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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Tibs doesn't want a president. He wants a Daddy that isn't mean to him.
  2. Just because socialism didn't work last time, doesn't mean it won't work this time.
  3. Does your polling analysis account for the majority of people telling the media to go F themselves? The only people answering these polls also support the peaceful protests.
  4. I find it interesting that Democrats are so confident in the polls prediction of a blue wave, but are still willing to cheat...
  5. "Even if Trump wins all the swing states, ALL OF THEM, Hillary still wins the election." -Rachel Maddow 2016.
  6. Obama was the first social media president. He only took advantage of it while campaigning. Trump is the first president to directly interact with the people on a daily basis. Is his use of social media going to continue with his successors?
  7. I wonder if Indians refer to us as "cow-eating Capitalists" in their forums.
  8. It's more like 2-2 and 5, if Barret is confirmed. Trump and the GOP picked impartial judges, despite the Dem circus and MSM propaganda. Even Barrett is a facts over feelings nominee.
  9. He was ignorant to have believed that; and you are too if you also think that. Obama also didn't think through his stance on refusing to enforce the laws. Now look at how many Sheriffs are refusing to enforce state and local laws. I don't remember that happening before...
  10. Not to Mention Sotomayer stating that she will use RACE as the basis for all her decisions.
  11. Republican nominees to the court follow the intent of the judiciary Branch, routinely swinging the vote right or left depending on the laws passed by Congress as it pertains to the Constitution. On the other hand, the Democrat Justice nominees are ACTIVISTS. They ignore their jobs in favor of Social Justice initiatives popular at the time. Obama already tried destroying the Executive branch by setting the precedent that the President can pick and choose which laws can be enforced. Now the Dems want to do it again to 2nd branch of government.
  12. Reid did it first. Democrats were warned what would happen. They're being warned again about packing the court. If the Dems do it, it will mark the end of America; permanently destroying a branch of the government.
  13. Even Aaron Hernandez would have been a better pick...
  14. Anyone ever try to go back 7 years (56 players) and try to fill a roster with a re-draft? Even knowing exactly which players will be good in advance, the hardest spots to fill are OL/DL. While the easiest is WR.
  15. I did the same, but my co-worker agreed with me after reading it. A month later he was back to repeating the hoax, even more convinced that he was right the first time.
  16. You're only going back 1 term. The exact same scenario played out in the opposite direction with previous presidents and senates. The current crisis was caused by Democrats who used the nuclear option despite being warned that it can used against them. It's recent history, but the Democrats are once again being short-sighted. WHEN the republicans impeach, pack the SC, and threaten the 25th amendment, we'll see more whining about unfair treatment from the left in the future...
  17. That's not fair because handyman Jim breaks his back laying bricks, while CEO Jack practices his backstroke in his money bin.
  18. I've had this discussion many times and every liberal always tells me to go look it up myself, because they know they are right. When I tell them I have looked it up, and brought back proof that the mainstream media is lying to them, they tell me that I can't believe what I find on the internet... ...very frustrating.
  19. 1)Dictatorial power: Trump has repeatedly avoided assuming any new powers... even when pressed to do so. 2)Suppression of opposition: Trump did the opposite; called out Social Media companies for censorship 3)Regimentation of society and economy: Trump has removed government regulations and reduced taxes. By your definition, Trump is not fascist. Ironically, Antifa is Fascist. The left has been rioting for 100+ days, but the real risk to public safety are far-right groups....
  20. No one good. Maybe Adam Gase. 😆
  21. What coach, or GM, is going to want that job after he gutted the team and traded away their future?
  22. The best thing I read today was a fans' amazement at watching Allen grab a defender by the facemask and use him as a human shield against another defender. 😄
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