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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. They should also be in T-shirt and Jeans (with a beanie) to better blend in. Maybe even carry a mop and pretend to be custodians so Students won't know they're cops. Also adding the words "Super-Double-Extreme" to the "Gun-Free" zone signs will help.
  2. The lines get blurry when liberals are fighting not for the right to abortions, but to force us to pay for it. The current liberal agenda has moved on from passive acceptance to pro-active enforcement. It's no longer about not caring what people do in the bedroom, they have to bake the cake and help them celebrate.
  3. That's not a loss. Nothing is taken away. They just aren't able to GAIN more wages. The only reason an employee should be given a share of the profit is if they risk their own capital in building the company. Like investing in the stock.
  4. Racist Trump supporter uses military-style death gun to murder clothing-optional plumber attempting water-pressure check.
  5. His hands are average size. The rest of him is just X-large.
  6. There is actually only one rule in golf. The entire handbook of current rules center around this one original rule. "Play Fair." A 4 stroke penalty for a 1" difference is not fair.
  7. You're thinking classically liberal. Current liberals are against free speech, the 2nd Amendment, cultural appropriation, and the right of the individual to someone else's money.
  8. I played in a Tournament with a guy who said that a player can place the ball anywhere within a club-head length from the mark. He also gave himself a gimme if the ball was within the flag-pole length away from the hole. I didn't really care. We all just got drunk
  9. The Party of No. My state Senator has said that he will not vote yes on anyone other than Garland. I hate living in a Blue State.
  10. All socialist programs are great at the beginning. I'm just hoping that they delay single-payer long enough so that I can be part of the gettin' instead of the givin' population. Socially Liberal = want a lot of free stuff. Fiscally Conservative = Don't want to pay for it. Makes sense now.
  11. Phoebe and Joey have a highly philosophical debate on whether any act can be truly self-less. I just watched it on TBS. To paraphrase the Gator: If you bring in workers, jobs will surely follow. That is socialism.
  12. So damaging the economy a lot is bad, but damaging it a little is good; if it makes us feel better about ourselves. Everything you're trying to improve with Minimum wage occurs naturally under Capitalism. The problem is that the conditions for the market adjustment are being suppressed by piles and piles of Socialist Central planning that is trying to fix a problem it created in the first place. Just let the wage go low enough to force the labor force to quit. Then the business will raise wages to draw them back. (or let interns and teenagers have the jobs). It's already happened in many industries; most people are already above the minimum. They are getting paid what they are worth.
  13. Of course, every finite resource is subject to supply and demand; that's why I said it doesn't conform to "normal" behavior. ...and I'll let you try explaining elasticity to these bunch of numbnuts; we have pages and pages of economic theory explaining the idiocy of minimum wage and the exact same liberal rhetoric keeps rotating around. I've tried simplifying it, but then you'll get people like Drunkard who can't grasp that it's supposed to be nursery math.
  14. There is a separate category for specific products that don't conform to normal economic behaviors of supply and demand. Gasoline is one of them. Others are food, water, electricity, healthcare... These are resources that people will buy regardless of price. It's also a reason why many governments say they should be allowed to take over that industry "for the good of the people"...
  15. "$15 an hour may be too high for a minimum wage but it should be set at a high enough level where anyone working 40 hours a week earns enough to not qualify for government assistance. That should make conservatives happy because it means more people pulling the wagon and fewer people getting free rides. Wouldn't you rather have all these fast food workers, janitors, cashiers, and grocery shelf stockers paying into the system instead of taking way more out of it then they pay in?" This is your argument? Why not just lower the poverty line to equal the minimum wage? Since both are arbitrary. It accomplishes the exact same thing you're proposing: people working 40hrs a week won't qualify for public assistance. raising the minimum wage has NEVER reduced the number of people on welfare. The government just raises the qualification line. There is one question that is always asked in these minimum wage debates (and already asked several times in this thread), and no minimum-wage advocate has EVER been able to answer it: "Why not just raise the minimum wage to $1000/hr?"
  16. Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the bottom of the economic ladder at all. My numbers are pretty close according to the historical data, even it was arbitrary. Raising the wages by 10$ nationally will generally reduce the dollar's buying power by 10$. Like I keep saying: SIMPLE MATH. A person making a minimum wage of 10$/hr is still making a minimum wage if you raise the floor to 15$/hr. Also, why do you continously include yourself in your arguments? It's like you are expecting to get ridiculed for presenting feelings instead of facts...
  17. So you're basing your argument on my dollar for dollar metaphor? You do realize that it was an anecdote, and not a mathematical equation, right?...like explaining simple math to kids. I have one apple and give two apples to johnny... ************ * * * * * However, surprisingly, economics over the long term does generally stay close to a linear dollar for dollar inflation rate simply because the market finds the same equilibrium point. The theory is that a product will always sell for what it's worth under pure capitalist competition; so if consumers suddenly have twice as much money, the product will suddenly cost twice as much. Disagree? Then write a paper; your beautiful mind could win a Nobel Prize.
  18. Guy had a 10 round magazine. 3 dead scumbags. That's good shooting. Dispensing $1.20 worth of justice.
  19. Trade the next three 1st round picks for #1 overall and draft Peppers. Trade the next three 2nd round picks for #9 overall Trade #9 overall for #10 and two first round picks plus a punt returner. Championship!
  20. Just get some spray tan and have those kids identify as black. Trans-racial discrimination!
  21. Watched Logan and Power Rangers. I agree with a lot of Koolaid's criticism. X-23 made no sense as a character. Also, the Reavers went to the Storm Trooper school of bad soldiering. Power Rangers was surprisingly good. Despite the Director's shot selection being awful, and the idiotic use of shaky-cam, the script saved the movie. Also, did they hire the same moron who created the look of Bay's dino-bots to do the zords? Despite all it's flaws, it was fun and entertaining. Hope they do a sequel.
  22. You do realize that the cost of the equipment, materials, etc would also go up because those industries would have increased labor costs too. The inflation records are misleading because industries adjust to the market before and after the legislation takes effect; so there isn't a sudden uptick, just an increased percentage rate over a long period of time. The easiest way to see this difference is to compare the costs of living between cities/states. Blue vs Red states. Santa Fe vs surrounding cities. -I always like to use Santa Fe as an example (as opposed to Seattle) because it's like sticking San Francisco in the middle of Cuba; the income disparity is so high compared to the surrounding towns.
  23. Where I am currently calling home? Great Blizzard of 2006: dumped 11 inches of snow. A 40yr high.
  24. Besides counterfeit currency, why is the Secret Service doing any of those other things? Isn't that the FBI's job?
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