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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. It's not even a debate. Both the left and right agree that whites face discrimination. The difference is that the left doesn't think it counts... because they're white. 😆
  2. Where is he on the spectrum?
  3. To many, it is impossible to have "indeniable, indeputable proof that the person is guilty." Death is so final that I will only accept a confession as proof; That means that he is truly guilty, or wants to die anyway.
  4. Doesn't feel like the MSM has learned that lesson. Already saw an article stating that they need to remove self defense laws.
  5. Let's not forget that other people have DIED in the riots over the summer. This is just the only time where it was the rioters that got killed.
  6. The mayor told the police to stand down and let the city burn.
  7. He should never have been charged He should have been detained for questioning, pending an investigation. The DA should have figured out this is text book self defense and let him go if they actually did their job.
  8. prediction that people with guns will show up to the coming riots over this verdict?
  9. death should only be given to those who confess. this may happen at trial or years later. or have to survive 6 games against other death row inmates
  10. The 2nd Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms. What it doesn't say is that we have the right to use them... (loophole!)
  11. I can see the judge granting a mistrial if the jury comes back with a guilty verdict. He doesn't want to throw this out himself, and is hoping to get bailed out by the jury. I do feel that the jury is also is trying to find evidence to convict Kyle of something so they won't get targeted by the mob. There shouldn't be this much deliberation, considering the facts of the case, and especially If they have to review a grainy video; that's already reasonable doubt. Shouldn't convict if you have to guess.
  12. Just go to the bank and get money. 😄
  13. When someone living in a 200sq studio thinks they're richer than a person in a 3000sq ranch house, because they're paying $2500 in rent instead of a $1200 mortgage. Congratulations on passing that $15/hr minimum wage.
  14. Did they drop the "crossing state lines" charges? I don't see that anywhere.
  15. He should be excused because he's old and senile. What is the PC term for an African American from France?
  16. Redistribute the wealth without government waste. Brilliant!
  17. Lock people's cellphones until they enter a vaccinated code. Do it for social media too. It should be easy to convince those companies to do it on their own. They already support mandates.
  18. I tried to look it up, but I don't think there is a $1000 shoplifting minimum like CA, right?
  19. I still find it hilarious that they took the time to scatter BLANK pieces of paper on the floor of the parlimentarian's office to stage a riot scene. So the "rioters" were angry enough to break the door, but leave everything untouched, with stacks of files still organized in neat piles on desk tops?
  20. I just hope that the precedent has been set to investigate and prosecute. Too many laws are being ignored in DC. I still don't understand how AOC became a millionaire after two years in office...
  21. Imagine if the law had been passed in metric. ...wait... I didn't think that through. Criminals are already proficient. Good News! that didn't take long. https://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-br-news-oxford-shoplifting-update-20211112-utlqnaqitvf3nfdxtbfkonhvqy-story.html Oxford police have identified two of the four people involved in an early morning shoplifting incident captured on video Tuesday...The tan minivan seen in the video was located and has been towed to Troop A in Southbury, police said. It will be processed once a search warrant has been approved.
  22. How is this winning? Do see this as some game where you have to score points? Is that all this is to you? Everyone is angry because the country is going down the toilet, while Congress is wasting our time with this pointless "investigation", but you feel compelled to post something because your side finally put a point on the board? Trump didn't pursue Hilary because he said he had more important matters to focus on. I guess the Democrats just want to "win"
  23. This law hasn't been respected in almost 40 years. I don't expect it to be enforced in the future. It's also a misdemeanor, that previously proved pointless the last 2 times it was enforced. What I do see all these lefties celebrating like they caught Bin Laden. ...and a waste of time.
  24. The politicians have been ignoring subpoenas for decades. Both parties have done this. Surprised that this "Investigation" is the hill they want to die on. Much like the impeachments last year, the Democrats have been breaking the "unwritten" rules. It's like they no longer care that the same thing will happen to them once the other party takes over. (not that its a bad thing.)
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