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Everything posted by Drunkard
Whatever, man. There's a reason the playoff drought is almost old enough to vote. If whining about others whining makes you feel better about the hire, good for you.
He also didn't get to choose his GM either when he got hired. He had to earn that right over time, they didn't just give him the keys to the kingdom (or however you want to word it) until he had a track record of success. I imagine a big part of it had to do with the teams kept hiring away all their assistants, coordinators, and front office people as well. This guy has never been a head coach in the NFL for so much power and authority to be handed to him.
Nothing like letting a first time NFL head coach pick his own boss. They really rolled out the red carpet for him. He's like Belichick (without the track record of winning).
Yeah, let's just scrap the whole concept because there are some areas of the country where it's not relevant. We shouldn't worry about border security either because it doesn't apply to Hawaii or many of the non border states. If all legislation had to apply to all states we wouldn't have most legislation and Congress would get even less done than they do now.
I know your example was a rectal extraction. You just happened to skew your numbers in a way to make it look like raises wages doesn't help people at the bottom of the economic ladder so I clarified it. If I have said raising the minimum wage $10 would only cause prices to go up $1 you would tell me that wasn't realistic.
Right. It's better to let the biggest company in the world (Walmart) pay many of its workers so little that the government has to subsidize them with welfare, food stamps, and heating oil subsidies right? $15 an hour may be too high for a minimum wage but it should be set at a high enough level where anyone working 40 hours a week earns enough to not qualify for government assistance. That should make conservatives happy because it means more people pulling the wagon and fewer people getting free rides. Wouldn't you rather have all these fast food workers, janitors, cashiers, and grocery shelf stockers paying into the system instead of taking way more out of it then they pay in? I know the next argument/excuse is that the welfare threshold just ends up getting raised whenever the minimum wage is raised by that's why coming up with a new living wage or whatever you want to call it should be done in conjunction with welfare reform.
Yes, it goes up somewhat, but not anywhere near the dollar for dollar basis you stipulated. Inflation does manage to take the before and after into account though. They track the CPI on a monthly basis. The data is all there. Raising the minimum wages does not lead to inflation on a dollar for dollar basis. Not even close. http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/ https://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/chart.htm
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It was in my post that you replied to though. Right there. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Or I just really hate the idea of people teaching intelligent design in schools and trying to pass off their religious dogma as science. I like the cut of your jib, sir. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I'd be more than happy to support every Christian bakery in the country and allow them to refuse service to those homosexual sinners in exchange for states like Kansas not being able to try to pass off intelligent design as science. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
That's fine until one faith tries to legislate its morality onto others. When that happens I have an issue with it, regardless of whether that faith is Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, or whatever other faith is doing it. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I watch a little bit of everything, even Fox News, but haven't watched the Daily Show nearly as much since Jon Stewart left (Trevor Noah just isn't as funny in my opinion). I even listen to some of the right wing radio guys for a laugh, although it was much funnier while the muslim Kenyan was still in office. Hearing guys like Michael Savage cry wolf about how Obama has effectively turned the United States into the Soviet Union in one breath then berating him for being impotent and incompetent in the next breath. How a leader can be so incompetent, yet effective at turning the Republic into a socialist state is the epitome of talking out of both sides of your mouth. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I thought it was drawing Allah that was forbidden? Shows you how little I know about their version of voodoo. That's why I prefer to poke fun at Christianity. I grew up with that nonsense so I'm more familiar with it. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I can't access youtube at work but type George Carlin religion is bull **** into google and the video should come up. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I haven't read the Koran so I'm not familiar with their particular brand of crazy voodoo. If they have the same type of nonsense in their book though I'd be happy to ridicule it as well. The 72 virgins part sounds ridiculous (almost as if the upper crusties who wrote their book negotiated over the number rather than it be divinely inspired) and I don't care for the way some of them make women wear beekeeper suits. They go apeshit when you draw their imaginary friend which is pretty stupid as well but that's about all I know about them. I'm not afraid to ridicule them whatsoever though. The sooner mankind gets over this nonsense the sooner we can move forward as a species. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes. Are you familiar with sarcasm? I compared the Bible to Aesop's Fables just a few posts back. I actually agree with some of what's in it when you take it as an allegory. Unfortunately lots of people take it literally and hold it up as if it's some sort of Bible that was written by God or some such nonsense. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ok, so only some of it is nonsense. Got it. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Talking snakes, virgin births, living inside of a whale, and getting at least two of every creature on earth to !@#$ on a boat doesn't sound like a strong factual basis to me. Sounds more like Aesop's Fables. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I'm pretty sure your answer was sarcastic, but here is a fun response when it isn't sarcasm. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is it in a nutshell. Theism is believe in a deity. Atheism is a lack of that belief, usually because there's no evidence. Many religious people try to create a false equivalency where there isn't one. My guess is to make them feel better about having imaginary friends as adults but that's just my guess. The big driver usually stems from the fear of death. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I see we've reached the portion of the argument where it's really Christians who are the ones being discriminated against, despite all the evidence to the contrary and the actual demographics of the country. -
For simple economics and easy math your example figures are sure wrong, and they happen to be conveniently wrong in the same direction that supports your argument and makes the problem seem way worse than it would be (funny how that works). It wouldn't be anywhere close to the dollar for dollar price increases that you're stipulating. The only case that would get dollar for dollar increases would be in an industry where 100% percent of costs are accounted for by labor and even that would only be dollar for dollar in a business that is 100% labor and the service takes exactly an hour. Raw materials, equipment, land, buildings, and other capital make up a pretty large portion as well so doubling the cost of labor would only increase prices by a fraction of that amount. The inflation records before and after minimum wage raises bears this out as well. So yes prices would increase but by less than their paychecks would go up by.
