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Everything posted by TwistofFate

  1. Pushing games back with playoffs around the corner is a logistical nightmare for pretty much everyone involved...hotel rentals, car rentals, etc. Could they do it? Sure. I'm leaning on this game be completed in the next 48hrs, with the Bills and the Bengals having the option to proceed or forfeit. The interesting thing for me is if both clubs decide to forfeit, is it considered a draw?
  2. 100% honest..... I would be perfectly fine with the bills forfeiting this game losing a first round seed and possibly being eliminated in the first round. I love this Sport and I love this team but these are human beings and what happened tonight is real life not a game. I pray that kid survives.
  3. ***** him and the Bengals. I hope we have an offensive explosion, it's been awhile and just waiting to come out. I'd love to ***** all over them and lay claim to what is ours.
  4. What an idiot. An unprovoked attack, then to jump him with multiple other people on top of hitting him with a bottle. This is the type of ***** that gets people shot, every one of them.
  5. Herbstreit is less than adequate as Michaels partner, he makes the game terrible to watch. Fitz during halftime was awesome and I think he would make a way better partner and announcer than Herbstreit. Come on fashion fitzy, let's make it happen.
  6. Pissed that we are going to lose our comeback record.
  7. If it's capable of being reviewable, so should pass interference.
  8. What has this advanced brain research taught us about how the human brain functions, and ultimately about how men and women make decisions and solve problems? One key point we've learned is that while the brain is divided into left and right hemispheres, most of us are dominant on one side or the other. Some of us are primarily left-brain thinkers, which makes us more analytical, sequential, logical, and detailed. Others show dominance of their right brain, which is described as more creative, nonlinear, intuitive, and holistic. Can you guess which gender has been shown to have a left-brain orientation versus right? Researchers at Yale determined back in the nineties that men's tendency is to primarily use the left side of their brain, while women generally shift back and forth, drawing on both the left and right sides. In practice, this means that men are more likely to have a fact- and logic-based leadership style, while women are more likely to see the big-picture, have stronger emotions, and rely on their intuition for decision-making. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/different-brains-differen_b_9480952 TwistofFate....a guy who reads.
  9. Eloquent, yet changes nothing. Genders are what they are, and in general women tend to be more emotional. Blame it on the x chromosome, not me. Vomit away...it is what it is.
  10. I don't believe those comments are putting anyone over the edge. At this point in his career you either listen or you don't.
  11. Everyone has beliefs and opinions, that's the point. Not everyone agrees. I agree with his assessment, you don't. That's the beauty of different viewpoints.
  12. I don't see the issue with what he said...generally speaking it's true. Finding women who are generally critical of players on the team, specifically Josh Allen, is a tough find. This can be backed up by the players themselves. Many sound bytes of the players in the tunnel as they are taking the field confirm Sullivan's sentiments. After win on three, players can be heard mimicking women fans yelling, "oh, Josh Allen, Josh Allen!" Generally speaking, most women are much more likely to be emotionally attached therefore ignoring all rational and logical evidence of poor performance. This can be seen in all aspects of life, for example, your daughter who has everything going for her except the fact she loves a loser with no job, who sleeps on his friends couch. It can also be seen in the hot girl with a great job who's dating a guy in his 30s who's wanted for child support, drinks 40s, works under the table, smokes blunts and is secretly hooking up with her sister on weekends. The common denominator here is the emotional attachment vs the painful reality. Sullivan looks to perhaps be drinking a beer(s) and may be a little lit, being completely honest and open with his opinion....and I see nothing wrong with it. I'm not a PC guy and I'm glad there are still others who aren't and just call them how they see them.
  13. I think Ryan Clark was more on point. WNY is going to be sloppy wins going forward, especially with home field throughout.
  14. They were equally horrific to watch.
  15. Dirtwolf by victory! I was liiit! Lol!
  16. Must have been too many Dirtwolfs!!!! Lmao! Proceed with the /end.
  17. https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-news-roundup-latest-league-updates-from-tuesday-dec-6
  18. https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-news-roundup-latest-league-updates-from-tuesday-dec-6
  19. The mustache is back....damn, what a mistake. We lost already.
  20. Yes, 0-3 against the Bills, the best part is we were 13 seconds away from winning all 3 on the road in KC. Bengals have had the luxury of home games.
  21. https://twitter.com/TrainwreckSprts/status/1598001382845747201?t=QFvFd6cFPs3PDFg7IBMclQ&s=19
  22. Wide right, music city miracle, Folk's 50, hail murray, 13 seconds, Mckelvins mishap and many, many more, all led to losses. This team has no luck...4 straight super bowl losses proved that over 30 years ago. Luck goes a long way. I mean geez, I remember when Allen went on a coin flip win streak...now it seems we can't win a toss to save our souls.
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