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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The biggest threat to identity politics is people blending into one culture. Snowflakes can't feel special if everyone is allowed to be like them.
  2. That's a good point. If the guy on the ground was white, the democrat would be yelling at him for taking too much space and to check his privilege.
  3. Aaron Sorkin's idea of a Republican is a far-left liberal. The echo chamber around Hollywood is strong.
  4. Liberals have spent the last decade trying to convince everyone that being poor (or fat) is a natural state that people have no control over...
  5. The Republican would yell at him to stop blocking the road. The Democrat would steal his wallet. ..and the Liberterian would yell at the R and D to leave the man alone.
  6. The myth that blue states use less federal money than red states...because an obamaphone costs less than a country road. Blue states typically require 4X more welfare funding than Red states. With the exception of Alaska, the top 10 welfare recipients are all blue states. So let's equate a military base to an inner city basketball court, if it makes the snowflakes feel smug.
  7. I don't care how much money someone else has to pay, I'm entitled to free healthcare!
  8. Despite the obvious problem of proving something that didn't happen, three are more stories of people fighting back than there are mass shootings. They just don't get national attention. So google local stories.
  9. Service guarantees citizenship! Join now! We have an example of government run health care in this country: the VA. Maybe we should just expand it's coverage?
  10. I got infracted for being "off topic" for posting the Alien conspiracy guy meme on a Marrone vs Whaley rumor thread. Also, was I the only one that couldn't stand WYO after she became a mod?
  11. Just put a check on the "no" box when asked if you are a terrorist on the immigration form.
  12. The anti-sjw movement has already begun among the Millennial generation. Anyone on social media (not blocking everyone) knows this. These kids are hitting the real world and quickly figuring out that their teachers lied to them. There are no "safe spaces" when you're an adult. It's amazing how fast a socialist becomes capitalist when it's their money being taken.
  13. The animation looks awful. Disney can't find a better artist?
  14. "The hardest part will be telling your friends you're gay."
  15. I won't have time to see more than two movies this month, so: I need to choose between Beauty and the Beast, Power Rangers, or Ghost in the Shell..
  16. There were three players involved. So who "complained?"
  17. I left when the MODS decided that debating a topic was harassment; when WYO announced that any topic (not bills-related) that leads to ANY disagreement was banned, dooming the "Anything but..." subforum to talk only about sandwiches. I knew it wouldn't stop there... and it didn't. Censorship knows no bounds. I'm putting it out there that I am open to trades...
  18. Message boards are for old people. Millennials need more pictures to maintain a conversation.
  19. Using racism to justify racism... I understand why people are staying away from this discussion. Meathead has no idea what he's actually saying. Either he can't properly say what he believes, or he's filtering out the negative connections through his bubble of righteousness. Here's a simple question for meathead: What would happen if all reference to race was removed from society. ie; applications, media, news, etc. (like the LAtimes refusing to print "Redskins" - like a filter). Would it makes things worse or better?
  20. Your arguing against Martin Luther King. The current Liberal talking point is that it's racist to ignore race. The idea was to create a culture ignorant of race. Now you're saying that race is a separate culture than cannot be integrated; that a person with darker skin cannot experience the same life as someone lighter. Personally, I think you're trying to tie the idea of individual uniqueness to your obsession with racial identity.
  21. Remember when the GI Joe plan was to shoot missiles into the glacier above, so the icebergs will sink down and destroy the Cobra base?
  22. Was known as a ball-hawk in Buffalo. Earned a reputation in New Orleans as an in-box safety, with a nose for the ball, that misses tackles. Byrd has great instincts, if not speed or power.
  23. Feminist spokesperson, Emma Watson, suffered severe criticism from other SJW's, for not taking a stronger stand... https://heatst.com/entertainment/emma-watson-refused-to-get-out-of-bed-after-people-called-her-a-bad-feminist/ ...despite already being called annoyingly activist by other liberals. https://heatst.com/culture-wars/even-gushing-vanity-fair-profile-says-emma-watsons-activism-is-annoying/ She is already being targeted by SJW's for "Beauty and the Beast" for portraying a girl who volunteers to be imprisoned by a man. Liberals wanted it removed. Conservatives wanted it to stay. The University "compromised" and had it removed.
  24. If you go by % of GDP, it's 3%, which is about average. If you go by total amount spent, it's close to 20X the average and twice as much as the second person on the list; China.
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