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Posts posted by clayboy54

  1. I got OJ's autograph during camp in his rookie year at the old Camelot Inn and he was extremely nice to me. Unfortunately, he signed #30 under his name, because #32 was already taken.


    As for Flutie, a friend of mine has an autistic child and has a foundation for autistic children here in Indiana. I contacted Flutie's foundation and asked if he would consider sending something to be auctioned for the benefit here. He sent a signed copy of his band's CD. I thought that was very kind of him. Of course, he was a Charger by then. Go figure.


    I remember having a tough time getting Conrad Dobler to sign or even speak to me. I did tell him how much I admired him over the years and he basically blew me off and didn't even say thanks. During the same era, Ron Jesse was exceptionally nice and took several minutes talking with me personally.


    Jim Haslett and Isaiah Robertson were a-holes to me and my friends. They were nice to the women with big chests, however.


    Jim Kelly was great to me, joking and clowning around.

  2. I would love to see Lou Saban on the Wall. It'll never happen because of his rocky relationship with Ralph, but he meant more to the franchise prior to the Superbowl years than any other individual. He brought us our ONLY championships, and he brought us OJ's 2000 yard season with the Electric Company.


    Lou is getting up in age and it would be nice to honor him once more while we can.

  3. I was told that TD wants to go back to the old leather helmets and high-top cleats for the "throwback" uniform. Don't worry about the colors... they'll all be black & white and shades of grey. They didn't have color TV back then.


    Seriously, I sure wish they'd bring back the great jazz band that used to play for Bills games in the corner opposite the Dodge St tunnel at the Rockpile. They were really good.

  4. my take on this is that if they were so stupid, they couldn't have played college ball. You know, they wouldn't remember any plays or where their assignments were, etc. In reality, it is just another crap shoot that guys like Kiper use to become draft gurus. Likewise, I assume that some of the TSW regulars are equally as challenged, judging from the posts they put up.


    Either way, it makes for interesting entertainment.

  5. We can still get line help tomorrow. The guys we likely wanted for OL and DL slots were gone before we picked. Those that proposed trades, remember it takes a willing partner.


    I for one, and not elated, but not disappointed either.

  6. The variable here is whether Law acknowledges that his value is less since his ankle injury last year. The broken record keeps repeating that TD does not overpay FA's (ours or anybody elses) and in order to make this work, and get a LG and get a backup RB and get a DT and get a TE and get a LT or C.... Mr Law will have to take a modest offer.


    I'd love to see it, but doubt that it will happen.

  7. "I completely disagree and can't understand their point of view."


    Maybe that is exactly why he is not in our future plans. If your QB is not on the same page as the coaching staff, you clearly have to make a change. For whatever reason, it seems Drew feels that the team's direction was the problem.


    For this reason alone, I am glad to see him go.

  8. The AHL is the AAA level of hockey.    All other leagues in North America are below it.



    There is little doubt that from the NHL's perspective the AHL is AAA. It is their chosen farm system. It is not necessarily the best 2nd tier hockey in North America. It surely might be on any given week, depending on how the prospects develop and who might be sent down for rehab etc.


    It is exactly this kind of thinking that spelled the DOOM of the IHL. There were clearly many times that the talent level in the IHL far surpassed that of the AHL, but sice the NHL's blessing and financing were not behind the IHL, their payrolls for being the top 2nd tier league drove them to bankruptcy.


    I do not want to see the AHL make that same mistake and go down the path of the IHL. In the minors, the real winners are those that turn a nice profit. If the NHL really goes away for awhile, or for good, the AHL can kiss it's behind goodbye. At the same time, the ECHL and UHL will be just fine, thank you. Damned good hockey at a fair price.

  9. How about that great kicker from Ohio St. to be our second or third round pick?  He kicks the heck out of the ball from all distances and Lindell needs to go.

    Kickers don't usually go that high but the reports on him all have him going easily on Day 1 of the draft.



    No way... we signed Owen Pochman. We're set at K for awhile. :lol:

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