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Posts posted by clayboy54

  1. Nothing really changes. Its easy to say these kinds of occurances are isolated events, but they're hardly isolated if it is happening to you.


    I remember being at the 1964 AFL Championship game with my dad, uncle & cousins. My dad and I got to sit up in our regular seats, but my uncle and his 2 kids got seats in the old endzone box section. That was not the best area, as I remember it and that day it proved true.


    While it started in the 3rd quarter as a fight between a couple drunks, in the end it was a stabbing. My uncle grabbed his kids and left the game due to the tramatic experience for the kids. It was sad then, as it is sad today to have to experience such behavior at any sporting event.


    It is a shame that so many folks feel the need to get so drunk that they behave this way at a game. But, I have never believed that you can legislate morality. This is our culture and we will just have to live with the risk.


    It sure beats the heck out of not being able to see your team in person.

  2. One thing to remember when forming opinions on who is accountable is that in any big corporate environment, no one person is pulling all the strings or making all the decisions. When Ralph says he is more involved, there is no need to assume he means that he is wanting to run the whole show. It means that he likely wants veto power over decisions made by others.


    The Bills, and every other NFL team, have dozens of people doing the research, passing judgements, managing personnel assets and keeping lists of lists of lists. Marv Levy is known to be great as a manager that can take all these various opinions and work with the individuals to reach a consensus decision. That is what a good manager does in any business.


    How good are our people that bring him the information? The scouts, the personnel people, the contract negotiators, the coaches, the pencil pushers... they all have input. It must be said that in order to maintain the longevity of the Bills tenure in Buffalo, the organization must be pretty good. Therefore we all assume that the sum total of wins and losses should be better. That may not be the case.


    An organization tailored to keep the Bills profitable in Buffalo may not be able to put a consistently competitive product on the field. In my opinion, that is the issue that has plagued the Bills since 1960. But, they're still the BUFFALO bills, which IMO is much better than the Super Bowl winning LA Bills.

  3. Funny thing about this NFL game... You play to win against whoever your opponent may be. You don't get to pick half your schedule vs pushovers like you do in college. You just go out, play football and compete to win each and every week. In the end the teams with more wins go to the playoffs.


    Is it that hard to understand? What the heck is the obsession around here with ranking wins based on opponents? This is not college football. The playing field is pretty level in the NFL.


    The Bears played 5 games. They won 5 games. They are the only team in the NFC to do so. They ARE the best team in the NFC.


    The Bills, having won 2 of 5 are in the middle of the pack. They will be 3-3 with a win against Detroit. If they beat the Bears and lose to the Lions, they would still be 3-3 and in the middle of the pack. It just makes no sense to me why the discussion of quality of opponents.


    If the goal of this team is, say 8-8 then who cares which 8 games they win?

  4. I believe you are thinking of Triceratops, which was thought to have weighed up to 12,000 lbs and was originally thought to be a part of the Bison family. It turned out to be proven that it is not a Buffalo. Much like the Triceratops, Bennie Anderson also weighs close to 12,000 lbs and is no longer a part of the Buffalo family.

  5. The issue here has nothing to do with predicting a number of wins or losses, but rather presenting a team in the best light. Do you really think that Sirius has Sal M on the show because he is a world-class guest? Seriously, it is only because he covers the Bills and knows them as "an insider." It is the relationship with the Bills that makes Sal valuable. Therefore, if he spews out junk that folks outside the area already know and believe to be true, then he is both defeating their purpose in having him on, and biting the very hand that feeds him.


    I had a nice email exchange a year or so ago with Leo Roth about this same topic. Leo was trying to tell me that it didn't matter if he was covering high school sports or Bills stories, he still would do what he does. My contention is that without the Bills, writers like Sal would be covering girls volleyball. How many papers do you sell with lead stories like that? Do you honestly think the D&C would keep paying you what they pay you now to do that? If you do, you are smoking crack.


    The moral of the story is, you guys (and ladies) need to work hard to put the Bills in a positive light. You got to portray "major-league" to the rest of the country and do what you can to enable the Bills (and other WNY franchaises) to remain profitable and stay in the area. Then and only then, can you talk about sports. If the Bills are gonna suck wind this year, then you find a way to portray that with a positive spin and then say "and by the way they'll likely only win about 5 games this season.." You writers and broadcasters have to think about who's buttering your bread!


    As we all know, regardless of the outcome of the season, it'll be a heluva lot more fun following the Bills in WNY than it would be in LA.

