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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. ...Not to mention that nothing in that bill has anything to do with rebuilding infrastructure. It's all money for social programs.
  2. The idea was that no human would be able to make money. Either we make all products free, or give everyone a UBIncome. The only way to unite our political system, is to replace politicians with robots. THe scary part is that Musk (among others) said that it WILL happen in our lifetime. That's how fast the technology is advancing.
  3. Elon Musk had an interesting interview about the role of technology replacing ALL human jobs. A.I. would replace management Robots would replace labor. The final result is that everything would be FREE. What happens when everything in the world costs nothing because Robots took over every industry.
  4. Cubans on boats will not be allowed to enter the US. They must first land in Mexico, and walk.
  5. why should voting be restricted to eligible and people?
  6. Unless CRT succeeds in making us more racist.
  7. All those things is why Democrats believe that everything is racist. Systematic racism. The only way to stop racism, is to become communist.
  8. Handing this out to leftists got it distributed far more than they could have hoped to achieve on their own.
  9. THey protest before, after, and during the power outages.
  10. We're finally acknowledging the indoctrination. https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-nea-adopts-motion-to-promote-critical-race-theory-in-americas-schools
  11. The headline is just another way of saying that Conservatives believe Fox News over CNN.
  12. He's still in stage one of denial, where he can't believe he's actually supporting racism. Eventually he'll reach stage two where he believes that what they're teaching isn't CRT; it's just history! I can't be racist! Finally he'll find himself entrenched with the other idiots who focus on attacking the opposition because he can't face being wrong.
  13. You're ignorant. Read the links. You can't see the evidence being slapped against your face. Covid finally got cameras into the classroom and it exposed the RACISM teachers are pushing into the kids. Parents are rightfully outraged. Not surprisingly you're following the tactics distributed in the NEA handbook: Deny it exists. Reframe it as something else when it gets exposed. Then attack the critic to silence them.
  14. If they aren't teaching CRT, then why is the union defending their "right" to teach CRT? Why are liberals fighting against teaching something that doesn't exist? The simple fact is that people want to stop this practice from being taught in schools, because it is already being taught in universities, corporations, and governments. Parents are being forced to hear this idiocy at their jobs, and they recognize that they don't want their captivated, impressionable, children being indoctrinated by it. Whenever you see any type of "diversity" office being created, CRT is part of their training, and they will spread this idiocy into whatever institution they inhabit.
  15. I can't think of any belongings worth risking death for... even pictures.
  16. Bring back Roman bath houses.
  17. Vaccines are racist. They require ID.
  18. Figured they were comparing shut down prices, instead of average. They should have started with toilet paper being 5000% cheaper.
  19. For 2 hours, this guy was the most powerful man in the world, as he overthrew the US government, before being asked to leave.
  20. As more people flee the blue states, housing prices have been rising dramatically.
  21. I'd like them to investigate how 3 broken doors and 1 window costs 1.8 million in repairs.
  22. Depends on what they consider cheating.
  23. Doesn't weed make you run slower?
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