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
First off, where did I say I was was only concerned about the national conservative agenda? I never said that or even alluded to it, otherwise I wouldn't have used the examples that I did, so that's not a focus problem on my behalf, it's an interpretation problem on yours. More likely you're just trying to move the goal posts so you don't have to defend the nonsense that goes on at the state and local levels regarding passing intelligent design off as science, abstinence only education, or the way red states like Texas pass legislation impeding a woman's right to chhose. My concerns about evangelicals pushing their beliefs on people who don't hold their same beliefs are stated well enough by that handful of examples and that is enough for me to avoid the GOP like a plague. I don't know enough about the other type of conversion therapy you're speaking of to have an opinion either way but I don't agree with hormone therapy to convert genders for minors on the surface so I'm not going to try to defend an argument that I'm not even in support of. The conversion therapy I was talking about isn't done by law to my knowledge it's done by religious nuts applying family and religious pressure to people who happen to be gay. Even if it's not madated by law the Evangelical politicians who support crap like that is enough to cost them my vote in perpetuity. Not that it matters at this point though because as you've already pointed out that kind of nonsense only gains traction at the local levels and usually only in areas with high numbers of evangelicals. It doesn't mean I'm going to ignore it or support the dumbing down the overall population on a wide scale. The gay customer/Christian bakery thing is a sticky wicket for sure. It sucks in theory that they'd have to bake a cake for them but a line has to be drawn somewhere to protect people from discrimination. Otherwise what's to stop them from refusing service to black people, or muslims, or some other group? I'm pretty sure the Equal Protection clause is written in that Constitution that Conservatives hold up as basically an infallible document that was handed down directly from God to Jesus backed when he lived in Branson, Missouri or some such nonsense. As for tax payer funded abortions I'm pretty sure Planned Parenthood has opened their books and shown that their federal funding gets spent on things like mammograms and other non abortion services. I don't dispute that fetuses can feel pain and I'm not pro-abortion. Even people who are pro choice like I am want abortions to be safe, legal, and RARE. The conservatives totally lose any moral highground on this issue though with their love the fetus, hate the baby approach though. They'll scream abortion is murder till the cows come home then vote for some !@#$ that promises to cut welfare for all those "takers". Who makes us most welfare recipients? Poor, single, women with kids. Who has most of the abortions in this country? Poor, single, women. So the Republicans want to force poor women who get pregnant to hve these kids they can't afford, then also want to cut assistance they'd be eligible for. If they really want to reduce the number of abortions shouldn't they be in favor of increasing aid to single women with kids? I've also never said that the religious psychobabble of muslims was no big deal. In fact I think it's a huge deal. The way many/some/most muslims treat gays, women, and non-muslims is despicable and they are way worse than the way Christians have been in centuries (way to go team Jesus, although that's not exactly a high bar to get over). I merely said it wasn't as big of a problem, relatively speaking, to what Evangelicals do in the US because of scale. Muslims have very little political clout in the US where Evangelicals have a ton. It's purely a matter of scale and proximity. I'm way more likely to be hassled by the Jesus nut down the street than the Allah nut threatening infidels for someone drawing his imaginary friend. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't see how you can say glabal warming in and of itself is a hoax. http://time.com/4637064/2016-hottest-year-on-record/ 2014 was the hottest year on record until it was surpassed by 2015, and then that was surpassed by 2016. One is an incident, two is a coincidence, but three is a pattern. That is global warming. We can disagree/argue/debate about the amount of contribution humans have had to the rise of temperature but I have zero interest in debating the fact that the earth is getting hotter because it is a fact. Trying to debate when one side just outright ignores basic facts is an exercise in futility. -
Have you switched sides politically?
Drunkard replied to The_Dude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You pegged me as some sort of lord to the noobs or whatever video game/internet geek nonsense so I'd say it's fair game.