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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Many of us are starting to deal with millennials flooding the workplace. We've already identified that they're the worst generation. How do you fix the problem?
  2. No kidding Studies have shown that 40% of men pay 100% of the household bills among couples, with 22% of Women admitting they contribute NOTHING at all financially. -man pays for her shopping, phone, car, girl's night out.... In fact Men pay 13x more than women (within relationships) over their lifetimes on average. Yet all we see in the media is the mythical wage gap and pink tax. Seriously, try googling data on finances between men vs women and all that comes up are pages of "oppressed" woman and patriarchy...
  3. This is the greatest BMW commercial evah!
  4. Are those the same blue states where rent is $4,000/month? It always make me laugh when liberals bring up that blue states workers make more than red state workers. Enjoy that 100sq/foot studio apartment Snowflake.
  5. No one going to mention Steve Deberg? The ultimate backup. Although, the definition of success for him would be playing the position for a long time. Too good to be 2nd, but not good enough to stay 1st. Individual vs team success.
  6. Awful journalism. Article does not include her porn name.
  7. How do Republicans expect to accomplish anything if they keep nominating Justices who care more about the law than pushing an agenda? They should have followed Obama's example.
  8. Zombie said no one set the police lights on fire. “It got knocked over — and lit itself on fire. I saw it.”
  9. Trump only needs 5 words for his speech.
  10. Yates is the same person who said during her confirmation that it was her job to follow the President's policies regardless if she personally thought it was constitutional. Outed herself as a partisan hack.
  11. If you use the same body language criteria, then it's obvious that Michelle abused Barrack.
  12. You mean the gun-free zone sign didn't work?
  13. Too bad most of these celebs are misinformed feminists during their prime. They don't realize their mistake until men stop drooling all over them. (then they disappear)
  14. I have absolutely no idea how websites work, but how is removing a link going to erase data?
  15. Who do you think is paying for all those protestors? So they have the money to bus these people in from different states to oppose pipelines/hb2/recalls/etcs, and have operatives whose sole purpose is to patrol internet forums/chat rooms to counter "fake news", but can't accomplish voter fraud in urban polling stations run by their people?
  16. Does anyone believe that people who are openly calling for assassination, burning cop cars, and shooting their own people for not strictly following the party rhetoric, is above voting illegally in a system where they don't even check ID's? You're delusional if you don't think there isn't massive voter fraud occurring.
  17. Of all the recent Time-Travel shows premiering the last year; timeless, 12 monkeys, legends of tomorrow, 112263, the one that held my interest was TRAVELERS. Also was presently surprised by The Magicians on syfy.
  18. If you find yourself in a crowd where everyone is moving in the same direction, you're probably a lemming.
  19. She has the most participation trophies, which to a liberal means "most qualified in history".
  20. People who were protesting are usually considered part of the number that attended, so basically Trump has the largest crowd in inauguration history. The MSM are using "crowd scientists" to estimate the size of protestors vs supporters. No one knows how many of each. Too bad they couldn't all wear vagina/maga hats so we can tell the difference.
  21. It's called CNN now. They're currently showing an episode live from WAshington DC.
  22. Depends if you like watching shows about internal politics. A more talky version of Borgia. (Minimal sex and violence to wake up the boring parts)
  23. Some poor people are about to get paid! Wish I had some worthless land some billionaire wanted to make into a resort.
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