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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I'm expecting a few characters to die since their contracts are up, and Marvel has already replaced them in the comics books for diversity.
  2. The trailer ruined a few scenes in the GOTGv2 movie. I'm going to try to avoid watching trailers in the future. It was still good. I liked it better than the 1st one. They went overboard with the 80's music.
  3. Here's a question. Should you sing a song in it's original accent?
  4. Yes I do. For the names. Other things like "Guiness" or "taco" or "tomato" have different versions so I tend to say it the way the locals do. I slip into Southern in Texas and occasionally British in London. (I don't do it on purpose.) like this guy. He pronounces his name "My Cocaine". Or Saoirse Ronan -who pronounces her own name wrong, (says she gets corrected in Ireland), but you have to respect their interpretation.
  5. You should pronounce the proper name the way the person says it; accent and all. It's not meant for personal interpretation. For example. Bob Villa. -in the southwest his name is commonly pronounced "vee-ya", not "ViL-La" -but since he says it differently, you go with his version. What I do hate is when teachers asked what your name was in Spanish. This happened several times and I refused to go along with it. My name stays the same in every language! John is not Juan. George is not Jorge. Mary is not the same as Maria.
  6. If the school had only left him alone to deal drugs, instead of suspending him, Trayvon would have never have gotten shot.
  7. The use of therapy puppies violates the rights of cat-people.
  8. This is a must-see film for anyone interested in knowing the real issues; Left or Right. A feminist documentary: written, researched, and filmed by a self-proclaimed modern feminist.
  9. Patrick Mahomes will become a HOF quarterback because the Bills passed on him.
  10. We have a similar saying in my family; "Just because it's simple, doesn't mean it's easy." -usually referencing DIY home repair.
  11. Why so mean to trans-racial Americans?
  12. The San Diego Chargers traded 2nd round picks for next year's 1st's several times in the early 2000's.
  13. Mcdermott doesn't look like he's willing to allow it. Especially since his entire philosophy revolves around character issues. Maybe if Ralph was still owner of the team...
  14. He's also in his final year of the rookie contract and want's to be the highest paid lineman in football, despite the threat of suspension. There's a reason why he's only worth a low-round pick.
  15. What would be the point since these cities/states won't bother to follow the law anyway. They don't even check ID's. Next election, California should just move to a text message voting system. 1 phone, 1 vote!
  16. Any job that requires desire would not be replaced by tech. By this I mean anything that involves doing something just because we want to do it; Invention. While a machine would be able to make ice-cream (or even find better ways to do it) it would have no desire to try putting bacon into it. Technology can replace cooks, but not chefs.
  17. Sticking to economics: Governments (or a community leader) is needed to provide services that can benefit individuals without their contribution (freeloaders.) Let's start with the primary role of any government: mutual defense. People first gathered in groups to defend themselves from threats. This resulted in some members who were unable to fight being forced to contribute other resources to remain in the protected bubble. The argument against this is that individuals would just defend themselves, but that doesn't work because they would still reap the benefits of protection, living next to a well-armed group. Unfortunately this has taken a global consequence where the United states provides Military and Healthcare to entire world. While other nations reap the benefits of neglecting military spending and medical research, the cost of both is astronomical in the US. We are the world's police force and provide 4X more medical innovations than the rest of the world combined. It's the reason why universal healthcare and neglient military spending has spread so rapidly. They're freeloaders.
  18. It might be awhile. The Libs are still trying to get Clinton elected by blaming Putin.
  19. Looks athletic on the move but doesn't have a burst. He'll be the last man off the line every play. Kyle Williams will be in the backfield before this guy gets out of his stance. I wonder if he can play linebacker.
  20. My one and only experience with social media was 1 week of Myspace. This board is the only social media I currently partake.... Not surprisingly, my family and friends text me anything important. They keep me updated on what their facebook is saying to them; like a buffer. Everyone I know tells me they want to quit. This will be the smoking/addiction of our lifetime.
  21. Bitcoin is like speculating on comic books or action figures. Right now they're hot, but it's only worth what a collector is willing to pay. At it's core, it's a pyramid scheme; only the early adopters get rich. The rest are just shuffling money around.
  22. A gentleman's agreement that included breaking into the property? There was damage.
  23. The real world analogy would be the business owner getting rid of the goat and buying another horse. The goat would then demand that he be treated like a horse, because he identifies as one.
  24. Employee morale is a capital investment. So raising wages can increase production, the same way buying a more efficient MPG van can reduce shipping costs. You're still using the same capitalist system to run your business, even if it also gives you an excuse to be smug. Now try increasing everyone's wages regardless of their production/attitude (ie: a Union). I want to see a real profit sharing system survive for a long period of time. It doesn't even work in Farmer's markets.
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