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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Nope. Because boys and girls are different.
  2. IF it makes you feel better, he'll probably be broke 2 years after retirement.
  3. Just because this was a hoax, does not mean people aren't getting stabbed by homeless people every day. ?
  4. LOL, you should tell him about your PHD's and trophies in debate club, maybe mention that time you pwnd noobs on fortnite. /LOL LOL, that will show him how right you are. /LOL.
  5. No one committed a crime, until he filed a report to the police. That's probably what he was contemplating during the 40minutes it took him to call 911.
  6. Communists enjoy a wide variety of Capitalist born products; because they won't allow anyone to spend money improving their own stuff.
  7. They spent a lot of money on research. Only in a Capitalist system, would anyone waste millions on studying french fries.
  8. Trump is that guy everyone pretends to get angry over for saying out loud what we're all thinking.
  9. I don't remember people freaking out this much when Obama was President... and that guy did a lot of ridiculous stuff.
  10. If you're allowed to pull conspiracies out of your butt, I should be allowed to do the same. How exactly would declaring an emergency on fakenews work? 70% of the population thinks the media is biased. Trump calling it out is actually a nice way to try and work the problem, even if it's been ineffective so far.
  11. I see kids playing outside occasionally; Christmas break and during the Summer. There are usually people hanging out in lawn chairs watching kids play with fireworks on the street during New Years and 4th of July. They might be outside more than that, but I'm usually at work in the afternoons, after school. I live in the 'burbs.
  12. Friends? Obama used the IRS. The Clintons literally kill people. Bush? Trump sends out tweets. It may be concerning, but let's get some perspective.
  13. Hollywood response to this case.... Day 1: Those racists! burn it all down! This is what happens in Trump's America! #JusticeforJussie Day 20: Everybody calm down. Let's wait for all the facts to come out. Jussie might still be telling the truth. #IstandWithJussie
  14. The memo has been sent to the MSM: Amazon is now public enemy #1 for embarrassing Democrats.
  15. Pass a law to make it illegal to ignore gun laws.
  16. Jussie got the gentlest beat-down in history. His sandwich fighting skills are strong. The Nigerians are probably who CPD saw buying the noose from Ace Hardware; if they're the same people from the video, that means they dropped off the "supplies" at the scene, then took off to Nigeria the next day. It's starting to make sense!
  17. The first question might as well ask if we drink beer or soy milk.
  18. How do you shift gears and text at the same time?
  19. Swift post boob job isn't bad. I see her headed to the same fate as Aniston.
  20. So I sou vide steak for the first time for a few friends and I got a weird response. So I told them in advance what I was doing. After eating it, one guy complained that his steak was bland. He said that he doesn't like boiled steak and that the flavor was gone. He thought I just stuck the meat in a pot of boiling water. (Yes I seared it after, perfect medium to medium rare doneness) Do we really taste food? Or is it just what our brains tells us what it should taste like...
  21. It was handed over to the FBI who are trying to figure out if the reporter who found it is stupid enough to plant it himself, or it was one of the three idiots clinging to this fabricated story.
  22. It's a private company. Probably hired by the lawyer suing the media. He's going to need to present evidence if he wants to win the case. The news agencies being sued will probably hire their own investigators soon.
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