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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. This sparked debate at work about all the "perks" we receive. Can we get prosecuted for all the "free" masks and sanitizer we didn't declare on our taxes? ...and how screwed are Google employees?
  2. We mocked universities for creating Women's studies and Social Justice degrees, and never realized the danger until it was too late.
  3. Wasn't Ketchup so scarce and expensive that it was selling on Ebay?
  4. Calls of racism aren't as effective anymore. Asians and Hispanics are being left out of the conversation as it's become purely a Black vs White issue. I'm seeing it happen around me as white liberals are being isolated; mostly unaware on how much they're insulting everyone they label victims who need saving. I found it interesting that among the most active (willing to talk) co-workers were the Asian and Hispanic trump supporters vs the white Biden supporters.
  5. That tweet should get Trump banned from twitter for another 2 years.
  6. Living in the southwest, the switch towards Republicans is already occurring. As more Hispanics, over generations, move into the middle class, they inevitably move right. Unfortunately, Democrats still have a strangle hold on the those on Welfare, as they threaten losing benefits under Republicans. To maintain power, Democrats have to keep the economy in the toilet.
  7. Liberals don't know how markets work. The "party of science" doesn't understand basic economics.
  8. 1) That is why there are audits being performed. They are looking for proof. 2)They investigated Russia. They should also investigate China... and Europe. America is so influential that every country on earth is trying to manipulate our elections; and our Social Media is letting them. Even worse, it's been shown that Social Media is one of the manipulators.
  9. He forgot to blame Islamaphobia.
  10. Reminds me a lot of Leodis Mckelvin. All the physical tools, with very little instinct. Too many plays being made in his area.
  11. How do you determine the recipients? Do we use percentages? Elizabeth Warren going to get 5% of 200k? The day reparations pass, I will absolutely identify as a slave descendant.
  12. You stay inside in the afternoon. I find it funny, reading the article, when the people complain about running errands making them hot. Here in the southwest, we just don't do it. Do you feel the need to run errands in a blizzard during winter? same thing. Get used to doing everything before 10am.
  13. The Family in front who has to checkout separately because they have their own items in the same cart. I thought I only had one in front of me... not four! They can't just have one person pay and settle the debt in the car?
  14. In the Summer of '21, Republicans and Democrats decided to switch sides, in what is being called by Historians as the southern strategy.
  15. HR1 would make everything she did LEGAL, except voting more than once.
  16. A simple check of facts; according Motorin' Houses in predominantly black neighborhoods are worth more than those in other neighborhoods because taxes are racist. Check zillow in your city and see if this is true. Nothing says freedom like sending a represensative who hates what they represent. When the athletes walk around olympic stadium, at least 1/3 of the flags should be on fire.
  17. That is not what is in the articles you posted. That is what they use in the headlines. Try reading the entire article. They're saying that two groups of people have different outcomes, so it must be racist; which is not evidence. Evidence shows that it snows more on white people. Black people are affected more by floods. Weather is racist.
  18. Did you read the links you posted? You're claiming that a home gets assessed lower, and higher at the same time. You do realize that they only do one assessment per year, right? She's representing the state of the country perfectly.
  19. You could win a Nobel Price for finding a UNIVERSAL RACISM THEORY that explains it all. You'd have a statue next to George Floyd.
  20. It's a lot easier to debunk "systematic racism" than it is to find it. The only argument towards it existing is the disparity in outcomes; Calling it "racist" is lazy thinking. It makes a lot more sense to blame cultural differences, than pin the disparity on active racial targeting; especially when the bias disappears when immigrants are included in the statistics.
  21. Not when you base it on %percentage rather than totals. ...and there are race based tests for welfare. POCs have a LOT more programs available to them than whites. Especially now.
  22. That's a lot of explanation in those articles to come up with racism where non exist. 1) They compare prices between neighborhoods, not houses next to each other, to find "racism" in those articles. Poor neighborhoods have cheaper houses... not racist. 2)A lot of twisting when they should just say that white people apply for more tax discounts (available to everyone), more than black people. Also not racist. Similar to the voter ID argument. Well, he was Republican.
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