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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Estimates for a "coast to gulf" southern wall range from 16 to 25 Billion. That's 1/3 the cost of the failed train project in California. One state can waste 77$ billion, but the country can't afford 5 to improve border security?
  2. If it makes you feel better, her major is American Studies with a minor in Gender Studies. Her favorite class was "Fat studies" taught by a Feminist. Also interesting that the most important thing she learned in college was "prioritizing herself". (according to links in the article). She's also ugly, fat, and an SJW, so I wouldn't expect some man to rescue her anytime soon. ? I expect that she'll soon be getting a job at Starbucks, surrounding herself with cats, and posting youtube videos on the evil Patriarchy. I'm pretty sure she's too fat to march with Antifa.
  3. For a while, the Ravens and Bears kept leaking defensive players every year that turned into duds for their new teams.
  4. 2018 was a historically awful year for music.
  5. She's dated musicians, models, and billionaires, and got dumped by all of them. 75% of breakups are initiated by women, yet she's the one being left behind. I'm curious to know what she's doing that drives men away.
  6. This also explains why there are so many wars in the Middle East.
  7. If they flunk out, they become climatologists.... where accuracy is 0%!
  8. Kids don't play outside anymore. Who would see it? There was sound? How? Which film? When was the last time they made Porn movies on film, 60s? Black & White with porn 'staches? Journalists today don't ask the tough questions.
  9. Sandwich University only has post-graduate programs.
  10. Wash the bed sheet.
  11. I deal with a lot of dirtbags, and it helps if you figure out their decision making process. That way, you won't be surprised, and will know why someone got screwed. Most decisions are made to benefit someone, maybe your SIL is just low on the priority list. The trick is to find a way to move her higher, so someone else gets shafted. Rarely do you find someone who just wants to see the world burn.
  12. Here's something that was brought up. The recommended temperature range is around 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Most android phones start to show symptoms once it reaches the 20 degree mark. At this temperature, the OS starts to slow down moderately. Breaking points for most phones is around -20 degrees Fahrenheit. I've personally experienced this; my cellphone not responding. Anyone who's been outside at this temperature would have a hard time holding a phone to their face, too.
  13. Oh... that makes sense that he' staying at his friend's apartment. This story has changed so much that it gets confusing. First few articles say he's at a hotel. Then it's a friend's apartment. Then it's Jussie's apartment. They still haven't all clarified this point. Almost all of them call it Jussie's apartment, and not his friend's, even in current articles.
  14. There's a bit of time crunch if there were three of them. I guess they could have all been on the phone talking to each other, but unless they all lived in the same area, it would leave very little time before the manager called the cops. We also have to assume the manager was ready to go out at 2AM in the polar vortex. Also, that would mean that the Choreographer was staying at Jussie's apartment, or they live in the same building. Initial reports were that Jussie went to a friend's apartment, but they end up at his place when the cops show up? There is no information on where they all live and how long it would take for them to meet up. All of this would have to occur in 20-30minutes for the timeline to add up. Remember, they're supposed to be having in-depth, heart-wrenching, emotional breakdown level talks during this period. As it stands, they had enough time to holla, "WAZZZ-UP", eat the sandwich, then call the cops. The footage they were talking about were of the two homeless people. This part of the article follows the media's narrative from earlier where the two "person's of interest" were considered suspects. The reporter is taking his previous article and just updating information; but kept his assumption that they were looking to arrest the two blurs. The alternative interpretation would be that the "journalist" is implying that some video evidence of the incident has been found pointing to other suspects, but that would qualify as spreading #fakenews.
  15. 10 years to completely demolish and rebuild every structure in the country... ...as someone with knowledge in this field, I can only think of one way of doing it on time: deploy nukes.
  16. https://people.com/tv/jussie-smollett-friend-speaks-out-apparent-hate-crime/ The Manager, speaks out. "I said let’s call the cops, let’s go to the hospital..." ...the actor returned to his apartment afterward and called his manager, who quickly made his way to Smollett’s home. “The manager goes to the apartment, and they agree to call police. The manager called us at 2:40 a.m...” Jussie calls the Manager/Choreographer/Creative Director to his apartment at 2AM in the morning, where Gatson spends 30 minutes convincing Jussie to call the cops, while wearing a noose around his neck. Possibly twirling it on his finger like a phone cord. ? It took me awhile to figure out that the manager and choreographer were the same guy. Also not sure if the manager was already at the apartment (from the article) or he came over(also from article.) It's also interesting to read that the police have acquired footage that could lead to the arrest of the two homeless blurs that weren't anywhere near Jussie (from article). ?
  17. prosthetics-for-all will have you covered!
  18. The more I read about the Green New Deal, the better it sounds. It's a list a 2nd grader would make if you asked them what the world would be like when they grow up. I would like to add: Flying cars Hover boards! A replicator in every kitchen A Unicorn in every back yard. light sabers for guns program!
  19. Two feet rise.? I guess climatology doesn't include studying physics.
  20. It's a redundant adjective. Like specifying Pork bacon because Turkey bacon exists somewhere in the universe. Everyone calls it just "bacon" except some subset of deranged loons who insist we clarify that it's made from pig. My favorite food to grill is beef burgers!
  21. The best explanation I heard was that it was a couple of maids doing laundry at 2AM to avoid the crowds. They hit him with tide w/ bleach and smacked him with their bags of laundry, which is why he only had a scratch on his cheek.. The noose was actually a drawstring from one of the bags, that broke, and he didn't notice it around his neck until the cops pointed it out. The old ladies thought the frozen sandwhich was a gun, and being black, they though he was going to mug them. (racists). Jussie was so embarassed, that he made up the rest. The reason the women didn't show up on camera, is because they have keys to the service entrance in the alley.
  22. I guess, when someone gets repeatedly beaten, it's perfectly normal to just dance it off, after a few days recovery. Personally, I would take a few weeks to let my bruised face heal, and let the broken ribs reset, before going on stage to entertain people. Although, I might be persuaded to go out for a subway sandwich.
  23. I just can't help watch this train-wreck. This is a man that was jumped by two men, and beaten bad enough for them to slip a noose around his neck. (but not lose hold of his sandwich.) ...and he's still healing. While dancin'!?
  24. It's murder +. They give more severe sentences. Like super-sizing. Kill someone = 20yrs Kill someone while wearing MAGA hat = death penalty.
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