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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. This is probably a good place to put this anecdote: Today, I was at Home Depot and stumbled over a little girl (between 3-6yrs old) who was obviously lost, with no other adult in sight. I thought about it for one second, and walked away. Wasn't going anywhere near that situation. If she was going to get helped, it would need to be a female. I even thought about informing a store clerk or something, but I might get accused just for being a male in the same general area as an unsupervised child.
  2. Easy fix; Have the city take their fair share of 95% of the rich guy's money. I hear that's what it was in 1900's or something.
  3. Personally, I am biased against anyone wearing a backwards 'ball cap and sunglasses. Also, why is a guy with a bike on a train? Doesn't he already have transportation? looks suspicious.
  4. The great thing about capitalism, no one is forcing you to buy.... (wait. nevermind)
  5. So why are liberals fighting so hard for something that they admit has "no measurable statistical effect" at best?
  6. The less educated prefer our sandwiches with less weeds and more meat.
  7. We called it a spankin' cause everyone knew us in the neighborhood and there was always someone willing to rat us out.
  8. End the debate, it's a work of fiction. Just watch pitch perfect or sing; they're more grounded in reality.
  9. No way Kansas City loses that much to be a top 10 pick.
  10. When your job can literally be done better and cheaper by a goat... Fight for $15!
  11. Just got back from Spider-Man I liked it better than Wonder Woman; although I'm one of the few that thought WW's ending sucked. Spidey was solid all the way through. Some of the jokes went over the little kids' heads.
  12. Children should get out of the basement before they come out of the closet. Prove you're an adult first, before you're allowed to inflict society with your activism.
  13. Why were the actual jobs created consistently lower than predicted throughout Obama's administration then suddenly higher than predicted during Trump's? What changed? (besides the President).
  14. Whenever someone says that being gay isn't a sin, it paints them as a moron. Of course it is, because that's the beliefs of the religion. I know she's only twelve, but there should be a rule that prevents anyone from coming out of the closet before the age of 26.
  15. Being too stupid to know it's a crime seems to be a common Democratic alibi.
  16. I wonder how the survey would go if they include Meth, Cocaine, Opium, Heroine, and Ecstasy into the poll.
  17. How did they measure tv resolution before pixels?
  18. Trump is doing exactly what the voters wanted him to do; Disrupt Washington, expose the media bias, and generally be entertaining as he makes fun of liberals losing their $c%h#. Also, staying on twitter while letting others govern is a bonus. No one actually wanted the guy to make policy, at best, he drains the swamp. At worst, he does nothing (and has done nothing since his inauguration but tweet).
  19. The federal funding myth has already been debunked numerous times. (blue states subsidizing red states lie). These studies use the metric of % of federal funds that constitute a state's budget. This means that red states (low state taxes) have a higher proportion of their budget tied to federal funds than blue states (high state taxes) along with large disparities in population density that leads to higher infrastructure costs (roads) per capita. Like the wage gap myth, it's about looking into how the numbers were gathered. The best way to see who are the freeloaders is looking at welfare costs per capita, and 9/10 states are all blue, with NY and California leading the way (because cost of living is so high). Which makes sense. -when something looks wrong, you should always ask yourself why.
  20. Instead of a healthcare mandate, maybe we should force people to buy pot instead?
  21. I would like to know whether Trump doesn't understand (Maxine Waters), he's not reading it all (Pelosi), or is getting his misinformation from the media (Obama).
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