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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. My geology teacher said the composition of Hawaii's volcanoes mean they can't do more than ooze magma to the surface... ...of course, this was the same guy who said Global Warming would render the Southwest uninhabitable by 2015.
  2. Remember when the Bills waited for Rothlisberger and ended up with JP Losman...
  3. They hate us 'cause they ain't us.
  4. The Jets were saying that there were trade offers for Petty. I guess they were just trying to get someone to offer anything.
  5. This is like watching Game of Thrones for the first time during the red wedding and being puzzled why everyone is freaking out. A lot of people have spent 10 years getting to know these characters. There is a bigger impact when you actually see them get their butts kicked.
  6. Also, when I went overseas and lost cell connection, my phone never updated. I guess I could have changed it myself, but why carry around a large brick just to see the time?
  7. Kevin Feige confirmed that there will be real deaths in INfinity War. Some of these characters will stay dead. I think it was a mistake to smoke Black Panther and Spider-man, two characters we know they can't kill outright.
  8. uber delivers! I wonder how they can get around DOT regulations. They have them over here too, outside in the parking lot. This past Christmas someone broke into the locker and stole everyone's package. It was well lit and had a camera, but they never caught the guy.
  9. YOu forgot the #1 reason. People everywhere hating SJW's. That includes other SJW's. The Democrats really screwed themselves by getting on that train.
  10. Wrist watches were invented because people found it troublesome to fish out a pocket-watct from their pants. I also find it interesting that I'm still able to point at my wrist and people automatically know I'm asking for the time. How long will that idiosyncrasy last...
  11. From what i've read of Amazon's plan... They want to build pick-up centers in cities.So instead of delivering to your house, they want to move their products from a central warehouse to a smaller warehouse in a city where customers pick up their items. So if you live in the middle of nowhere, you're going to have to drive into the city to get your package. It's certainly one way to skip the hardest part of building a delivery service;... by not actually delivering it to you, just getting it closer so you can pick it up yourself ...until they figure out how to stop people from shooting down their drones. Although, they could make money by charging customers to finish that last leg of the journey to your doorstep; then simply handing if off to the Post Office.
  12. They've been saying that for years. Walmart tried to do the same thing, back when they were the biggest company in the market, and they couldn't pull it off. People don't realize just how big of an infrastructure they have to build. It's not just about connecting cities, but it's also reaching the smallest villages, while trying to find trained drivers in a rapidly shrinking profession. It's like Pizza-Hut declaring they're going to build and develop their own car for deliveries. It's possible, but the costs far out-weigh the benefits. I think the only way it will ever happen is if some technology gets introduced that forces the delivery industry to retro-fit everything; like safe self-driving vehicles or efficient electric engines.
  13. I've seen Prime products cost more than the identical non-Prime item because they know Prime members filter out those results.
  14. Avengers breaks record for biggest opening weekend box office ever. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2018/04/29/avengers-infinity-war-biggest-box-office-opening-weekend-ever/562721002/ It's so popular, that hipsters have begun to proudly declare they won't go see it, or that they just don't care... cause they're unique that way.
  15. Is Wolf usually that orange or is she just copying the President? #OrangeLivesMatter!
  16. I like wearing mine in the shower. It lets me know how much hot water I have left.
  17. Watch the senior bowl. He takes off running a lot because there is a timer in his head telling him to get rid of it quick, probably from his awful Oline-play in Wyoming. When he finally settled down, the guy looked like Tom Brady on touch passes and Dan Marino on hard throws. He even flashed some Ben Rothlisberger on broken plays. He looked like an NFL all-pro. At this point, I think he's playing like 2nd half Trent Edwards, so they need to calm him down into 1st half Trent Edwards. Don't throw him to the wolves! Allen is going to have to be taught how to play Quarterback. I hope that the pessimism from the fan base doesn't force the team to play this kid before his 2nd or even 3rd year. Unfortunately, Allen is probably going to light up the Pre-season, and there will be idiots calling for him to start day 1.
  18. For the people who just can't keep it to themselves. Talk about Avengers in here.
  19. I think that's also Amy Shumar and Alyssa Milano. I don't know the names of the two Black guys and the Asian chick. I just realized that I instantly knew who the white people were but had no idea about the other three...
  20. I wish that interview was on video. I would pay money to hear Shania say f*** and c***.
  21. From the title "Pot vs Pills" are they going to demonize pills in order to justify recreational use of pot? That's an awful argument. Might as well compare Pot vs a kick in the nuts. Or SJW's vs Cancer.
  22. To be fair, the show lets you know in the first episode that they are not going to be restrained by real Science to tell a story. Also, I'm pretty sure the writers play Minecraft, because there are different biomes (glacier, forest, desert) within a short walking distance of each other, and they transition about the same way as the video game. I finally gave up trying to understand the show when one of the characters decide to ride a helium balloon, tied to a chair, into space.
  23. Why was the temperatures in the 80's last week and the 40's this week? I want answers! Especially since I started working on my pool....
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