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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. That article says the people who started this rumor were " trolls impersonating real reporters" or "smaller upstart Twitter accounts". Which one is Incarcerated Bob? Neither one can play R DE (except on passing downs), unless it's to replace Lo Alexander at LB in the base defense.
  2. Doesn't Clowney play the same position as Jerry Hughes? Who's going to sit?
  3. This is the guy that throws out a lot of speculation then brags that one of them hit, while deleting his wrong predictions. He's as reliable as any random poster on this Forum.
  4. The key to terraforming Mars is CO2 emissions? So how many cows can we send up there?
  5. If you catch a fly ball, some teams will give you a one day contract.
  6. It's the addition of "deplorables" that upset people, because it's a quote from Hilary targeting Conservatives, not the plot. It's about the wording. \ It's Hollywood taking a jab at the Right. Imagine if an Indiana Jones remake featured rednecks instead of Nazi's...
  7. I don't think she can go any smaller, before it becomes illegal to post here.
  8. ...or you can just watch protestors on youtube.
  9. Trump broadcasts mind-warping radiation waves with his tweets.
  10. You're delusional if you believe that their aren't millions in the total ban camp in the US. There are continents of people living in total ban countries and many here want to emulate them. I would put the number around the same as those who want Universal Healthcare.
  11. There are two legitimate responses to these events. 1)People want to run behind the protection of law enforcement. 2)People want to fight against the threat by arming themselves. Neither are effective because it treats the symptoms and not the disease. Unfortunately both political ideologies prevent them from taking steps to help; The left wants to normalize mental illness, and the right supports individual responsibility and due process.
  12. https://www.smh.com.au/national/australia-reloads-as-gun-amnesties-fail-to-cut-arms-20130113-2cnnq.html Austrailian gun ownership is back to pre-Ban levels as of 2010. A little under 1 million guns were confiscated after the ban. Ownership estimates were in the 3.2 to 4 million range before the legislation. (no way of really knowing.)
  13. Except that activists, and more importantly, politicians have already stated they want to ban ALL GUNS. ...and it's blatantly obvious why ordinary citizens should be armed, even beyond the need for self defense. The 2nd Amendment was specifically created to combat Tyranny, and the riots in Venezuela, Turkey, Spain, France, Hong Kong, and Oregon prove that that need still exists today. It's estimated that more than 75% of firearms were NOT turned into the Australian government after the ban. So the statistics are trying to prove the effectiveness of a BAN that didn't occur.
  14. There would still not be enough data to prove nothing changed. I can't prove that not having a rock in my pocket attracts Bears. He can reduce the time to 2yrs and would still be wrong. Don't start an argument with FALSE statement and expect people to believe anything afterward.
  15. You are more likely to get hit by lightning, or win the Powerball than be involved in a mass shooting... ....yet this irrational fear is enough for people to give up a fundamental Right; and bully others to do the same. Imagine if we had a debate to close beaches during shark week. (which is much more likely to occur)
  16. You can't do statistical analysis on rare instances.. There just isn't enough data to come up with a statement like "16 incidents prevented". It's equivalent to the false argument that a rock in your pocket prevents bear attacks. Bottom line: Restating the LIE that "no mass shootings occurred in 22 years" invalidates his argument; proven by the fact that he immediately attaches exceptions.
  17. THat last line is a complete lie which invalidates the entire article. Australia had one horrific shooting resulting in double digit deaths which caused the hysteria that pushed gun control. They didn't have many before that and don't have many after. The frequency didn't change much. Although, you can argue the methods did get a little more creative.
  18. I find it odd that there are people in this thread, like you, trying to virtue signal their opposition to generational stereotypes, like some crusade to right a reputational wrong. Everything in this thread is nothing but superficial nonsense, born out of memes, jokes, and social media; yet a few seem to be genuinely offended, like stating that young people act young, and old people act old is somehow controversial. As far as your response to me, you clearly didn't understand what it meant when I told you "I'm not a boomer." Think about it...what does that make me, instead?
  19. If he was a real man, he'd grab the cheap, generic, bulk-cases from Costco; or better yet, make some himself from paper towels and duct tape.
  20. I thought it was rather insightful. Just read the guy's posts. There's a lot of self-hate there.
  21. You do realize you're talking about yourself, right?
  22. So your argument is that boomers are bad because they sound like the generation they're complaining about...
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