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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. People realize that the climate is changing. They just don't agree that it's worth spending money to try controlling it without more proof. That's why the propaganda from alarmists is that it's "settled science", so they can spend with impunity The computer models didn't account for anything. They basically pumped CO2 in a jar and measured if it got hotter. Then started asking for money.
  2. This is the same state where people are too stupid to pump their own gas. Don't blame these criminals, they are just using the "Hilary" defense; it's not illegal if you don't know it's a crime. And the courts in Oregon agree.
  3. So the politicians refused to change the ruling because they don't want to send drug abusers to jail. So they agree with that woman who asked how her kid will be able to afford his sneakers if he isn't allowed to rob houses...
  4. Why is the shuttle and space suits white? We need more color!
  5. What's the point of being rich if you can't have sex with Porn Stars?
  6. Rice was the only WR that could catch an out-of-bounds ball in Tecmo. AS for hall of fame QB's, the guy made the pro-bowl in his 40s with Rich Gannon throwing him the ball.
  7. 1st generation American with a French-based first name... I wonder if they immigrated to Canada first.
  8. I assumed it from his name. haha. I'm looking to see if he changed it when he came of age. Like some do to reflect their african heritage. If not, then I can completely see how he can be engrossed in African culture.
  9. You guys, and Ngakoue, are mistakenly confusing Africa with Black people. One is a race. The other is a continent. From the context, it isn't hard to figure out that Incognito probably told the guy to go back home... to Africa; Which is where the guy was born. It's like telling some guy to go back to the minor leagues; or to Canada. I'm willing to bet that less than 70% of Black people identify with Africa. Most will say they are from Detroit (or another state/city). Update: Ngakoue was born in Washington DC....
  10. I've done it once in my life. The guy was holding a sign asking for beer money.
  11. Her waist size hasn't changed since high school! How many people can say that?
  12. I want to meet the idiot who thinks the earth is a hollow ball. Probably hangs out with the guy who thinks islands can tip over. I'm in favor of showing an inconvenient truth to all school children. I want to see their reaction when Gore tells them the world will end in 2010.
  13. They need to change the standards. Men have to get 90% on their finals to pass. Women just need to show up and spell their name correctly.
  14. His implication is that CO2 is a pollutant, which proves his statement that he knows nothing about science. Remember, these alarmist dingbats hang from the same tree as the health-nut liberals who called out airlines for "diluting" the cabin air with more Nitrogen than Oxygen.
  15. So the dude finally made it on the refugee boat from BBMB... Gator has some competition!
  16. It's fair to say that the general population (and scientists) don't know enough about the climate to make concrete conclusions. It's okay to think that we need more, and better, data to study the problem. However, what makes the whole thing idiotic is creating laws based on predictive models that have repeatedly been proven wrong. It's like some dingbat said the sky was falling, ten people agreed with him, and now we're passing laws requiring everyone to carry umbrellas at all times or pay a fine; because it's a scientific fact that it rains.
  17. The only thing Capitalism does is create wealth. What makes it great is that it is run by an uncaring, unbiased market; which favors the bold few. So we must use Socialism to move the newly created wealth to the underfunded needy. The problem is that we must depend on people to run it. So the solution is to turn our lives over to SkyNet.
  18. If anyone is interested, the guy gets to the point of the video at 18:43. He managed to ramble on about nonsense for almost nineteen minutes.... ...actually, he tries to explain his definition of Socialism and Capitalism. (which seems to be what this thread has devolved into.)
  19. So how many people could they have saved by jamming them into the 2 person shuttle that was able to go to the casino and back? 20? 30? 50? All of them? This movie felt like it was written during filming. Anyone trying to inject some political, philosophical, or even logical sense into this movie is fooling themselves. There is a laundry list of idiotic plot holes and that's just from first impressions on premiere weekend. Wait until the fanboys analyze it. Maybe the director (Rian Johnson) should have focused on making a better movie.
  20. I'm starting to wonder if the "Bitcoin will solve everything" crowd is hanging out with the "Weed cures everything" stoners.
  21. Neither. Science decides. Common sense would work too, but that died a long time ago.
  22. "In denying Cara her surgery, Aetna said it considers laser ablation surgery "experimental and investigational for the treatment of epilepsy because the effectiveness of this approach has not been established." "Clinical studies have not proven that this procedures effective for treatment of the member's condition," Aetna wrote in its rejection letter. The insurance company did approve her for the more invasive and more expensive open brain surgery, called a temporal lobectomy, even though her medical team never sought approval for the procedure." She got approved for the normal surgery but not the experimental one.... ...so the obvious response is to cry on social media and say that the Insurance company is killing her.
  23. "The panel will consider mandatory evacuations of hillside and brush area encampments during days or seasons of high fire risk, and education campaigns to discourage outdoor fires when winds pick up." So they're going to round up all the homeless and send them to education camps?
  24. Are you one of those people that can't believe Trump won because no one you know voted for him?
  25. This way of thinking is very dangerous. Our legal system is based on the idea that it is better to let 100 criminals go free than to send 1 innocent person to prison. It should never be equal. The burden of proof has to always be on the accuser. There is a thread in the PPP that cites a campus investigation where a lawyer told a committee that they must find the man guilty or 100 more girls will be assaulted by other emboldened men. It didn't matter whether he was innocent or not. Others in the media have stated that it is preferable to destroy a man's career and reputation than to "victim blame"; better to ruin 100 men's lives than to doubt any woman's claims. "Women don't lie about rape..." We've moved to guilty until proven innocent. "She has a right to be believed."
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