  6. Your concept is really quite good! Unfortunately, I couldn't get past the production issues.


    The sound was bad and the interviews couldn't be fully understood at a normal listening level. It looks like you were using a lav, so I'd guess most of that could've been fixed with good post-production. Additionally, the audio levels were all over the place.


    The lighting in the bar made much of your footage unusable. Not knowing what camera you were shooting with, I would assume it is a consumer camcorder. You either need to light the scenes or open up the iris to make these shots work (if that can be done with your camera). I just can't get over how much darkness there was in your piece. That just kills the whole thing you were trying to do.


    That said, the concept was absolutely good enough that you should try it again with some changes in production values and I'm sure it would be great. It is obvious to me that you know what you want and can edit a good story. You just need to learn how to get the most out of your production values on the front-end.


    I hope this helps. Please let us all see the next one!

  7. I moved from Buffalo to Daytona Beach and then 8 years later to Fort Wayne, IN. I miss Bflo and the WNY area immensely, but would likely never return. I miss the food, the sports (especially the Bills), the local music scene, the lakes and rivers, and most importantly the friendly people. None of those things are available in either Florida or Indiana like they were in WNY.


    However, I do not miss the corrupt government, the horendous taxes and the cost of living that goes with it. Cheap housing? What planet are you living on??? I live in a home in Fort Wayne that would be over half-a-million in Clarence or Orchard Park. I paid $200k. Taxes are pennies on the WNY dollar. I'm 3 hours from Chicago, Detroit, Cinci and 2 hours from Indy, if I miss the big city life.


    I'm an easy 6 hour drive from the Ralph when I come back, so why would I want to move back? You can, however, send me a Mikes Sub, Super Mighty Taco or bucket of wings every now and then to keep me honest!

  8. Millen choosing former successful HC Mooch in Detroit is a clear example that having done the HC job before (even successfully) is a long way from an HC being up to a new job.



    IMO, your perspective is usually well thought out and many times spot on. This time I believe you have missed the boat.


    The situation with Millen in Detroit doomed Mooch in the Motor City from the start. Parcells couldn't have changed that outcome. The real tragedy is that Mariucci took the job. Now he's burnt out and out of the coaching market. If that didn't tell you a lot about the real situation, nothing could.


    So much of the basis for success in coaching is all about the environment. One of the brightest aspects of Buffalo's situation is that Levy stresses teamwork and builds winning attitudes. That alone will go a long way in helping any coach be successful here this time.


    A lot of what is taking place right now will bear this out. The teams with "can-do" attitudes in the office will breed successful coaches on the field. Analyse this in a year and see if you then agree.

  9. Just my attempt at humor, Matty...


    My answer is that in today's NFL the 49ers or Texans might be next years champs. So, yes the Bills can compete and be good next year if the groundwork is laid to allow them to be successful at what they are physically capable of.


    IMO, Marv is a master of putting good to great players in position to win and by getting people to work together for a common cause. Will he hire a coaching staff in his own image? Is there even a candidate available that fills that bill? Do we have enough talent on the roster to make that possible?


    We'll just have to wait and see who gets hired.

  10. While I am clearly not the genius that many of you are, I think that Haslett would be a near-perfect fit for the Bills. Here's why:


    1. He loves Buffalo and has said this would be his dream job.


    2. He has head-coaching experience.


    3. He is affordable for a small-market team.


    4. He is defensive minded which fits well with playing outdoors in Bflo.


    5. He knows Ralph and Ralph knows Haslett. No guesswork this time.


    6. 2nd time HC opportunities often turn out much better that 1st.


    7. Fans loved him and will rally around the Levy/Haslett led team.


    8. An experienced HC will be able to attract better assistants that a 1st timer.


    9. Players apparently like playing for him.


    He may not be a high-profile guy with multiple rings, but considering where we're at, he might be the best chance we have for a competitive team right now.

  11. If you remember, Krumrie wanted out when GW was fired. The Bills wouldn't let him out of his contract at the time. In view of the changes, his job performance notwithstanding, he likely wanted out again. No way does Marv allow anyone to stay that wants out... coach or player.


    My take is that he really didn't want to be here and Marv gives him his wish.

  12. It appears that Marv is being brought in to "oversee" football operations. He is known to think highly of MM. I believe he will be willing to mentor Mularkey and help him realize his potential. That is a novel idea, and the personalities involved make this a very exciting scenario if you ask me. Judging from the warm bodies currently available as head coaching alternatives, I think this might be one of the best decisions Mr Wilson could have made.


    Modrak and Brandon will do just fine with the rest of the organization.

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