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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. The Bills are so cursed they can't even tank a season. There doesn't seem to be a top 5 pick Quarterback in 2018 anymore. They're all sucking.
  2. "Remember last season when Gilmore was pointing at a wide open Hogan scoring a touchdown and blaming the rest of his secondary? I'm starting to think that wasn't the secondary's fault. This guy points at who he's supposed to be covering from 10 yards behind on every big play. He is terrible. The Bills finally got one over on us. He's so bad I wouldn't be surprised if he was sent here by the Pegula's to corrupt our team from the inside." -from Patriots' forum
  3. We can't disprove that Bennett wasn't trying not to lie without the whole video.
  4. Their primary profit producing strategy is to sell Jordan's at idiotically inflated prices... so they can't risk alienating their core consumer demographic.
  5. Did you even read that article? That's not a law. It's not even racial segregation. It's economic flight. That is an example of people fleeing poor neighborhoods. The mostly white schools aren't keeping anyone out. The parent's don't want to send their kids to schools in the poor neighborhoods. That's like calling me racist because I want to shop at the nice Target store instead of the ghetto Walmart. What's the solution? Follow Obama's proposal and build section 8 housing in rich communities?
  6. YOu guys forgot to blame jet lag.
  7. It's also a death trap where fans are having trouble finding a way out. It's like detouring 50k people through a shopping mall. Too much crap that causes pedestrian traffic jams when most people are just trying to leave. People are already saying that if you have children, it's best to stay in your seat an hour or two before attempting to get out after the game.
  8. So a liberal friend told me that he doesn't care if the models keep getting the timeline wrong, it only matters that they are showing us the direction it's going, which is total global apocalypse; even if it takes 1000 years. So I asked him if he was willing to go back to the stone age to stop it. He said "it's better than doing nothing." Can't really argue further than that. Some people want to live like cave-men and others do not. That's the real difference in this debate.
  9. Black students offended when University President displayed them at his home! http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/16/university-president-apologizes-after-cotton-decoration-triggers-black-students/
  10. Both Dareus, and Mu Wilkerson from that draft lost all motivation to play after their pay days.
  11. I'm guessing that's what they ate every day for the 6 to 7 days it takes to cross the Atlantic. I wonder if they had fishing and got to eat the catch.
  12. For the low price of 75% of your paycheck, the government can provide free section 8 housing, an appointment to see a doctor every 5 years, and an unlimited bus ticket!
  13. I do not consider any Bills fan, still posting on an Alternate team board after 18years into a playoff drought, a band-wagon fan. It's okay to say this isn't a playoff team.. ...are we even able to punt well?
  14. Chemistry is only important if you're losing. It takes more character to survive sucking, most people don't have it, so you build a "family" for moral support. On the opposite end, most winning organizations are filled with egotistical jack ashes with no loyalty. Look at the Patriots, Cowboys, Steelers...
  15. If it makes anyone feel better, Patriots fans consider this author no more credible than any other forum poster.
  16. The Bills are getting older and stock-piling picks. This roster is what you would expect an expansion team to have. Older, overpaid players to fill a team, waiting to teach future draft picks for a year-or-two before cutting them lose. It's the classic, build a franchise in 10 years plan.
  17. So Cameron Jefferson got cut...
  18. 1) Jaime is keeping his oath to march north, even if it's by himself. 2) For a second, I wanted Littlefinger to summon the guards to defend him and have Arya go Hitgirl on a room full of soldiers 3a) Dany's crew were surrounded. Had Cersie been fried, then everyone in the arena would have been slaughtered. Even if they escaped, the armies would begin fighting each other. The ultimate goal was to have a big enough army to fight the dead. Losing soldiers when it can be avoided was not an option. The backup plan was probably to march north anyway and hope they don't get attacked along the way. 3b)Cersie could have slaughtered the entire rebel leadership and won the war. Although it would have probably meant the destruction of King's landing. Being true to her character, she would have an escape plan and just leave the city to burn. 4) The strategy was to meet at Winterfel and make plans there. Everyone was taking different routes. This is common for large armies that could move at different speeds; including the US military. However, it would have made a lot of sense for the leadership to travel together and plan on the way.... but Dany and Jon wanted some privacy. 5) Euron's plan was to find a way to storm off on his own. Probably the reason he picked a fight with Reek to start. However, the scene was so well acted that it made it confusing. So either Euron is a good actor, or the tv show actor should have toned down his performance and given a hint to the double-cross.
  19. I'm starting to wonder how he got re-elected so many times. The guy was literally Hitler.
  20. That is a big debate that hits a grey area since there are percentages involved between public and private funding. The logical solution is to defund them, which is starting to happen. If this was held in a city park, it would be an easy answer.
  21. Everyone knew? That must have been some epic weed to risk getting sent to a concentration camp.
  22. Probably because they are teachers stuck inside a bubble and have no clue how to handle real world situations except to ask for more money. As I have said, I have no problem when venues charge speakers for security fees, it only becomes a problem if the university starts telling the speaker what he is allowed to say.
  23. The money goes to the security company, which should be picked by the speaker. I clarified that the university should not make their "fee" mandatory for this reason. The guards charge how much they want depending on the risks and equipment involved. The cost depends on the profile of the celebrity. Beyonce will pay more than Carrie Underwood.
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