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Everything posted by appooOnU

  1. think we have a shot to make a come back? or is our shooting to off the mark tonight?
  2. damn, 53 - 40 come on USA stop the bleeding
  3. 50 - 40 Argies
  4. no shame to losing to these guys. These cats can ball. I just wish I wasn't at work following along on Euro Sports match tracker
  5. how is this any different from hoping the Bills lose every game so we can get the #1 draft pick? and once more. WE AREN'T PLAYING 1V1 BASKETBALL!!!
  6. my entire point is this. Isn't this reason enough to be 100% behind this team?
  7. seriously, how many of you have actually watched all the basketball games since the Puerto Rico debacle? If you have there is no way you can say that this team "self-serving" and not giving it every they got. They leave EVERYTHING they have on the floor and they play for each other. They also move the basketball around beautifully. I'll be upset if WE lose to Argentina, but I'll be damn proud of them because I know they're going to give it everythign they got.
  8. have you actually been watching USA play from the Lithuania game onwards?
  9. what rule did Mike Williams break? He was not a college student when he hired his agent. And unfrotunatly, athletes need the agent and the money they provide to prepare for the draft for the trainers and dieticians and speed coaches and agility coaches, etc. But Mike has shown proof that he paid every single dime back and he also made himself academically eligible with summer classes. Whats the difference between this and what Chris Thomas did after his sophomore year? He got flown out to various workouts and camps by the NBA. After he pulled out he paid every dime back and showed the NCAA the reciepts. And guess what, he was declared eligible. The NCAA is really stupid about this
  10. At first, this looks like a landslide. But the Beach Volleyball girls have the whole athletecism and bikini thing going for them.....who wins this match up???
  11. he didn't, all reports indicate that Losman cutback INTO Vincent.
  12. this is ridiculus. It friggin football. a CONTACT sport. And Vincent has a spotless track record. Cheap shot my ass, has anyone actually seen the hit or did peope just read "Vincent hit Losman along the sidelines" and jump to conclusions? From what I've read Losman is to blame here because he was only going half speed. Thats when you get hurt. You can't play this game half-assed, and when you do, bad things happen
  13. with a nod of respect to our great soldiers, past and present since football is a walk in the park compared to the real thing.... Football is won in the trenches. Simple as that. We love to talk about Bledsoe, and Moulds, and Evans, and MCGahee, and Henry. And if we can get better out there. But really, the skill we have is MORE than good enough to win a super bowl. But, once again, football games are won in the trenches. If your offensive line can control the opposing Defensive Line - you'll be unstoppable. Vice Versa is also true. And this is what I wish our Coaches and GMs and Scouts would concentrate on. Sure its great having all those great skill players, but TAKE CARE OF THE LINES. I mean Miami,Fla (College) had one of the greatest college offenses ever with Ken Friggin Dorsey becayse they had the Greatest college Offensive Line ever. Thats how we should build this team. Sacrifice some of the skill players if you have to.
  14. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...r3524916130.jpg this one is hilarious! Someone's getting a lil piece of Kerri...
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