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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The average American's exposure to the USSR typically revolve around interviews of Mila Kunis, or watching the movie "Red Dawn." I wonder if Russians are as concerned about Putin's relationship with Trump, as Americans are about Trump's relationship with Putin.
  2. So you're going to ignore that Historians self identify as democrats 8 to 1. Your excuses are unsurprisingly typical. First you make a false statement about the "majority of Americans." Then try to clarify that you only meant "Historians." Then when proven wrong about the bias, you resort to attacking the source rather than the data. Just skip to calling everyone racist/sexist and return to the rabble.
  3. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Democrat's base is mostly young, inexperienced voters who have a lot passion, but little knowledge. As they enter adulthood, they get some sense and become more Conservative. However, some never enter the real world, but stay in school, becoming college professors, -forever stuck inside the bubble of adolescent naivete.
  4. Study shows overwhelming liberal bias among historians. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/may/24/republican-presidents-lag-in-historical-rankings
  5. It feels like everyone is just over-protective of the women-folk. How about we just label one room "girls," and the other room "everyone else."
  6. It's quite interesting that being a non-drinker is considered both a negative and a positive. "Good for you! Now get out of my house so i don't feel ashamed about how much I drink." My family tree is chock full of dead alcoholics so my parents banned the stuff growing up. The only times I ever got exposed to it, it was the cheap stuff that made you gag. So that reflex got burned into my psyche. Add the fact that I was too broke to afford the good liquor till my 30's... so I never got the taste for it. I blame my parents. It's like being the only kid that wasn't taught how to ride a bike.
  7. THere is a natural income gap between the poor slobs, the middle class, and the damn liars. Nobody makes 30k-39 or 130-159k?
  8. Once the conservative government took over, the program was stopped because it ran out of money. So the experimental town needed massive amounts of outside funding to maintain the UBI system. The taxes they collected within the town were not enough to cover the cost. So if this program had been implemented nation wide, where is the money going to come from? Mexico?
  9. Starship Troopers. I also liked Braveheart.
  10. Get a land line and tell them it's unlimited local minutes. Also, hook up only one phone in the kitchen, with a cord. They'll either learn to share, kill each other, or get their own cell and contract. Win, win, win! I had the unlimited contract from 2005. Verizon kicked me off it. How did you manage to keep yours?
  11. Maybe the DNC staffers didn't know they weren't supposed to forward emails to Russia. They probably thought the "DNC" letterhead stood for "Document Not Classified."
  12. Maybe it's not the money. I'm starting to think that Mack's brother isn't good enough to get accepted to the school at all.
  13. The contract says they can throttle it. A lot of news on this. Not hard to find information. Don't be fooled. Verizon already stated that they reserve the right to prioritize low data users ahead of "abusers."
  14. Everyone voting based on their online persona, or real life?
  15. The fine print says that they will throttle down your speed if you use too much. Unlimited data is a myth.
  16. Giving it a shot, but it looks like they're going to screw up the x-men; re-imagining characters... I hope that's not supposed to be Rogue. Is Professor Xavier a woman?
  17. The research showed that conservatives are more likely to believe a negative story and liberals are more likely to believe a positive story. First, labeling something "positive" or "negative" is subjective. Second, how they came up with their conclusion is idiotic. The real scientific studies showed that everyone will believe a story that aligns with their beliefs. ....and its the LAtimes.
  18. I heard bad things about homeland season 6. Really bad. Apparently, the hollywood SJW's broke into the writers room and re-wrote the entire show.
  19. Why does his brother need a scholarship? Mack not making enough to help his brother out?
  20. You're citing the state ranked 50th in unemployment. Why is it the default position of the left that increasing government control of an industry somehow leads to lower government expenditure? It has never happened, ever. Similarly, raising the minimum wage is supposed to reduce the amount of wellfare recipients... It makes sense that the base of the Democratic party is made up of young voters who can still fall for the same broken promises. Remember when they increased the unemployment benefit to 1yr and suddenly it was taking people a year to find a job? Thanks, Obama.
  21. When you mention your job, I always picture a guy in a toll booth.
  22. For the same amount of money the US spent on developing the F-35 jet, Trump could build a wall around the entire country, twice. (including a sea wall along the coast).
  23. What did all the bank tellers do when they put in ATM's? Even if the Japanese finally succeed in creating a sex robot, the oldest profession will still exist. People willing to work will always find their place, but thanks to innovation, you can have 1 person producing 10 things instead of 10 producing 1. You must think people are just trained chimps. What's preventing a laborer from answering phones? It takes less muscles. Even in Wall-E, there was a captain who ran the ship.
  24. This shows an astounding lack of imagination.
  25. They learn how to be medium wage workers. In reality. It will never happen. People will get pushed to do other work, and that category will be the new "low wage worker". This is the same worry people had when they said that the xerox machine will replace the steno pool. Civilization always finds a use for a willing labor force... until the day you start paying them to stay at home and do nothing.
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