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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. You're talking about a generation who grew up on Vines and memes.
  2. That rule includes the stipulation of extraordinary circumstances occurring... Like an alien space ship landing on the field.
  3. From the right: Grown Man provokes devout teen From the left: Senior citizen harassed by Rich White Athlete. In the middle: Old vs Young; a staring contest to the beat of a drum.
  4. Is it a coincidence that if you include all of AOC's policies as she intends, it is roughly the GDP of the US economy? It's like she created a wish-list based on a budget from a scenario where the government seized %100 of income and production. What could I buy if I controlled all of the money and nationalized every industry?
  5. Neuro-Linguistic Programming Someone who talks to themselves.
  6. I've replaced two faucets without turning off the water at all. Neither to the house or under the sink. Bathroom was easy, all i had to do was dam the door with towels, then bail the water from the floor into the tub after I was done. The Kitchen was more interesting. -required more towels. Ceilings got wet. This is me, not because I hate people, but because I think they're idiots and I can do a better job. So far, the only time I've been wrong is with electrical work.
  7. The comments from the people still trying to justify their hatred for the kids is amazing. Most refuse to watch the whole video, saying they don't need to see the whole thing to know they're right. Other's try to launch "what-if" scenarios on how the kids would have acted if not "restrained" by all the media coverage. Pathetic. And no one is mentioning why an ADULT would go up to a TEENAGER and beat a drum in his Face. That can be considered assaulting a minor.
  8. He's not handicapped. Like Scarlett Johansson before him, SJW's say Cranston is doing a "black-face" by playing something he is not.
  9. "Due to the public relations scandal, a rival march has popped up, called the March for ALL Women Rally. This group emerged late Wednesday, meaning it would have had little effect on out-of-town women who already made travel arrangements to come to Washington, D.C. This new march will gather across the street – in Pershing Park – from where the original march will gather. " I wonder if this counter-march will result in shouting arguments between the two groups about which one is more righteous.
  10. Can anyone recommend a watch, under $100, that would impress the ladies.
  11. Makes you wonder how much of California's marijuana was fertilized by dead people.
  12. I'm wondering if I need to watch Split before Glass. I'm thinking of going to see Upside just to ****-off SJW's protesting Cranston.
  13. Lucy Draper. a 5'10" 141lb kicker from Texas State (Armadillos!). Kicks soccer style up to 40yds, and has nice legs that go all the way up. rated #1 on the all movie fantasy team. Above such greats as Forest Gump, Bobby Boucher, and Willie Beamen. http://web.yesnetwork.com/theniner/?ymd=20151022
  14. Umami is not real. It's a made up flavor created by snobs who want to brag that they can taste something no one else can...
  15. If the protagonist would just shoot the kid at the beginning of the movie, a lot more of them would survive to the end.
  16. Those earning vs degrees studies fail to mention that most people who choose to go to college are already smarter and more motivated than average. If you were to eliminate college as a choice, an earning gap would still exist with the same demographics. I remember that one of the speakers at graduation cited a statistic that 50% will NEVER use their degrees. His message was that colleges usher children into the real world by teaching them how to think, instead.- (which used to be a parent's job, but we've destroyed that by compelling two income households).
  17. I"m finding that the hardest part about losing weight as I get older is the strain it's putting on my body. I haven't been able to go more than a few weeks before I develop some type of injury, usually foot/knee/shoulder related that prevents me from continuing to exercise. Then I take time to let it heal and lose motivation to continue.
  18. She literally judged someone by their skin color, which is stupid because they could have just painted everyone purple.
  19. The second you make it the public's responsibility, is the day the government mandates exercise. Freedom is a sausage mcmuffin.
  20. The only employer I know who cares about their employees after they retire is the US Military. If mine were to lecture me about getting fat in retirement, I would tell them to gtfo.
  21. I'm going to come back to this thread later... Hopefully, by then I can find a reason why someone who clearly learned enough economic theory to spout the benefits of government spending, somehow missed the second half on the consequences of using it as an ongoing policy. A final argument: if all we had to do to create an economic boom was to have government spend boatloads of money, why has no one done it yet? Why tolerate recessions at all? Similarly, why can't we just pay everyone $1000/hr.
  22. Do you realize that you're only argument is that nothing can go wrong because everything is fine right now? "This time it will work because we're special and no one did it correctly before".... where have we heard that before.
  23. A good comparison of the effects of government deficit spending can be made with what occuring with student loans because of 2 similarities: 1)The debt can't be forgiven 2)There is an unlimited amount of time to pay it back. #2 is actually the "benefit" many deficit spending advocates point to (including TPS) that makes it viable. Just keep paying the interest, doesn't matter if the principle ever goes down because you'll never be asked to pay it off completely. Now ask someone with a large student loan how they feel about paying it back... and point out the fact that it can' possibly be affecting them negatively because the payments are based on how much they earn.
  24. Like they did in Greece. I'm hoping the 2nd Amendment is a reason that scenario isn't possible. Because that only occured after the riots and mass exodus of the rich.
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