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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. When is the trial? The last one, 38 years ago, was found not guilty, after doing the exact same thing Bannon is accused of doing. The one before that was found guilty, but got probation and suspended jail time. What did you expect? That we would blame racism? There is no outrage here. This isn't some "resistance". People are waiting on what happens next.
  2. If my dad's family dies around 60, and my mom's family dies around 90, does that mean I should plan to live until 75?
  3. When did "God Bless America" become racist?
  4. At least they wore masks.
  5. I was looking into buying gold/silver but it felt like a scam. Worse than stocks. 1) you pay a premium. (You start out in a hole) 2) the market is flooded with fakes. Have to find a reputable dealer 3) Storing the stuff is a pain. Need home security. or pay a bank. 4) You have to find a buyer (easier to sell stocks) 5) you have to authenticate that your gold is real. Am I missing something? I find it funny that you can buy stocks in precious metals..
  6. I've worked in the industry and there really is a way to present yourself... and get respect. ...because after years of experience, you learn that there are those who want to look like they work, and those who look like they work. I've worked alongside women (and men) who were models too (fitness models), but if anyone comes to a site looking like they can't get dirty, you automatically lose any benefit of the doubt; Either you're a newbie, or just window dressing (which can be management, but not one to take seriously.) So she can glam herself up, but it does come with some prejudices attached, and it has nothing to do with gender.
  7. Do we really want Biden to be making decisions while in hiding in his basement without knowing his condition? Do we want a repeat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg having interns deciding case law?
  8. I got sick. The doctor tested me. Then sent me a bill. I didn't know I had to pay to get tested for Covid. Isn't that racist or something? Shouldn't it be free?
  9. I was told by the AP fact checker that this Letter doesn't exist. ...and if it did exist, it doesn't say that. ...and if it did say that, it's not what it means under context.
  10. It's now racist to mention the backlog of shipping boats at the ports.
  11. He will sue everyone after he gets out. This kid will never live a normal life, so he needs enough to last him forever.
  12. The media knows this is headed for acquittal. They've already started pushing systematic racism. They're now attacking the judge, the jury, the court system, the law... Just reading the headlines, even today, you would think the prosecution presented an open and shut case, but the "racist" judge has a vendetta against them.
  13. She's deep in the echo chamber; the replies agreed with her.
  14. I feel the same way about "based." I looked it up and no one knows the meaning. It's also hard to figure out in context because everyone uses it differently.
  15. Like the Trayvon trial, I don't think they had a choice but to charge him. Although, they could have held the mostly peaceful protests sooner, rather than later, because it doesn't matter what this trial reveals, cities will burn.
  16. I just did some research and found that Child poverty has tripled since Biden took office.
  17. More white suburban women decided to vote, as a voice for all the black people who couldn't risk dying of thirst while waiting in line.
  18. It's not like this hasn't happened before... We Already passed a "shovel-ready infrastructure" bill 10 years ago, that was supposed to fix all of this... why are we doing it again? what happened? One Trillion dollars gone and the roads and bridges still need to be repaired. Can we even forget the Obamacare website that was so awful they scrapped the entire thing; a program that coders said they could have done for thousands, not a BILLION dollars; And that was an example of the government working as usual. So much corruption and waste, and the Obama administration was a well oiled machine compared to what Biden is running.
  19. After the Obama disaster, the Democrats were decimated in the elections. They lost more than 75% of state and federal elections. Unfortunately this led to the rise of the squad as socialists took over the party. Only ten months into regaining power, the people have noticed just how broken the Democratic party has become. A few realized this early, opting to #walkaway. Will we see a viable Communist party form? Is this how we finally get a third party? or will the Democrats simply lose their identity, and abandon classical liberalism for modern socialism? Will it work this time? No Socialist country has ever had this much wealth to redistribute before...
  20. AP still hasn't learned how to pick up a blitz, and his route running and ability to catch are mediocre at best. He's still a good runner, though.
  21. Failed hoax? Pretending to be Republicans by acting like Democrats... I want to see Juicy cosplay in Chicago.
  22. She got removed. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/2/kristin-pitzen-teacher-removed-after-having-studen/
  23. I think 21 had Singletary in coverage. Might have had the assignment of being a pass rusher only if the RB stayed to block.
  24. I remember California sending out ballots to everyone (even quite a few Illegals) because of their new laws. There were articles of non-citizens admitting that they mailed in their vote, not knowing they weren't supposed to... The politicians and MSM dismissed the story as not being prevalent enough to affect the election. No one was prosecuted. We need to focus on instances that allow fraud, not worry about the times the safeguards worked.
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