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Everything posted by clayboy54

  1. And what about K.C. losing to Tennessee WITH the GOAT Mahomes?
  2. Sometimes a loss to a team you should beat will shake things up. This is our 1st one against a team we should’ve beat. Maybe it’s a wake up call.
  3. We had at least 2 chances for Hauschka to win this game and he failed.
  4. Shame with a winnable game.
  5. He was right there. Missed knocking it away, oh well.
  6. Freddie will choke, Mark it down.
  7. That part can be learned. Here’s hoping he does.
  8. Glad you are a better reader than you are a poster!
  9. That was chopped out of his arm. Not much anyone can do about that.
  10. They actually tried 3 times. None of them were even half-open.
  11. No separation at freakin all.
  12. That’s a time where a Josh run would’ve been successful.
  13. Dog looks just like their head coach!
  14. OPI on that Hunt catch. No call.
  15. And the long ball to our speedster Beasley with safety help over the top??? Not a good play selection there.
  16. There’s your weekly Lee Smith dumb penalty.
  17. Wow, that’s a surprise!
  18. This is one strange board.
  19. But why are we losing the strength game at the point of attack? Are we weak up front or are the guys paying a finesse game?
  20. Reality obviously flew right over your head!
  21. That is the question of 2019. I wish I knew what was going on with this team. Something’s not right.
  22. To his defense, he had a decent game last week, but those are few and far between.
  23. Knox once again drops it. He catches about 1 of every 15.
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