sinister smirk as he left the stage after blaming the President for attacks in Libya.
  7. Mitt Romney probably already lost the election over this debacle. This is grasping at straws....
  8. The Fed can only do so much. They can't fix the unemployment problem. Congress has the tools to do that but nothing will get done politically. This is the perfect time to undergo some government spending to get the ball rolling because interest rates cannot go any lower and there is no signs of inflation (despite boogeyman warnings for 3 years!). The inflation rate is probably too low. I'd like to hear this explanation and the data backing it up...
  9. Mitt Romney can't win this election without Florida. Take a look at this map: http://www.270towin.com/2012_election_predictions.php?mapid=yqz Obama could lose Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Nevada and STILL WIN 270-268. Recent polls have Obama +4 in Florida...
  10. What does state welfare benefits have to do with the President?
  11. Update on Latest Polls: Wash Post/ABC National: Obama +1 Gallup National: Obama +6 CNN National: Obama +6 Rasmussen National: Obama +3 Survey USA Florida: Obama +4 PPP Ohio: Obama +5 Gravis Marketing Ohio: Obama +4 Just reminding you guys what the race actually looks like...
  12. What is this "free stuff" Palin is talking about?? God, she is retarded.
  13. LMAO. More pressing issues than his rights being different than most just because he is gay? People vote with self-interest. This clearly matters to him, and many other voters. Just because YOU don't care about it doesn't mean someone else shouldn't. Especially when he is the one that is affected.
  14. What evidence do you have to backup your claim that Romney will win that state? He has barely been ahead in any polls in Virginia. He can't seem to gain ground for some reason. Even if he does manage to win Virginia, it's a moot point since he isn't going to win Ohio.
  15. So, a historically red state being tied is bad for Obama? Okay guy...
  16. Let's play dumb and pretend we don't know why people say/said Obama's middle name like they did.
  17. The race victim card. Original..... Willard is his first name. Hussein is Obama's middle name. And it doesn't make you a racist, but I'm not sure why you would call someone by their middle name?
  18. He is cutting rates on the wealthy no matter what he says until he points to what loopholes he is supposedly closing. His party doesn't like his Obamacare talk at all either. He needs two more really bad jobs reports to win this thing. And even then, people still don't like him.
  19. Romney must be in this "conspiracy" too. He's really cranking up his flip-flopping and just desperate comments. Today alone I heard him say he'd keep parts of Obamacare, he won't raise taxes on the wealthy, and accused Obama of removing God from money. LMAO. Guys, it's looking rough for Willard.
  20. See, this is the kind of comments that are ridiculous. Keep burying your head in the sand. Obama is seeing a nice bounce from the conventions and the final polling isn't even out. Gallup also has the head to head at 49-45 Obama. Those numbers are over a 7 day average too. He might hit that magic number of 50 very soon. 538 also puts Obama's chances up to 78%.
  21. Clinton's speech was better. To me, this speech was lackluster due to hearing Obama speak so much in the past.
  22. Me and B-Man go way back! And I'd argue that not my analysis at all. I've had plenty of criticisms of the President, his campaign and the party as a whole.
  23. Too much SPIN in your post!! You've been campaigning against Obama since January 21, 2009 so it's not like your opinion really matters.
  24. He's doing both....
  25. Infinitely more policy oriented than Mitt Romney's speech.
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