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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. This is good? Unvaccinnated people are getting immunity directly from the virus!
  2. How are Asians treated in Crtitcal Race Theory?
  3. About 75% of Democrats trust the Mainstream Media.
  4. America is still trying to cling to the idea of law-enforcement. More "progressive" countries have already solved the problem with designated "No-go zones"; free of police interference. It is time we join the rest of the civilized world (and Oregon)!
  5. Congratulations to everyone for surviving 2021! ...where 3 people out of every 2000 died of Corona.
  6. The choice are 1) 25% chance of getting infected with 0.7% probability of death. (estimated) 2) 100% with the vaccine with a 0.005% probability of death. (still unproven) Why did we shut down for a year?
  7. https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/cases-2019-ncov-eueea
  8. If we had only responded like Europe, there would be 0 deaths.
  9. According to the movie "Day After Tomorrow", the weather will stay the same, then suddenly change overnight in a big storm, and then we'll wake up to the new Ice Age. Ironically, showing that Movie to kids now will convince them that all of it was Bul******
  10. No one is going to sign this guy unless there is an injury.
  11. They had to alter the law to include the "incredibly small percentage of transgendered athlete"... but pointing out how stupid that move was is "red meat"? So it was important enough to the left to make this "minor" change, but not important enough for the right to change it back?
  12. Businesses are literally competing with the Government for workers. It's quite brilliant move by Democrats to force wage increases. I never thought I would ever live to see people get paid more to sit at home.
  13. You get your class rank when requesting your records for college applications. It's easy to see the confusion when you're told that your GPA is #1 but two other people are named. Of course, many schools have already eliminated academics as the sole determinant of valedictorian, in favor of a more progressive social point system where skin color and family income are emphasized in your scores.
  14. Everyone has one guess on which of these athletes spent most of their life as a male. According to the rules, She has no advantage because her Testosterone levels are the same as the other girls now.
  15. No mater which side Billztime takes on this issue, he is screwed. He sides with trans, then he is Mysoginist. He sides with the girls, then he is Tansphobic. His current strategy is be a mysoginist, but wants to justify it by saying it doesn't hurt enough girls to bother him.
  16. The capital protestors broke 5 windows during their "riot", and it cost 1 million dollars to replace. They spent 1 billion dollars on an Obamacare website that got completely scrapped. Trump spent 10 Billion on a wall for a border that is not being enforced. Obama threw 2 trillion towards infrastructure in his porkulus bill, that we are still trying to "fix" today. Biden is also threatening to raise the budget to 7 trillion to pay for some of the stupidest programs known to humanity. This government doesn't need more money to waste. They already pay a larger percentage of their income than most Americans; since almost half of the country pay 0% What you really want is a cut of their WEALTH.
  17. Register to vote with a phone number. Text-to-vote in the next election! Guaranteed 120%+ participation!
  18. To be fair, they have to make every hour count if he needs to be in bed by 4pm.
  19. Not if you pack the court with puppets who all vote as a single entity. Don't need to present a case if the judgment has already been decided in advance.
  20. The logical solution is to stop subsidizing corporations. No more government assistance so wages can naturally go up. ...but Republicans can't even cut the $300 BONUS from unemployment without the Democrats accusing them of starving children.
  21. People who leave a tiny bit of food/drink so they don't have to clean or throw away the container. Just this week the cereal box only had a couple spoonfulls left, the pizza box only had 1 slice, and the Chinese takeout only had vegetables left in the container... ...and what crazy person only eats HALF a hotdog bun?
  22. Muslims not included? Racists! Also, I'm surprised there aren't programs teaching minorities how to get an ID.
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