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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Did the family pay the fee or not? If not, then they're trying to scam. If they did, the family will get a big payout. ...or are you saying it's Air Canada's fault for not paying the fee when they booked united as the connecting flight.
  2. I watched Atomic Blonde. I literally fell asleep. The audience cracked up laughing when I started snoring. (which woke me up). My friend said it was the best part of the movie. His girlfriend described the movie as 90 minutes of "walkin', talkin', and smokin," The last 10 minutes was entertaining.
  3. So the family was trying to scam the system? Like those people pretending that their 100lb luggage is a carry-on...
  4. It's a good excuse to tell your wife.
  5. That looks like a before & after taking meth picture.
  6. There are a lot of common sense things to us (because we saw them in movies) that were not in use in WWI & II, like using suppressing fire to advance. I remember someone complaining about soldiers lining up in rows for a civil war movie... how it was unrealistic. Although, the criticism now is that Dunkirk doesn't have enough black people.
  7. Liberals have stated that the purpose of Universities is to teach kids "how to think." That is their excuse for allowing the explosion of worthless degrees. They are no longer denying that they are brain-washing people.
  8. Nobody misses the days when gender specific bathrooms, the wage gap, and global warming were deemed the biggest threats to National Security by the President.
  9. Chicken in a can Cream of mushroom Corn Tortillas Any Melty Cheese (preferred something yellow) Stack like Lasagna and microwave. Instant Enchiladas!
  10. I would go with Dunkirk, Apes, then Spidey. Start off with an intense movie and finish with something light and happy.
  11. Didn't taste like pizza, but it was pretty good. Bacon bits made it a little salty, but the cheese made up for it. Didn't put enough spaghetti sauce, could hardly taste it over the cheese.
  12. Why are we still at the mercy of the weather? It's 2017... 2017!!
  13. If you're talking about Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook as the disseminaters , they have "safety councils" that target almost exclusively conservative groups for censorship. They just don't have the balls to ban Trump. Both sides want to silence opposing viewpoints, but only the left is moving towards implementation.
  14. I expected to find an article about SJW's wanting to teach the fox trot to Muslims. Dancing with the Stars, ISIS edition.
  15. It's late at night and I got a craving for pizza. So I just put american cheese, Ragu, and bacon bits on a tortilla, then stuck it in the toaster oven. I think it's going to turn out good. What are some other leftover/no real ingredient recipes have people here cobbled together?
  16. There are some actors that Hollywood just wants to push no matter how bad they are... ie; Lena Dunham and Melissa McCarthy.
  17. Nobody watched Valerian? I'm waiting on Dunkirk to be on Netflix. Just don't feel up to being depressed for 2hrs.
  18. Democrats believe that Trump want's to take us back to the 1950's. So their solution is to bring us back to the 1920's.
  19. What will we see first, Obama's real birth certificate, or evidence of Russia hacking the election?
  20. So Trump is using the Hilary defense? It's not about breaking the law, it's the intent to break the law...(or in his case, knowing what's fake news)
  21. We've managed to convince the public that they need to send their kids to liberal-brainwashing universities... ...so why not give conservatives their own indoctrination centers.
  22. They say you can get addicted to porn. So you don't even have to ingest something to get hooked on it.
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