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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. I know someone who picked Avengers Endgame as their first marvel movie. She was so confused and bored. I told her not to go, but she insisted because she wanted to know what all the fuss was about..
  2. No one to blame but yourself on that one. That's like going to see a fast and furious movie and complaining about predictable, monotonous, ridiculous car scenes. John Wick is basically a Chuck Norris meme.
  3. Aladdin was merely "Okay". It's almost a scene by scene remake of the original, with a very notable exception, The added #metoo Jasmine scenes. It was so out of place, that many people got confused what was going on. The Jasmine story-line was changed to appease the far-left, which seems pointless since they already boycotted the movie because the leads weren't Arabic enough. (too indian). Definite rental movie. Although, I was told the CGI looked a lot better in 3D than 2D. They were probably the worst I've seen years.
  4. I was on a flight to California, from Texas and watched an older woman get hand-cuffed for having CBD oils in her carry-on. I over-heard her saying that they were legally bought in California, where she lives. I never thought about getting arrested for something legal in one state, but illegal in another....
  5. That's interesting, but I hope that family doesn't start voting liberal in their new state. These blue-state transplants don't seem to understand that they were part of the reason their home state turned into a *****-hole.
  6. Wick is lighter than those movies. Sortof. It's basically a 2 hr long meme: What would happen if you piss of Chuck Norris... Also, the world-building aspect replaces a conventional story as the plot driver. Personally, I like Wick better than other similar franchise. (Jack Reacher, Transporter, etc...)
  7. Actually, the history of Westeros showed that the 7 kingdoms were at constant war until the Targaryans united them all, through conquest, which resulted in a thousand years of peace. They've reverted back to pre-Targaryen where a handful of houses will constantly declare themselves the next "rightful" ruler. Will the houses take turns? Will a Stark ever be allowed to hold the throne again, since they are not part of the 6 kingdoms? Will the Greyjoys force another conflict to retake the North? Also, how do they pass on the mantle of three-eyed raven? Test every boy, or will Bran choose his successor? Will the houses then approve his choice?
  8. The wheel is more solid than ever. With a "king" to choose after the death of the last one, each house will be fighting for that thing forever. Just imagine the amount of people trying to kill the guy on the throne, too. Not to mention the North... they should be building a southern wall, asap. Their "compromise" might create 50 years of peace, before a thousand years of war.
  9. I liked it. Not the way they ended everyone's story arc in season 8, but that they gave us a resolution. There wasn't a quick cut to black, or cliffhanger. It's over. No more to tell. It was very Lord of the Rings. Instead of a Shire, we get the Wall.
  10. I'm hoping for mecha-Godzilla. John Wick 3 was a fun movie. Much better than the 2nd one. Might be better than the 1st. They figured out what people wanted to see in a John Wick movie and made it non-stop for 2hrs. Probably going to see Aladin, but trying to convince my friends to go to the dinner & movie theater/restaurant. I figure that It will probably suck and I would need something to do during the cringe parts (Will Smith.)
  11. We need a metric calendar. 10 days a month. 100 days a year.
  12. For some strange reason, 3rd/4th round picks have been the last players to sign every year. There is some weird contract transition there between early vs late draftees that gives some room for negotiation.
  13. Use the front camera. The light from the screen will be like a flashlight. All you have to do is stick the check on your forehead!
  14. Not only was he taking PED's, he was actively trying to hide it with a masking agent.... Proves that he's being doing it for a long time.
  15. This is terrible news for a lot of our ponzi scheme entitlements.... like social security.
  16. My best friend and I fought over a book, and I ended up with the used one. Flipping through it, I found that it had notes in the margins that improved a lot of the recipes. I had an easy time that semester; all of my potions turned out perfect. Later I found out the book had belonged to the teacher.
  17. I was the kid who covered up his tests so the unprepared losers around me couldn't cheat.
  18. I tried googling it and I found the movie "Bring it On." Didn't come up until page 2. Must not be a very popular series.
  19. I read a few reviews after watching the movie to see why it got so many positive reviews. The majority of critics seem to think it's clever commentary on the state of the white house, the GOP, and conservatives in general. While It can be seen as satire, the consistent right-wing ridicule got old after awhile. The jokes were mostly penis/sex jokes, toilet humor, and conservative bashing, none of which I found very funny funny.
  20. Long Shot was total garbage. It's the liberal rom-com of an SJW journalist, suffering from TDS, falling in love with an Idealized Hilary Clinton fantasy. Seth Rogan plays the same worthless loser character he always does, while Charlize Theron pretends his SJW BS advice is wisdom worthy of her time, and risk to her career. This is "Knocked Up" with politics thrown into the mix. Critics seem to love this movie.
  21. I kept waiting for Arya to say Danaery's name at the end. One last person on her list. ?
  22. "Lockner reportedly said she did not know she was pregnant before either of her two births." ?
  23. "Expectant Mother" parking spaces are not ticketed. They can be used by anyone. If you put cheese in the shell before the meat, it will act like glue to keep the two halves together, even if they break during the assembly process, assuming the ground beef is still hot enough to melt the cheddar.
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