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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. "Unconfirmed sources suggest that the scratch on Jussie's face was caused by the actor being hit by frozen cubes of Bleach". ? I think, i'm done with reading articles on this story. It's too ridiculous at this point. More an SNL skit (or chapelle show). The media is still pushing the assault (instead of hoax) narrative, but the reader comments are almost exclusively calling him a liar.
  2. Isn't all of that covered under Hate Crime laws? Even if it's redundant, I guess it's a harmless way to make some folks feel better. Like Obama's equal pay act.
  3. I wonder how the law is worded. Does it say "straw" or "cylindrical sucking device."
  4. So Jussie has worked with Kamala Harris to push an Anti-Lynchin' law (didn't know it was legal) the past year. A day after the attack, Harris pushes the Bill for a vote in Congress.
  5. Sell the common cards as part of a complete set. Otherwise, keep them and hope so many people think they're worthless, that they become rare from people throwing them away.
  6. -I was not a witness to these events, but know the people involved. A few years ago, two people got caught having sex in the bathroom at work. Normally, this would result in just a reprimand on your employee file, (and ridicule from co-workers), which makes it difficult to move up to management in the future. The woman filed a sexual harassment complaint to HR. The guy gets fired, and everyone has to watch a video. She gets off with no reprimand. She's moved up a little bit since, but the fact that everyone still knows her as the bathroom-sex-girl isn't helping her chances to advance very much. Another woman, decades ago, got caught giving a ****** in the parking lot. She is currently a supervisor close to retirement. (The first thing I heard about her was her nickname) Bathroom-sex-girl is positioning herself to take over BJ's job when she retires, as safety supervisor. ?
  7. I've found that the most popular collectibles are usually the items that existed during the childhood of the current retired population. You've got a large population with disposable money with nothing to do but remember the good ol' days.
  8. My older brother once told me that only guys who suck **** use straws. My group of friends never used them; took the tops off and drank soda like real men.
  9. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/bay-area-chef-apologizes-after-tweet-banning-maga-hats-from-restaurant Chef apologizes for not being clear in his tweets. He's banning everyone that doesn't agree with him. The MAGA hat just makes it obvious from the start.
  10. Update: from Jussie Smollett. He never said they wore MAGA Hats, only that they yelled "MAGA country." Says his story never changed, he merely added more details to it. He didn't remove the noose to preserve the evidence. He didn't refuse to hand over his cell phone. The police informally asked and he didn't feel comfortable letting it go, so he didn't. Call records were never discussed. Police state they will not seek a warrant for the phone or records at this time as Jussie is not a suspect. He wants to bring to the public's attention that what happened to him occurs every single day around the country. There are roaving bands of MAGA thugs harassing gays and minorities. Many of them smirking.
  11. What we know so far: (bits and pieces from several articles.)? -2)Jussie's concert has sold 20% of seating 1 week before incident -1)Threatening letters and crushed asparin are mailed to Empire studio. -experts believe that the letter was either pasted together by a 4yr-old, or someone who watches too much television. 1)Smollett decides to go out for food in Chicago. It's below 0F. -22F to -40F windchill. 2)Jussie passes two homeless people. CPD release their picture as "persons of interest." 1:45AM 3)He buys a sandwich at Subway. Takes sandwich with him. 2:00AM. 4)On the street outside friend's apartment building, he enters a camera blind spot. Still holding sandwich, while talking to Manager on cellphone 5)Jussie fights off attackers. Conflicting reports on whether he used frozen club sandwich as defensive weapon. -Jussie commented that the fight was so vicious, that he was BITTEN during the struggle. 6)One minute later he WALKS back into camera view wearing a noose, like a neck tie. Re-emerging on camera just outside the building. 7)Jussie casually walks inside the building. Seen on camera still holding sandwich. Passes building security who notice nothing unusual. 8)Jussie then calls manager to come over. There is a time crunch issue here, unless the Manager was already at/near apartment. 9)His friend, Gatson, wants to call police. Jussie is reluctant to do so, but keeps the noose on his neck, just in case he changes his mind. 10)Sandwich is allegedly eaten during this discussion, destroying possible evidence. Dressing may have dripped on noose. 11)Manager arrives and calls the cops. 2:40AM. Conflicting reports from 15mins to 2hrs for police to arrive after call. 12)Jussie tells the officers to turn off their body cameras, or he won't let them inside the apartment. They comply. 13)Police report that Jussie is still wearing the noose around his neck. He has worn it a minimum of 1 hour. 14)Jussie describes 2 assailants wearing ski masks and gloves. Couldn't identify race or gender. 