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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Future historians will wonder why Americans replaced statues of founding fathers with those of known criminals.
  2. So a minority acquires white privilege when they become successful, otherwise, they are being oppressed.
  3. Look at every policy and ask... WWKMD?
  4. Can someone tell me what role Asians play in CRT?
  5. Any guesses why Washington DC residents make significantly more than any other state?
  6. From that day forward, the grandmother will identify as a 7ft Asian woman.
  7. For the same reason that you need to examine Climate Change through the lens of Feminism...
  8. So the big revelation is that people prefer to get paid sitting on the couch, than go to work.
  9. Riot. BAby needs a new pair of shoes!
  10. I had the same argument with a guy at work who made the same salary as me. He said that he couldn't afford a house because his rent was too high. He wasn't willing to forgo the extra bedroom, and laundry room. (he was single and didn't want roommates.) Now, I live in a house that is twice as big as his current apartment, and paying less in mortgage than his rent. (just by living like a college student for 3 years; with a roommate)
  11. Just reading the first story on the website shows the biased "fact-checking" -Republicans didn't free the slaves, the army did.... haha -The KKK wasn't formed by democrats because some democrats didn't approve. lol -THe myth that democrats and republicans decided to switch sides....
  12. That's why Democrats are pushing for more election fraud.
  13. The question is whether you want to make $40k living in a 2000sqft ranch in the west, or making $100k living in a 200sqft studio in a city.
  14. Didn't Obama already spend 2 trillion on Infrastructure?
  15. You probably voted for socialism several times, in several different places, in last November's election.
  16. The left no longer feels the need to hide their hate of America.
  17. Great Britain now has a real news channel; and already better ratings than many in the Echo Chamber.
  18. Democrats: No fraud happened in the election; but we have to stop voter ID laws! CRT is not being taught in schools: but we have to stop parents from banning it's teaching!
  19. The difference is that Texas is trying to fix their power issues, while California's blackouts are by design.
  20. Gun sales went up, which is the same as crime.
  21. Every white person on the left has to admit they're racist.... otherwise they're racist.
  22. People were willing to burn down buildings. ...but drew the line at filling out fake ballots.
  23. It was whether they trusted the media to present unbiased articles. the breakdown in recent polls are: 73% of Democrats trusted the MSM to not have an agenda. 42% of Independants 10% of Republicans. Probably because conservatives are more informed than liberals and can more easily spot the lies. 58% (everyone) believe that the mainstream media is biased. 56% (everyone) believe that the mainstream media blatantly lies to push an agenda.
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