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Everything posted by DocLawless

  1. Might sound corny, but I am so proud to be a fan of this team! Such a great fanbase and camaraderie. My dad got me started 27 years ago and I could never repay him. Funny thing is most hate that they love the bills, and I understand lol
  2. I bet against Bama tonight. I lose
  3. I won't speak on Beane as I feel he still has a lot to prove, but my personal opinion is that very few coaches could have brought last years roster to the playoffs. I know we had some help and I know McDermotts clapping annoys people for some reason, but I think we have a good one in him. I hope he gets a couple more years.
  4. Nope, it's this guy right here! playerprofile.com
  5. Oouu yup, that is another tough one. I believe those picks have the selecting GM in common
  6. Well to be fair, Torell Troup getting selected by us exactly one pick ahead of Rob Gronkowski who went to the patriots is a really hard pill to swallow lol.
  7. One of the more spot on posts I have read about this subject ?
  8. I could care less about the website, as I have never heard of it. I was referring to the needless insult to those with views that might not align with yours. No need for that. Me putting you on ignore doesn't alleviate any others who you might have insulted. Not going to put you on ignore as I imagine we have some things in common regarding the Bills, I guess I just don't see the point of political insults on this particular forum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. I come to this site to enjoy sports opinions. Political opinions seem to get pushed down everybody's throats everywhere else. Keep your political opinions and insults to yourself.
  10. Actually, he's right. My Mom's cousin's brother knows this guy named Dunkirk Don who is friends with someone on the staff. Apparently he was told they haven't really been trying in the games or running any plays of complexity due to it being preseason and all. He said we will all see hell unleashed opening day, so that's good.
  11. I LOVED the Josh Allen pick, and I don't blame him at all for today, but I don't know if I want to see him get destroyed behind that line all season. With that said, I will be ok with whoever they name to be the starter for this season. Although I don't think it should be McCarron.
  12. Also, if you don't want to wait, I found them on youtube. Here are the links in order. And oh yea, GO BILLS!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz5pEYvGBbU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03RD1gBR-aY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLwxT1cG-3k
  13. One is his ex-girlfriends best friend and the other is his ex-girlfriends cousin
  14. Hey, I am not saying he is guilty, just stating what I thought she was trying to say in the Facebook post. I am 100% for innocent until proven guilty. I think it seems skeptical at best IMO as well, but not much surprises me these days either.
  15. Just my perspective, but what I gathered from that Facebook post I got the idea that they still think McCoy is behind it. Sounded to me like they think he had men sent to pistol whip and rob her. Hope it ends up having nothing to do with him.
  16. Worst game I attended at the Ralph was Bills steelers in 2016. It was very cold and wet and Leveon Bell ran all over them all game. He had 236 yards rushing and 3 td's. I travelled 7 hours to watch the worst tackling I have ever seen. It was a must win game and the 27-20 score was wayyyyyy closer than the game actually was. Brutal .
  17. Tough one. I voted Thurman because I think he is greatest Bills RB of all time and loved watching him play. But Fred Jackson is a VERY close second for me. That guy did everything right, played tough always, and had it much harder than Thurman. Both great backs. F OJ
  18. Just wanted to share a film breakdown of Tremaine Edmunds that I enjoyed. Excited about this kid! https://player.fm/series/redskins-media-the-team-980/ep-04-24-18-cooley-film-breakdown-lbs-smith-edmunds
  19. That's capitalism though. Your beef should be with society, not the NFL. If people stopped attending/watching a team that has a guy who beats women (Which I think would be a totally fair reason to stop watching) then teams would stop hiring them as well. I think NFL teams just don't think Kaepernick is worth the headache and media circus that comes with him now if he wont be a franchise QB, let alone your starter. You mean your president, Donald Trump? ^ This! Spot on
  20. I can't wait to wake up on the morning of April 27th and see Josh Rosen NOT on our roster
  21. I understand he isn't lighting the world on fire of late, but to make it sound like Zay is our only competent wideout is a stretch IMO, especially considering most would list Benjamin as our number 1.
  22. Former first round WR selection Kelvin Benjamin is pretty good....
  23. Disagree. Football skill shouldn't give anyone a pass on terrible **** they did off the field. I am FAR more embarrassed at him being on the wall then I ever was of the playoff drought. Probably why I like mcdermott and beane so much. Id rather lose with class then win with pieces of trash. Sometimes its bigger than football. I don't have kids yet, but someday I hope to want to show my kids what good men play for the Buffalo Bills, win or lose. This ^ ... yes It's important to keep context. Nobody is perfect and no we shouldn't just go removing great players for not being perfect imo. But cmon, the guy beat and then brutally killed his wife and an innocent young man with a knife. It's much different than a manslaughter charge where someone killed someone without purpose. He should be off the wall. He is a terrible human and should not be recognized for anything great
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