15)Jussie refuses to go to the hospital, but eventually agrees to take himself per police request. Gatson says he drove Jussie there. 16)Hospital report shows minor injuries. Swollen lip, cut on cheek. Released shortly after arrival. 17)Lee Daniels (Empire producer)recieves video of Jussie in the Hospital, then leaks it to TMZ including "MAGA country", hats, etc. 18)Seeing the TMZ article, police go back to question Jussie a second time. -Jussie adds that two white men recognized him, asked him if he was from Empire, then yelled homophobic/racist slurs to his previous police report. 19)Manager backs up Jussie, saying that he heard it himself since he was on the phone with his client at the time of the attack. 20)Police, previously unaware of phone conversation, asks for their phones to check the story; Both refuse. 21)13 officers/4 FBI pour over 100's of hours of video. Area is deserted. No moving vehicles, or people in hats, or carrying containers, or running. 22)Jussie releases statement that TMZ article was not completely true. They yelled "MAGA country", but didn't wear hats. 23)CPD releases report; does not mention "MAGA country" taunt. "Unknown chemical" used. 24)Jussie releases statement that he will provide police with records, but not his phone. 1 week later, has yet to provide either. 25)Neighbor reports seeing 3 "rednecks" at 1230 am outside apartment building, but does not match description made by Jussie. 26)Jussie makes first public appearance 1 week after attack. Performs intricate dance moves despite alleged injuries. Concert is sold out. 27)CPD subpoenas Jussie's phone and records. 28)Noose is reported to be clotheline, fresh from the package. Have identified brand. CPD searching local store videos, hoping to identify buyer. 29)CPD has requested an interview with Jussie for a 3rd time. Jussie is trying to find room on his schedule on Empire/recovery to comply. 30)Unconfirmed report that the noose was just a clothesline draped around the back of his neck, and resting on his shoulders. Edit: it's JUssie, not Jessie! Edit2: updated with latest
  12. The person's of interest are not suspects. They are being considered potential witnesses since they happen to be close to the area. The police could not find any video evidence and have moved on to finding people that might have been close enough to see/hear/suspect something. This has HOAX written all over it. This is something a lefty would think a conservative would say when telling Republican ghost stories inside their bubble. I'm surprised they didn't yell "build the wall!"
  13. I knew it was fake the second the article said that he was still wearing the noose around his neck when the police (eventually) arrived to take a report .
  14. Had a similar complaint with a hotel restaurant, room service. Hard to complain too much, because it was a different country. Got back late and ordered salad for a friend. She's allergic to wheat, so the only thing on the menu she could eat was a salad. Repeated NO CROUTONs twice. Arrived with croutons. In my Pajamas, I walk it out to the hotel restaurant and explain that I ordered no croutons, specifically said ALLERGIC. Sat with the hostess in my pajamas waiting for it back. 10mins later, got it back with the croutons removed. CRUMBS still on top of the salad. Called the restaurant Manager who brought over the cook who made the salad. Neither speak English. Hotel Manager comes over while I'm explaining my problem. I was gesturing through charades, by choking myself, that wheat will KILL my friend, While saying "Allergic." -FYI the Spanish word is Allergico". (sounds close, just add "o") 20mins later, I got a bowl of lettuce. Just Lettuce. Told the manager I wanted a refund and walked off with nothing. Did find a mango in my bag from earlier that morning.... My advice is to never go on a vacation with someone who has food allergies. Not worth the hassle.
  15. I was a bus boy at a restaurant. A rat fell from the ceiling onto a customer's table. It made the news. I knew it would happen eventually because part of my job was to set out traps every night. They never closed for a single day and passed the health inspection shortly after the incident. The restaurant stayed open for 5 more years.
  16. I always find it funny how these studies try to use surveys. That's not science. No real economist takes these studies seriously. Math is math. It's pretty simple math too. The bottom line is that you don't single out one variable and think the equation is balanced. The Market will adjust. That's how you end up with 500sft apartments costing $2 million dollars...
  17. I was hoping for rock on hood action. This is just regular Saturday morning demolition. Although, women with power tools are sexy.
  18. If you look at any crime statistic map for any city, the lowest incidence of reported crimes are always in the worst parts of the city. Also, 100% of illegal aliens have committed a crime. If you stop a crime that was never going to be reported, does it still lower the statistics?
  19. Not since they took 8 tries to find a vein.
  20. I'm expecting a run on Offensive linemen to start just outside the top ten. So many teams need them.
  21. How the 1% of the 1% spend their weekends.
  22. By the time that draftee reaches their prime, the teams needs will have changed. Free Agency is where you plug holes, not the draft.
  23. I expected a punchline at the end. I'm sad now.
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