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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Already have Lorax, Preston, and Ragland. Where does Zach fit into this scheme? ARe the Bills keeping the 3-4 or is Ragland going to take another year to come back?
  2. According to all these alarmists, it's already too late to change it. So what's the point of killing jobs if all these regulations make no real difference?
  3. Part of improving your team is chemistry and fan support. You don't want someone in the locker room dividing the players then getting booed on the bench. What team would want that headache from a back-up player? If Kap does get a contract, it will be from a team desperate for a QB (browns), or universally hated already (Cowboys, Patriots).
  4. I tried watching everything on the OP's list and never made it past a few episodes. My list. 1) Game of Thrones 2) Battlestar Galactica (recent) 3) Everwood 4) Southpark 5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer HM)West Wing - to test just how far I've changed since my College days.
  5. It's better for you to eat junk and let your body filter out the bad (what's it's designed to do) rather than go vegan and screw up your system with lack of nutrients.
  6. When a liberal baker refuses to serve police officers, the public boycotts the business and it shuts down. When a conservative baker refuses to serve gay people, the government has to shut it down because business usually increases.
  7. Looks like he wants to be paid like a franchise player instead of a 1 year pro bowler. The Raiders offer couldn't have been that far off from Buffalo's, and he left angry.
  8. Why does the complexion of her face not match the rest of her body? It's like she's wearing black-face.
  9. In Africa, many dialects use the same word for "healthy" as "fat."
  10. Did you bring back souvenirs for everyone?
  11. What the Papa John's guy didn't factor in, is that those are what his costs will be if the market remained the same and only his company participated. A system wide increase in wages affects the costs of everything, and he would no longer be given that original price. (So how much more would he have to raise his pizza prices if healthcare also doubled in price overnight? It won't be 14 cents.) If Walmart decides to increase their wages, their employees would benefit in the current marketplace. If every company did the same, then there would be a flood of capital vying for the same finite amount of products prompting a rise in prices. So Walmart gives it's employess 10$ more, but suddenly the cost of a Happy Meal is also 10$ more. What exactly changed? It's simple economics. Easy math. The problem is that people will ignore the numbers because they want to feel good about themselves. That's all the minimum wage argument really is. Decades of examples show us that it changes practically NOTHING locally, -until outside communities start preying on the imbalance (like moving manufacturing to satellite cities; or mexico).
  12. easy fix: Lower the welfare line to equal minimum wage. No one with a job working 40hrs a week receives assistance.
  13. Every time they raise the minimum wage, the poverty line for welfare is also increased. After decades of liberals using this argument, it still hasn't sunk in that it doesn't work like that. People don't come off welfare. People don't even lose their jobs (like conservatives argue). The end result is ALWAYS a noticeable increase in the inflation rate. The market adjusts. There is a reason why the costs are ridiculously high in areas where social programs have artificially pumped unearned capital into the market; The housing market, healthcare, education... booms caused by government programs. "poverty" is an arbitrary term like "fair" or "liberal." The definition changes, even if you don't compare Americans against the rest of the world. In just one decade, cell phones have become a bare necessity; while my grandmother grew up without a refrigerator. Even within this thread, people consider themselves "poor" because AFTER paying all their monthly bills, they don't have much left for going out to the movies, or restaurants; while admitting to having multiple vehicles, cellphones, tv's, ...living in houses, etc.
  14. Logan was just okay for me. ...But I think the army of kids running around spoiled it for me. I could tell they were all bored. The one next to me kept shifting in the large recliner; even pushed the table swivel thing into my leg. I was ready to murder the brat. It felt a little long. The Reavers were about as trained as Storm Troopers. And the kids reminded me of children of the corn.
  15. I was a die-hard entitlement liberal in college. I believed it all. Then I got a job and discovered the internet. I found out that my professors had lied. I started thinking for myself. After taking a few online quizzes, I'm somehow considered just left of center, but have been called alt-right by the loony left. I would probably have been considered a liberal by classic standards; but not today; The scales are a little skewed by SJW's.
  16. You say this now because you believe that any doctor has a minimum level of competency. An emergency room doctor told me to walk off a broken foot with just ibuprofen. Her reasoning was that I was able to walk on it with a cane, so it's not that bad. My real doctor put me on 5 weeks of disability and said walking on it made it worse after using an ultra-sound. (x-ray didn't show the stress fracture.) Now imagine a system where x-rays take weeks and ultra-sounds aren't available outside of maternity wards... ...I would have been better off waiting for better care, because the bad doctor convinced me I was fine -resulting in me aggravating the injury worse. School vouchers will destroy the public school system because no one will want to attend them if given the choice...
  17. I've found Shure to have the best earbuds, but have moved away from them since they're expensive, and the cords keep breaking after a year or two. I hate Bose. I've had those given to me as gifts and they're worthless unless you like base. All you can hear is base. And if you don't think so, then you better get your ears checked because they're destroying your drums. Anyone who buys Beats is a moron. They use the same hardware as the free headphones you get with purchase. 99% of the cost is slapping the "b" on the side. I've gone to Senheisers or cheap Sony's for regular use. I've started buying the buds separately to get a better fit. They are so different from brand to brand that I just decided to buy ones that fit my ear the best and glue them to each new set I buy instead.
  18. Talking with Russia is like invoking Satan. You do not converse with the dark prince, lest ye be burned at the stake.
  19. There exists morally motivated groups who's purpose is the extinction of the species; like PETA promoting an unhealthy vegan lifestyle or Planned Parenthood killing babies. If evolution created morality to perpetuate the species, how did it morph to include ideas counter to that purpose? edit: I have a theory; and it includes finding a way to kill off the idiots.
  20. Here's what you should really know about copying Socialized Medicine from Europe, etc... the citizens who proclaim they are great are doing so because they have no idea what they are missing. (Many people in North Korea have admitted that they believed the rest of the world was as poor as them). I've seen Europeans say they are astonished that a local urgent care facility had it's own x-ray machine, and that they were able to see the results within minutes; something Americans take for granted. (like drinking water from the tap; which is unheard of everywhere, even Europe.) The two systems are just not comparable.
  21. In countries with socialized medicine, there is still a private sector. Think of it like sending your kids to public or private school. The vast majority get "free" services that suck; while the rich still get premium services. Teachers/doctors can work for the government, or get better salaries in privately owned businesses (clinics/universities)
  22. So Morality is an evolutionary trait perpetuated by the survival advantage of maintaining group cooperation. Why does PETA exist?
  23. The ultimate solution would be for the government to directly regulate the price; like they did in Venezuela.
  24. THe OP is too long. Just skimmed it. What game is this thread talking about?
  25. The genius of Obamacare is that it's a parasite that can kill the patient if removed. Like Social Security, we're stuck with this monstrosity. I have a co-work who absolutely believes that Republicans are evil. No nuance. No grey area. He actually thinks that Republicans just want to watch the world burn. Like super-villians. And he's in his 50's.
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