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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I find this thread incredibly sexist. No one has mentioned Men that get harassed. I know I've been the target of women who said "Hi" to me at work. I've also over-heard them rating men in the office. #metoo
  2. It's her job. So it's more like that business that didn't want to bake the gay cake. If the baker has to bake, then the porn star has to sex up the gay guy?
  3. That study is sexist and is a tool of the patriarchy to subjugate women.
  4. How well do these foreign players translate to MLB? I'm assuming that baseball has a smaller learning curve than basketball or football.
  5. Too bad they couldn't have included the Fantastic Four and X-men in the list of characters for Inifinity war. That would have been amazing to see everyone in one movie. I'm still hoping for a Marvel vs DC movie in the future....
  6. The one that uses "Christmas" as a verb...."Christmassing..."
  7. I found it interesting that her industry name was "August", since her parents already gave her a good porn star name: "Mercedes" You have to include trannies and black guys on that list. You're a bigot if you don't hook up with at least one chick with a d@#$%.
  8. The intent of the bill is to get rid of these small businesses. All other reasons are just talking around that fact. It would be the same as banning poles to close down strip clubs.
  9. I know my physics professor said that everyone would fit on Rhode Island and would be less than 1 ft high if liquefied.
  10. It would be much easier to feed, cloth, and house people if we crammed all 7billion people onto an island. The world doesn't have a resource problem (at the moment); we have a logistics problem. Of course, this doesn't take into account culture or lack of personal space (which has been proven to drive people insane), or even the fact that communities are usually built around resources, and not the other way around, but it's the easiest way to build the communist star trek utopia liberals dream about...
  11. What does it mean when Democrats are willing to admit that people would rather die than pay more taxes.
  12. Everyone who proposes a UBI system tries to paint it as a program that will eliminate Welfare, the same way they say that raising the minimum wage will push people above the poverty level; which it has never done in history; but they still say it will. UBI will just be another unsustainable program on top of the existing waste we already fund.
  13. The UBI will eliminate Welfare the same way raising minimum wage does...
  14. If you take in all the responses, you can see that there was a mini war brewing, with the people crying for more freedom, while the administration pushed back by sending in their mods to rein in the children. The mods were getting it from both sides. It's interesting that the response from the mod team was to say, "$%#@ it, I'm doing my own thing," after their leader fled to her blog.
  15. I know many people worshiped Wyo, but she was the ringleader that started the downfall. Her "good intentions" got the ball rolling. It started in the cesspool of the politics subforum. It was ignored by the mods (or given free reign) until one of the Mod's pals (Dennis) did some really bad things that got him reported. In response the Mods banned the posters who reported their friend. This caused a revolution that got that sub-forum banned. The remaining members, understandably, protested which led to more "rules" to stifle speech. WYO made her famous, "Don't post anything argumentative" rant. And told everyone to find another site. Jayhawk felt compelled to defend the mods and got even more brutally hard handed. Many left. and the "but" was no more. After the purge, the Mods turned their attention to the football side. Their power assured, they implemented the same stifling rules to "make their jobs easier" ; No criticizing mods. No talk about the owners. Nothing mentioning anything about women (which was even enforced when the Bills had the first woman coordinator)... the rules list went on, and kept getting longer, and murkier. People retaliated by trolling. Bans were handed out. More trolling in response to the mod's stranglehold, it drove the traffic numbers down to dozens, until it was an easy decision to shut the place down.
  16. "Amazon agreed to spend $1.1 billion to build three data centers in the state in exchange for a 15-year exemption on state and local property and sales taxes, up to $77 million"
  17. There is a history of Studios forgoing early screenings for critics when they know the movie is awful.
  18. Did you know that more Black players in the NFL get injured than White Players, despite the US population having 3 times more white people? The NFL is racist!
  19. The original topic is about racism. I guess we can also talk about ways to rehab from back injuries.
  20. 1 is suicide 2 is murder 3 is a mass shooting. I never understood why #1 is included into the "gun violence" statistics... I guess you can do violence to yourself.
  21. If you look at the amount of criminals instead of the total population, since young black men commit an alarmingly high amount of crimes, the statistics show that Law enforcement shoot Asians a disproportionate amount of times compared to other races. There is also no real data separating Hispanics from other whites, anything that cites those numbers are extrapolating their own bull%$#&.
  22. This only makes sense if they can convince him not to have surgery until the off-season.
  23. I don't have political beliefs. I have facts. I will correct someone if they are getting something wrong, regardless of affiliation. I've done this against both liberals and conservatives. How they take it is the fun part. If they insist on defending the lie, I consider them idiots and never bother to discuss politics with them again. (some family members) Most people get flustered when confronted with someone who actually know what they're preaching about. Those who can back up their opinion are rare, but it happens. Personally, I enjoy these discussions in real life.... and yes, I have changed my mind based on the debate; I have yet to find someone else who does though. Not surprisingly, the only people who seem to openly lose their %$* when talking about politics have all been liberals. Conservatives seem to just shut up and look at me angrily.
  24. Maybe we can stitch together a set of good legs with parts from Clay and Benjamin.
  25. Cheating solves all those problems.
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