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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. They get their information from weekly server patches.
  2. Concussions are tricky because doctors have to rely on input from patients. There are the obvious symptoms, and then there are the "how do you feel, today?" diagnosis. Glenn's "concussion" was self-reported, and fans have pointed out that they can't find the play where he got hurt. He wasn't presenting with any symptoms, and no one had a clue, until Cordy went to the doctors himself. The Bengals are basically accusing him of faking it, now; after 8 weeks.
  3. designate 2-hand touch only players, like in practice, with bright neon jerseys. This will also open up the league to female players.
  4. Democrats Introduce Debate Strategy Of Holding Up Small Child Whenever Their Positions Are Challenged .S.—Democrats are bringing a new tactic to the next presidential debate. Each candidate will arrive on the debate stage with a child to hold up whenever someone tries to question or challenge any of the statements they make. Recently, presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren was asked about accepting lobbyist money and she immediately lifted up a five-year-old girl named Sophie. "Why are you attacking this child? Are you some kind of monster?" she asked, leaving her interviewer speechless. https://babylonbee.com/news/democrats-introduce-debate-strategy-of-holding-up-child-whenever-challenged
  5. It's Free. The government pays for it. ?
  6. I know pouring a cup of water on my head will get me wet. Doesn't mean I'm eager to build a boat.
  7. Play 5D chess and start Matt Barkley.
  8. The difference is that the Ebola virus is a proven threat. ...and preventing it doesn't involve implementing communist ideologies; which would kill more people than the disease.
  9. If you don't send me $1 a day for the rest of your life, the climate will beat you over the head with a banana leaf. This is your life we're talking about, are you willing to take the chance?
  10. That is a lot of Obama-era policies. Just how many did that guy change with his pen? They're all changes put in by Obama. Mostly stuff requiring measuring output, (probably in preparation for a carbon tax), regulations intended to shut down coal/natural gas power plants, and altered emission calculations to make them more severe.
  11. What if we told you that you have to put $20 into a jar, every day, to stop a giant meteor from hitting the earth? ...and then added that everyone in your neighborhood has to also chip in 20 bucks , but you're the only one who has agreed to do it. How many days will you keep putting $20 in the jar before you realize it's pointless? Also, how stupid would you have to be, to believe putting money in a jar will stop a giant meteor?
  12. What does my lamp have to do with kids and netflix?
  13. Just google how they calculate carbon footprints. The basic methodology is that people with money will buy stuff so they have a higher carbon footprint. That's just stupid. So a person in china who spends 5cents on a hotdog has 20X lower footprint than an American who spends 1$ for the same hotdog, according to the current methodology. There are even a few articles championing the idea that the government should take peoples money (higher taxes) so they won't use it to buy more stuff that increases their carbon footprint. Also, how bad does your argument have to be, to use children as the spokesperson for your cause. If we listened to the children, no one would eat broccolli
  14. So I researched this claim, and it's complete BS.... for the simple fact that no one can figure out how to measure a person's Carbon footprint. The entire methodology is based on wealth, consumption, and available social services. So the people with the most money, are the most responsible. How convenient if you're goal is to grab some cash. A 300$ ribeye is 600 times higher in carbon emissions than a 50cent hotdog....
  15. The rule is a little bit more complex than just hair length. It includes regulations on hairstyle; which is what was cited as the rule violation. Braided hair is especially bad because it's like tugging on rope. I guess they should target the rules committee for banning braids and not man buns. Why is long hair so popular in wrestling?
  16. I keep seeing people use this word wrong, so I had to look it up, to see if there is a new meaning. According to wiki it stands for: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP I'm more confused now.
  17. Have you tried turning the computer off, then on again? ?
  18. Those poor children were just shopping for school supplies... ..what type of neighborhood would know the sound of a handgun vs an assault rifle?
  19. The committee went over the rules and the referee interpreted them correctly. He did nothing wrong. However, he's being suspended anyway because it's the second time he's been accused of racism. Basically, all fans have to do to get rid of refs is to call them "racists," instead of just asking if they're blind. ?
  20. There is a chance that Bills' opponents will be 0-9 going into week 4. Even if they beat the Bengals, there will be no credit given until they play well against the Patriots.
  21. look into trains. 1st class cross country travel. It's cheaper and more comfortable. The only downside is travel time, which you have a lot to spare in retirement.
  22. They'll just increase the bribe to the refs so his replacement can hold the DE without getting a penalty.
  23. The line of quarterbacks still waiting to be signed starts behind Tim Tebow.
  24. It would help his cause if his girlfriend agreed to sign the contract, too.
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