I think it's because of the sandwich trifecta. They hear "lettuce, tomato, and onions" together so many times that it's burned into their brains. Try to separate the three and it causes a mental breakdown.
My friends make fun of me because every time I order from fast food, something goes wrong. Last time, they gave us 5 hot sauce packets on a 10 pack of tacos.
The most common (of course) is the wrong amount of food:
I've gotten 6 chicken on an 8 piece meal. No breasts... missing fries...
The wrong food: Popcorn chicken instead of a burrito. Chicken instead of Fish planks...dr pepper instead of coke...
...and the same problem with "special" orders as everyone else. (my kryptonite being onions. eww)
I also carry a box of plastic silverware in my car because they've forgotten the fork so many times.
It's an adventure.
I've been lobbying for kiosks even before these idiots started the fight for 15.
I had this issue and it was the Nvidia graphics driver causing the problem.
The windows update is not compatible with the current driver so it gets stuck in the loading windows screen.
Try updating the graphics driver and see if that helps.Windows 10 has a problem with older hardware. If you upgraded an older computer to 10, it will continue to have compatibility problems.
At least Trump is consistent in enforcement of Federal law. He's not just picking out the ones he likes. (like Obama).
What is the political breakdown of pot users?
Not to mention that humans (and most animals) evolved to quickly identify and focus on dark silhouettes. -this quirk is actually taught in art class, so libs have no excuse not knowing this.
7. He falsely claimed he had the biggest inauguration turnout.
The media claimed large crowds of protestors showed up, but very few people went to the inauguration. You can't have both.
I remember seeing a Survivor type BBC show where the women folk tried to get back to their camp by keeping the ocean to their left. Not surprisingly, they walked in a circle around the ISLAND and got lost.
I was disappointed to discover that toilets in Australia do not swirl in the opposite direction.
There's just a big woosh and it all goes down. There is no swirl.
I've seen the hacked photos- Those SI photographers do great work; she's normally like Katy Perry without makeup.
...and when did they start letting whales into the photo-shoots.
Sweden's definition of rape is different than America's. Citing the sexual assault crime spree is dishonest.
Depends on who you ask and how you voted.
It usually takes immigrants a generation or two before they start contributing to their new country.
So by 2060, Sweden, Norway, and Germany should see an increase in GDP, if they don't run out of money or burn to the ground first.
I'm starting to think that people don't know the meaning of "favorite."
Here is a list of every war movie I've ever seen!
...but I do appreciate the suggestions. If only I had the time (or money) to find and watch them all.
FYI... my brother was on the base during the events of Black Hawk Down. He hates Clinton. He liked the movie.
So you're agreeing with Ayn Rand that a peaceful civilization is rooted in trade. (or more specifically, Money $$$) Your meat for my club.
I actually admire Maher for being one of the few Liberals willing to hear Conservative ideas for purposes of debate. Also, it's quite embarrassing that the "intelligent" panel can't counter Milo's statistics, but quickly resort to citing feelings (over facts) and name calling.