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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Watched Lost in Space up to episode 7/10 This show needs a science advisor. For a sci-fi show, the writers' understanding of physics is closer to looney tunes than reality. Throw in the fact that a highly selective recruitment program managed to choose 100 idiots to start a new colony; including must needed professions like cello player and surfer; is too ridiculous to ignore. Although, It would make sense to include only 1 doctor and 1 mechanic in your roster of 100 if the laws of Physics no longer apply in the post-apocalyptic future.
  2. Based on FaceBook's current policy, that program will censor everyone but LA Grant and Gator.
  3. We currently have the technology to replace ALL human labor with A.I. operated robots. No one is safe. Not doctors, or teachers, or even programmers.
  4. I feel a law must be written to force chick-fil-a to serve sandwiches on Sunday. Has to be a form of discrimination against some minority group.
  5. While Jackson is probably the most athletic Quarterback in this draft, he sounds (in interviews) dumber than a box of rocks.
  6. Never trust anyone who uses "boi" unironically.
  7. How do they explain both actresses that played the daughter being in the show?
  8. Listen to Lamar talk. 13 is a good score for him, if not higher than expected.
  9. I'm guessing the Colts feel they can still grab their targeted player at #6 instead of #12.
  10. Not if you're doing it for Jesus!
  11. When facing criminal charges, always plead temporary insanity.
  12. Stay at 12 and draft Defense. Use 22 on either Jackson or Rudolph. or go Wide Receiver.
  13. Teams who don't need a QB are going to see a lot of great talent sliding in this draft. Imagine if the Bills DON"T take a quarterback...
  14. Give me one reason why wealth inequality is a problem, other than jealousy.
  15. Call USPS and give them your address information. Both Sender and Reciever. If you're lucky and get someone who isn't your typical government employee, they should be able to help you.
  16. I cross a road frequently used by semi trucks, there is a stop sign on a crosswalk (not a road intersection). Most of the time the road is empty of pedestrians so a lot of trucks just blow past the sign. But I've seen pedestrians start walking assuming the trucks will stop. I always wait. I'm not going to risk my life by assuming the driver is alert, or that his brakes work.
  17. Holy cow, that's not even a truss. they were using temporary beams to hold up the roof. That's just a plank between two concrete supports. A central tower wouldn't have prevented this accident. This system requires you building both sides simultaneously like a seesaw, instead of one side at a time. They were building this the way they normally construct a regular post and beam system. Probably given to the lowest bid with no experience in this type of construction. What makes it worse is that it had to have been approved at several levels, and no one noticed that nothing was holding it up?
  18. It's actually more a suspension bridge. If you notice from the pictures, the members slant at different angles, putting uneven strain on each girder. While it can work as a truss, it's not how you would design that system to work. It would require each member be of different size and strength, which they clearly weren't. The construction company built and placed the span before the cable support system that is supposed to take up the load.
  19. A Wrinkle in time was getting so much hype, I was thinking that it was going to be another Black Panther extravaganza. The first reviews on RT give it a 32% audience score, with many calling it a kid's movie. Even the critics are hitting the low 40%, despite the automatic score bump for having a diverse cast and starring Oprah.
  20. Anyone notice he pats the ball before throwing it? Bledsoe had that same problem and Parcells couldn't break him of that habit.
  21. The question is whether 2 deaths per 100k (about the same chance of dying from dengue/hanta virus) is a price you're willing to pay for the right to protect your family. Americans who carry guns everywhere is comparable to the Japanese wearing breathing masks over their face.
  22. No, it's not. One has nothing to do with the other. It's how they teach you CPR. You check if the person is responsive first. Then you go through his vitals; breathing is one of them. There are a lot of situations where a person is awake, but can't breathe; have constricted or shallow breaths. Or just getting the air knocked out of them. Asking someone if they're breathing is a good question because even a bystander will respond with something descriptive if something is wrong: they will mention wheezing, coughing, or choking sounds. it's also a common question after an impact; especially in sports; if the person can breathe properly.
  23. It is possible to be awake, and not breathing. It's called choking. Form over Function... Perfectly describes Apple products.
  24. Considering the title of this thread, if someone were to search for this now, they still wouldn't be able to find it. Also, I'm the only person to write the words Jeopardy and Football Category, in this thread... maybe the search function will have a better shot now. FYI, it's been posted multiple times.
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