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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. PC gamers figured out how to play Tecmo and 2k5 with updated graphics and rosters; which have much better gameplay than current Madden.
  2. This also highlights how many times Spain got beat. The Bills are going to have to double Donald, leaving Spain 1on1 with his man...
  3. You actually believe the MSM?
  4. That's in line with conspiracy theory that all the rioters are Nazi's infiltrating the peaceful protestors.
  5. It has been pushed that BLM messaging isn't "political" so they can say whatever they want in support of the left, but anything in disagreement (to the right) is banned. Pro-choice- not political Pro-life- banned!
  6. The organization is far-left politically. That is a fact. The movement itself is calling for the destruction of the culture, history, and government of the United states as a whole (which includes the current Democrats), which is somewhat apolitical, since it includes almost everyone. REally? I find it interesting that the reality of meeting a Maga-hat wearing person is far different than the narrative spouted by the activist left. It usually involves some form of realization of being lied to... and followed by #walkaway
  7. Didn't they try this smear tactic already? WHen it happened?
  8. I'm going over your proof and every single one is either wrong, or incredibly biased. Getting your news from CNN, SNOPEs, POlitico will skew your worldview. The headlines often do not reflect the facts (if any) given in the articles.
  9. Perot - wanted my first time to be historic Clinton - in debt, and promised free stuff Gore - still in debt, hoping for more free stuff Bush - Life was stable, so I wanted to support the troops McCain - had a career, didn't want socialism to take it away. Johnson - lost faith in politics Johnson - most similar to a giant meteor. 2020 not Biden/Harris; probably Trump because the democrats are crazy.
  10. I wonder if that poll asked if they were planning to join protests.
  11. Math was pushed onto our ancestors by Aliens who enslaved humans to build the pyramids.
  12. That's because the lawyers don't want to mysteriously disappear.
  13. And how is it affecting the numbers now, when there is a 92% mask compliance?
  14. Every single point on their listed examples of "white privilege" is easily proven wrong, did no one else see this garbage before it was published? They don't even have to leave their bubble, just watch videos of CHAZ.
  15. D.C. Redskins "Washington" seems to be more offensive than "Redskins" at the moment.
  16. That article is idiotic. It's just comparing one extreme anecdotal story to another. That is not evidence. The same examples can be used to show "black privilege". The first one about using mug shots vs yearbook photos.... George floyd always shown in a tuxedo... Trayvon Martin used baby pictures...
  17. Is the NFL going to force people to stand? We can't even agree what to do during one national anthem. Now there are two... Everything that came before July 2020 is tainted.
  18. A problem will arise when they start showing how people react to the song being played. Will people at the stadium stand? Will players? What happens if someone respects one song, but not the other. I see fights over this.
  19. Biden will be first candidate to win all 50 states! plus Mexico!
  20. Years from now, everyone living today will be branded as despicable "Car Owners" by our carbon free descendants.
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