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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. "I’m quick to blame men for their toxic behavior, but in this case, I, the woman, was part of the problem." https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/feb/24/my-boyfriend-wedding-dress-unveiled-shortcomings-masculinity
  2. The thread title hurts my brain. took? ...and I would have taken Brady in the 4th.
  3. Cutting benefits for those people unwilling to work? Outrageous!
  4. Kinda like porn? "Common sense" is not required; since the rules make any such determination irrelevant. The only way to make that TSA agent more perfect for his job, is to make him a robot.
  5. I don't want TSA to have empathy. He is perfect for that job.
  6. That could mean both parents, and grandparents, had a kid in their 40's.
  7. A. It is in Texas. It was confiscated and she missed the flight while they detained her, before writing the ticket. B. If dogs don't alert to it, then he must have found bacon in her carry-on. ? Or smelled something else. This happened, and I'm still aware of other "alternative" homeopathic stuff given to me because of it, when I travel.
  8. How many people work for a company with a substance abuse policy?
  9. Jerry Jones assigned a babysitter to Dez Bryant. I always wondered if that was in his contract.
  10. The Clinton defense works better. He didn't know he was doing something wrong.
  11. It's still illegal nationally. The locals just don't enforce it. I consider it more a sanctuary law, rather than legalization. Not to mention the Seahawks play in states where they still arrest people for it. Happened to a friend of mine boarding a plane from Texas to California. Idiot had CBD oil in his carry-on. Dog got him. Imagine if they detain half the visiting team at the airport. ?
  12. I always point to Gordon when people say Weed isn't addictive. Anyone who chooses Marijuana over $$,$$$,$$$ is clearly a junkie.
  13. He did apologize for using the dreaded "R" word. " My apology for the word I used earlier, really didn’t mean no “HARM”. " So he got cut for responding to a fan on his twitter?
  14. Also noticed that Jaylon Smith (#54) made a business decision and didn't jump onto the pile for the fumble.
  15. What do people do with the oil after cooking?
  16. Anything that will revolutionize the world within 20 years already exists today, just not affordable or refined enough for the general public; like self-driving cars or meatless burgers. I'm gonna hop onto the sex-robot bandwagon. 1) already exists 2) high demand 3)gets better and cheaper with each advancement. Also fits into the anti-social, pro-environment (kidless), younger generations' needs.
  17. We had 4 groups. about 2-3 kids per group. ? Incidentally, my car keys fell into the candy bowl, then I gave them away to one of the groups.? ? Thankfully, one of the dads came back around 9pm to give them back to me.
  18. Taco night: sliced steak, ground beef, and occasionally shrimp, and (rarely) chicken. Sides of grilled onions/peppers, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, fresh cilantro, can serve various cheeses, but mostly sharp cheddar, sometimes mozzarella, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, and either flour or corn(preferred) tortillas, and/or taco shells. add: green/red chile, or other hot sauce.
  19. There is also the seafood variety; with shrimp, lobster, and fried fish. ...with a variety of sauces. Personally, to be a fajita , it has to be simple: just skirt steak with grilled onions and peppers. Adding more than that turns it into shwarma/tacos, but then you can go crazy with the toppings. Also you can roll it up and turn it into a burrito, then smother it in chile sauce to make it an enchilada. ? Seriously, I used to work at a Mexican restaurant and it was all the same ingredients, just assembled differently.
  20. Officials in California admitted that many counties have more registered voters than people eligible to vote, because they do not remove listings of people who have moved, or DIED... deemed inactive, because they may come back. Also, they claim that voter fraud is a non-existent issue, because only 12 dead (presumably) people out of 400k (inactive, but registered voters) voted in the last election.
  21. All of that would require spending money on rural California, outside of cities, which vote Republican. Also, the environmentalists have already protested against all of those measures, including tree trimming.
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