People don't cover their nose because it's difficult to breathe through proper masks. I tell people that if they can breathe normally, then what they're wearing is just for fashion.
Although, It might help prevent from other diseases...
I'm still part of the population that can ask if this is all a hoax.
I have no evidence that any of this is actually happening, or just a way for the government to take control.
Also have to blame big education and big asthma sufferers for scaring people away from medicinal tobacco. We all remember that big doctors were okay with smoking.
Fun fact I just found out:
The average "tornado hot spot" outside the US reports less than 30/year, with most appearing over water.
The USA has more than 1000/year.
I'm going to eat Sushi.
Doing nothing but work is also getting old.
I know I'm supposed to be thankful that I still have a job, but not doing anything else can drive you crazy too.
I recommend starting with an i7. i9 is too expensive and i5 is too weak.
Fill out the rest based on budget or need.
Memory is cheap. minimum 16gb
Solid State Drive SSD; minimum 100gb. Operating system use only.
Storage Drive: keep your files separate (and safe) from the Windows drive. HDD. Cheap so you can go Terabyte range.
Geforce GTX 1080 Ti is a good card. Titan if you want to game.
Jokingly, a co-worker proposed putting anyone over 60 in isolation camps.
I thought about how logical that sounded. this is how those other regimes started.
The new stimulus Bill is over $2 Trillion. That is enough to give every single person, (man, woman, child, and baby in the USA) $7000. What exactly are they wasting 1.7 Trillion on?
My mother bought enough Dog food for a year.
Luckily, we bought TP, rice, and ramen before the hysteria. If we ever get down to the last can of tuna, ammo will be more valuable anyway.
The party of "science" also does not believe in Vaccines, Economics, History, or facts in general...
If you think about it, Climate Change is the only pseduo-science the left religiously believe.