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Posts posted by clayboy54

  1. Oh no... That would just mix them up. 7 blocking 4??? "Hey, I thought you had him." or "My guy went the other way." Forget about it. I was thinking that putting blue velcro on their jerseys next week and sticking their shoulders together might help. At least the defense would have a longer way to run to get to Bledsoe.



    6 OL & 1 TE - so that's a total of 7 players blocking an average of 4 defensive rushers.  That almost gets it to the 2 blockers for every rusher that this team needs to maintain to give Drew maybe his 4 seconds or to make a hole for the RB to find.


  2. I found that Moulds quote to be very interesting. "I told him we have to put this team on our backs." I guess that by beating ourselves game in and game out, we are indeed putting the team on its backs. If they continue with the mistakes, he'll probably be quotes as saying we have to put this team on our knees.


    It is a valid quote, though. I had a buddy who ran a whorehouse. His slogan was identical to Moulds'.

  3. I have had 10 of them done now. I had rectal cancer almost 14 years ago. I have a clean bill of health, but still need colonoscopies every 3 years for the rest of my days. The only bad part is, like others have said, the prep. I do love that Versed, though! I actually feel great mentally right after the proceedure. Just don't let them give you too much Demerol with it. No need, and it make you feel like crap, even when there's none left in there. lol


    You'll do fine. I wish you well.

  4. Its just a CYA session. "the Bills are just fine..." "theres nothing wrong with Drew..." yada yada.


    Its just like last years "we just didn't execute" cop out.


    Bottom line is that if you believe in the Bills, as i do, then you have to expect slow growth from a team that is not as talented as we always want it to be, and that flat out has no idea how to win. IMO, Mullarkey can get the job done. It will just take some time.

  5. My wife and I bought the Tempurpedic Celebrity Bed several months ago and love it. The Celebrity model offers a 2" topper on top of the 12" bed. They're both made of the Tempurpedic memory foam, but with the topper, its easy to move around and get up without getting stuck in one place by sinking in. The topper also helps by not being too stiff when you first get into the cold bed. The whole thing is covered by a cashmire cover so it is nice and soft and warm. I got it at The Mattress Firm, which is also located in Buffalo and they have the best deal anywhere on the Tempurpedic beds. The factory sells it for list and restricts the dealers ability to discount. So, they gave us free Tempurpedic King Pillows, free frame, free delivery and no tax. Plus, we got 2 years same as cash. For the King size Celebrity bed, it still cost us almost $3,200 but it is the best money I ever spent.


    Way better than the sleep number bed, or any memory foam product I have heard of. Believe me, I have tried everything. I love fullwave waterbeds, but even though they are very comfortable, with those the lack of support kills you. No other product competes in my opinion.


    I have a titanium left hip and am about to get my right one replaced as well due to bad arthritis. This is the first product that lets me get a good night sleep every night and yet noth bother my wife with snoring. I just can't say enough for this nearly life-saving bed.

  6. I relate to your agony, Drunken. I usually feel that way when dining out here in Indiana. Sitting next to a family of undisiplined, screaming little kids at a restaurant causes me to go off too. I usually ask them nicely who their favorite NFL team is. Then, after they say "The Colts" I ask them if they want to take it outside to finish the discussion. But, the little kids almost always back down! hahahaha

  7. All three are indeed pathetic, but with Nate, it will never end, sadly.


    Nate Clements Q&A


    "Who is your idol?"


    Nate: "Primetime, Neon Deon Sanders"


    "What is your biggest concern for this season?"


    Nate: "With the new emphasis on takeaways, I might not lead the team. So, I better try to grab every ball that comes my way, even if it means missing a few for long gains."


    "What do you want to do after football?"


    Nate: "I'd like to do TV commercials. Maybe I can replace Leon as the most selfish ballplayer in the world."

  8. Has anyone given any thought to:


    1. This was the OLs second game together. Let them get some cohesiveness before you ask them to give Drew time to throw the long ball.


    2. Drew may not be sold 100% on the short drops and quick releases. Let him find some success, avoid getting crushed, and build his confidence up before asking him to stand back there, taking the hit and pitch the home run ball.


    3. Play game #1, take stock as to where the O really stands, and then make adjustments. It may take a few games to find out what this O is really good at. So far through preseason and game one, I have yet to see why coaches would believe the long game would work for this team.

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