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  1. Crying & Praying for Damar Hamlin and his family.
  2. Hope this is the drive where Josh is composed and takes over the game.
  3. Wow, that's great Bass! jane curtain in Bass-o-matic comercial
  4. Does that work to get MSG/Sabres Games as well??? (signing up for fubu with Buffalo zip code)
  5. Original music recording and video from a Springville childhood friend who still rocks it after all these years! Let's Go Buff-a-lo!!!... Clap!Clap!...Clap!Clap!Clap!!! For Buffalo - The Jambrones Here we come Jacksonville!!!
  6. I was just saying that to my wife as we were discussing the big news. I would LOVE for us to bring back Frank! He is currently in his first year as QB Coach in Indy - working with Peyton Manning. If we can't get him this year, let's recruit him for next year! The FRANK for OC campaign begins!...
  7. I miss the community. The people of WNY are real, genuine, and look out for one another in a caring way. I live in Annapolis, MD now (Washington, DC area) and have worked all over the country - there is no better place when it comes to a great community feel. The Bills and Sabres are a part of that. If I were able to get a job in the area I would move back and love to raise my family there. Unfortunately, the overtaxing, nanny state government of NY has driven out all business and jobs. Until that changes, it will be hard to make WNY a viable/vibrant/growing economy where jobs are created and the people are free to succeed. Lets go Buff-a-lo! Cheers from a born and raised Buffalonian displaced to DC, Keith
  8. The 2nd amendment mandates that all citizens are allowed to keep and bear arms. This is not a crime. Just a crazy state government. My thoughts, prayers, and props are with Marshawn. Freeeeeeedooooommmm!
  9. Who could side with these insane freaks who are willing to do this? The liberals, the media, and the mis-led peace longing folks who think that intelectualizing with these terrorists who live what the Koran actually teaches. America, May God shed HIS grace on thee! -Keith
  10. As much as I hope he is a Bills fan, you can never believe anything that comes out of Chuckie Schumer's mouth.
  12. Hi, My family is getting together in Orlando for the Thanksgiving Day weekend (traveling from various parts of the country) and we will all go through serious withdrawl if we cant find a place to watch the Bills game. Is there a bar or venue that the Orlando Bills Backers gather to watch? Have a joyful Thanksgiving holiday. Go Bills! Gratefully, Keith
  13. Hi TBD-ers, I grew up going to Rich Stadium with my Dad as we were season ticket holders and followed the team through good and bad, Fergie to Kelly, 2-14 to Superbowls. Now that I am living in Annapolis, MD and my Dad retired and moved from Buffalo to Maryland to be closer to me, we have not been able to go to a game together. I am looking to surprise my Dad with the reviving the long-standing father-son tradition and take him to the Bills-Ravens game in Baltimore. Does anyone know where I can get my hands on 2 tickets? Go Bills! Cheers, Keith
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