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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It has been discovered that wealth and labor is concentrated into a small number of people no matter what economic model a group practices. It even goes beyond economics and is a basic truth about human group dynamics. This "law" states that everything, whether it be money, work, etc, 50% is created primarily by the square root of the total people involved. The rest are left with the scraps. For example: If there are 10 people in a study group, 1 person will do 50% of the homework. if there are 100 salesmen; half the products will be sold by 10 people. If 10,000 restaurants are started, 100 of those will reap 50% of the revenue for the entire city. Of course, there are probably exceptions... but the rule generally works whenever any group of people get together. There are the movers, and the rest of us are followers (and have to live off the leftover dregs)
  2. So your problem is economic inequality, which probably means your ideology is Socialism. The deterioration isn't caused by Capitalism, but by people who's ideology opposes the fair distribution that the free market imposes. The same revolution occurs under socialism when the earners fight against the confiscation of their wages for redistribution. Free people aren't equal. Equal people aren't free.
  3. He's baiting the players to pick someone. And they will pick a thug, probably someone who deserves to be in jail, a person most people will think is a criminal. Then he will ridicule the players and paint them as idiots.
  4. When the benefits outweigh the costs. Capitalism is about exchanging goods and services that benefit both parties. Whenever one side is hurt in a transaction, it's tyranny. Pure capitalism has no failings. People just have an issue with true fairness. Every single rule, regulation and program creates an economic inefficiency to promote an ideology (basic economics!). What makes it seem "wrong" is that everyone has an ideology, so what you perceive as a "failing" is actually just a circumstance that is opposed to your personal worldview. What you think of as a "correction" to the free market, another will mark as "tyranny." What gets us in trouble is that everyone has a different path they want to take their community. Here's the thing, no one wants to live under pure capitalism because it's barbarically fair.
  5. Sounds like the parent/child dynamic.
  6. To sum up: Democrats exclude anyone with opposing ideas. Persecutes outsiders. Republicans include anyone with like-minded ideas. Invites insiders.
  7. At least one director must have red hair and only two are allowed to drive a Tesla.
  8. How did she end his football career?
  9. We will not rest until Trump produces a Birth Certificate proving he's not Russian!
  10. So they're financially liberal, but socially conservative.
  11. I sometimes ask people where to find the inorganic vegetables at the grocery store. I don't they think get my joke.
  12. The current trend is for liberals to smear advertisers reputation so they flee a show/network to save their image. It works because it's easy to switch to "safer" ways to market their products. The left tried boycotting but had neither the will nor participation to effect change. On the other hand, Conservatives just choose to stop watching, causing declines for ESPN, NFL, etc. These networks can't solve the problem of boycotts as easily, so they walk the tight-rope. And since the majority of their industry leans left, it's not like they have much choice in the content, either. They can only hope to enact policies that tone down the liberal rhetoric from their shows, to a level most people can tolerate. That is why I believe it feels like a double standard, because there is one... the left just needs to give their allies an excuse, while the right is fighting the nature of the beast.
  13. The explanation from the studio is that Han is supposed to evolve into the scoundrel and starts the movie as some pathetic rube. If it's supposed to be an evolution, then they only just started him on the path... because of what he did at the end. Personally, I thought he smiled too much. I used to believe that C3P0 and R2D2 were special droids that acted more human, because the movies showed other droids acting more robotic. It wasn't until Rogue one and Solo did this illusion get shattered. Why would anyone create sassy, rebellious droids on purpose? Are they actually a race like transformers?
  14. Solo's box office was even worse than the twice lowered projections. 3 day haul was in the 85mill range and barely over 100mil for the 4 day holiday weekend. Overseas box office was even worse. It's not going to get saved by Europe or China. A 250 million budget with an estimated 400mil total spent(with ads), its going to be difficult for it to break even if it rebounds. Overall, it's projected in the 600 to 800 million range worldwide (with half going to local theaters; less than half the cut in overseas theaters) The overall word of mouth is that it's boring. Interesting to see if the boycott holds or if everyone was just waiting for the 2nd weekend.
  15. Even after the apocalypse, mail will still get delivered to your bunker fortress; by a spunky group of militant teens led by Kevin Costner.
  16. We will run out of oil by 1999! The north pole will be ice free by 2005! Half the world will starve by 2010! The Southwest will be uninhabitable by 2015!
  17. I can imagine this speech being given before the inevitable dance-off.
  18. I knew my alphabet but wasn't able to read until 7years old. Although, I was doing 4th grade level math problems at the same age. I remember thinking that numbers made more sense then letters.
  19. 28, and I was being brutally honest. seems obvious that they put the logical, problem solvers below 40, and the emotional social activists above it. Those crazies in the -20's and 60+'s are the one who make manifesto's edited: corrected by ExiledinIllinois
  20. It's tracking about the same as Justice League. Quite surprising since Disney said that pre-sales were double Black Panther.
  21. Saw it today. Han Solo was the worst character in the movie, which includes the SJW droid. Donald Glover was by far the best, and Woody was his usual entertaining self. Paul Bettany and Emelia Clarke suffered from being too recognizable as other characters, but that could just be me. They were okay in their roles. The "surprise" made no sense to me. Maybe I need to watch the tv series'. Overall the 2nd best movie of the 4 recent Star Wars movies, behind Rogue One. I would recommend it as a rental. ***spoiler***
  22. It did in mine. I was surprised there was no end credit scene. Later, I heard it was cut because some people were triggered.
  23. Have the kids stay at home and attend class through the Oasis. Solves A LOT of problems, including funding, bullying, etc.
  24. There has been a mini-explosion of minimalists who renovate SUV/Vans instead of living in an RV.
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