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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It all sounds good... but as people pointed out... keeping Shady nullifies what he said. Actions speak louder than words. They got rid of Watkins and Dareus. McCoy is a $$$ first player like them, and a giant douch-nozzle. I will cheer if he does something good to benefit the Bills, but not him personally. I would rather have gotten a 5th round. I wouldn't be opposed to just having the extra cap space.
  2. Vision is the most important trait for a RB. He can be a Freddy Jackson type where he'll get you consistent yardage, and occasionally break a long run, before getting tackled from behind. What I don't like is his pass blocking. In the tape he blocked 4 times... and missed 3 of them. Two things that will keep a talented RB on the bench... pass blocking and fumbling. He may be too short to fumble.
  3. I think people have turned Game of Thrones into Survivor, where everyone has to die before we get to a sole survivor at the end.
  4. Anyone with even a marginal understanding of military strategy (or watched a documentary on youtube) could have employed a better plan than the one used in Episode 3. Anyone who's ever played an PVP MMO game would have done a better job than what they came up with... ...but, I'm trying not to think about it.
  5. It's the same with Avengers endgame. People who don't really care about the characters were bored during the first 2/3rds of the movie. The same people that complained that the first two episodes of GOT were filler. Some people are fans. Others are just along for the spectacle. Feels like the day after Christmas...
  6. Watching the episode, the zombies were "dying" from superficial cuts. That means that all they had to do was touch them with it. Dragonglass seems to just suck all the re-animation magic from the zombies. They should have been making shields with it.
  7. Why did those two people get out of their car? Why was that lady stopping the car in the turning lane from going forward, when she got out? What caused it to topple? It didn't look over-weight.
  8. The only reason I kept watching season 1 was for the boobs. Eventually, the boobs didn't matter anymore.
  9. Someone at work told us that she doesn't watch Marvel movies or Game of thrones, and was annoyed that it was all anyone talked about last week. I actually feel sorry for her... because she missed the best weekend of entertainment in media History. (Not to mention the NFL draft was on too). To me, it would be like being the only kid who didn't bother to see Star Wars in the 70's.
  10. Also, I expected valerian steel to play a more important role. Keeping track of who had a sword was pointless.
  11. Feels like there are a lot of people that didn't actually pay attention to the episode.... ....or it was too dark. ?
  12. I know a lot of people are disapointed there wasn't more to the NK, but I always viewed him more like a force of Nature rather than a real character. I turned off every source of light in my bedroom, trying to see better.
  13. I thought it was a great episode. Large battle formations made up for repetitive one-on-one hacking scenes It may look stupid in hindsight, but the Dothraki massacre set the mood well. I loved it. For two episodes I kept hoping that they remembered to clear those tombs of corpses. It was too dark, the cam was too shaky, and the blizzard made the dragon fight pointless to watch. After Dany fell off the dragon, I knew the battle was won. No escape, means victory or end the series. I'm disappointed so many of the main characters survived. Then...Like everyone else... I figured out it was Arya after the "blue eyes scene." However, I imagined the scene playing out differently: wanted Bran to stand up, take off his face to reveal Arya, before stabbing the NK. Having her jump out of nowhere was jarring. How did she get past the circle of zombies? Was she hiding in the tree? The Dagger move redeemed the scene somewhat.
  14. I'm also a Vegan. Except for steaks, bacon, and sushi. Also fried chicken.
  15. For the people trying to insinuate that both sides live in a bubble... ...numerous social media developers have stated that there is a massive problem of leftists blocking/reporting everyone not aligned to their viewpoint, that doesn't exist on the right. It was part of several Q&A's discussing how they planned to combat MisInformation on their platforms. These platforms are denying bias, when it comes to banning, based on the fact that liberals will report a lot more content than conservatives, so it's natural that more on the right get banned.
  16. Lesean has never been a role model. Let's not forget the guy was being investigated last year. It's impossible to avoid spoilers for this movie if you're on the internet. Many sites will warn you about containing spoilers, but then post a picture from the movie in the thumbnail. If you stay on the inter-webs, the best you could hope for is to only get un-important spoilers, like who makes a cameo in the movie.
  17. Avengers Endgame feels like the end. There really isn't any motivation to see anymore after this movie. It was a satisfying movie, hitting many of the points we wanted resolved. It will be interesting if the next phase of movies will be able to draw back audiences. Especially if they get an SJW re-focus. A-Force could turn into a Ghostbusters disaster if they go down that path.
  18. Except that people spend their time at restaurants with their faces buried in their phones.
  19. Prison inmates should not lose their 2nd Amendment rights in Prison either. That's were you need to defend yourself the most, when you're surrounded by murderers and rapists!
  20. They have to investigate until they find something. I want proof that Trump is innocent or guilty. This "not enough evidence" to prove anything is complete BS. It's like the tv show LOST all over again.
  21. Not surprisingly, the people most vocal about the coming Climate Change apocalypse have only been adults long enough to experience one doomsday prediction.
  22. ON a related note.... I was in a game with only 3 pieces left: two kings, and a queen. I was the one with lone king. Most people fold automatically. I wanted to play it out. The guy didn't know how to checkmate with only two pieces. Declared a draw after 50 moves with no pieces taken.
  23. The guy playing white would have won if he didn't mess up at the 8:21 mark. Instead of moving the pawn to A4, he should have moved the king to D3. At worst, white can force a draw, if not win it. You even see him hesitate and move his hand back and forth; unsure on which piece to move. He chose poorly. The kid's best move was standing up and provoking white into playing speed chess, which forced him to make a mistake.
  24. To prepare ourselves in case the Bills trade two 1st round picks to draft DK Metcalf.
  25. Dareus made sense at the time, but it hurts now because the players drafted around him will probably be hall-of-famers. Watkins was the stupidest pick at the time when you consider that draft was loaded with WR's. What makes it worse is the fact that the poll on BBMB had a better draft record than the Bills' for the last two decades.
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