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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. 1) That's how you handle a crisis; Cool and calm. Would make a great fg kicker. 2) How do you northerners tell the difference between river and solid ground? It's all just white to me.
  2. I wonder how they deal with Free-Agency when players are no longer signing with them to chase a ring. They had to overpay last offseason. (like everyone else). They can't afford to do that again.
  3. If Buffalo hosts the championship, I'm taking the flight up there. Want to see the team win a trip to SBLVI in person. Especially in front of a home crowd.
  4. The range is going to be the problem for me too. Currently, there is no electric car available that can travel between the two nearest charging stations out here. Going EV means being stuck in town. They will need to beef up the grid which will probably push the cost of electricity close to gas prices. Just wait until it costs you $3/hr to turn on your AC at home.
  5. And they practiced it! That means they should have known exactly how much time it takes, and how far Dak can run.
  6. Dallas got an extra 2yds and 3seconds, but it was still too late. Dak's knee was down at the 26yd line. Cowboys tried to spot the ball at the 23yd line. The ref (in a hurry) spotted the ball back at the 24yd line. All 5 Dallas Olinemen were Offside. The Center brought it forward from between his legs and snapped it. the ref tried to screw the 49ers. The umpire went the wrong way and blew the whistle early trying to give Dallas enough time to snap it. Romo also mentions, during the timeout, that any play in-bounds would end the game. That's why the announcers were groaning "Oh Nooo!" when Dak ran for it. Romo tried to add that Dallas might be able to spike it in time, until he remembered that an official has to spot the ball first.
  7. Still have the lifetime subscription to Sirius radio. One time fee that never expires. Although, I threw away the receiver when i got the new car, and never bothered to replace it. I still hear about Howard Stern, but only through Youtube videos.
  8. I tried watching it, but got frustrated by the poor decisions made by the characters. I guess I got used to the West wing where it made more sense.
  9. Wait until we're all on electric. 'Remember when it took less than 30mins to fill up your car? Good times. 😏
  10. "We have to rely on the athleticism of the refs to win the game?!" 😆
  11. 5yards and a 10second run off, ending the game. Snap Infraction penalty. It's basically a false start on the center.
  12. Could they call the play dead since the Umpire is on the wrong side of the line, essentially interferring with the defense?
  13. It was amazing to me how fast the refs moved in this game to give Dallas a chance, including sprinting downfield and staying out of position just to clear the line, and it was still too late. If Dallas had gotten the play off and faked the spike, the official would have been interfering with the 49er's, standing in the middle of the defense.
  14. I'm still surprised that they are allowed to use profanity on chiefsplanet.
  15. on the flip side, this site has been called "boring"
  16. It's like both teams are mirror dimension clones of each other.
  17. Not only did they call that stupid play, they practiced it? Hahahaha.... 1) They're assuming that they can place the ball themselves 2) They're assuming that a ref is nearby 3) They're assuming that the defense will let him up quickly (they did) 4) They're assuming that the ref will rush to get the ball set (they did) 5) Dak still ran the play wrong because he slid 2s too late.
  18. The major change has been scheme. Chiefs fans say that they're running a complex system that confuses Quarterbacks.
  19. No. 51 for the 49ers actually jumped off Dak quickly, trying to get the defense in position.
  20. So it's 13 seconds to get a FG off in time. That assumes no times outs and it's 4th down. ...but only about 10 seconds to get a spike off if you have a down to waste. Replay: McCarthy called a draw at the 40yd line with 14s on the clock. At 10s Dak was at the 34. Dak gets to the 24yd line and slides with 9s left. Official finally gets to the ball at 3s, --->and moves from 23yd to 24yd forcing Dak and the center to back up. Official backs out, clearing the line with 1s left. Dak snaps the ball with 0:00 on the clock, --->a good half second late, but can be overlooked, however... flag: illegal snap: game over -1s later the whistle blows to start play --->(early in favor of cowboys, official wasn't in position) To make it even worse, Dak was the one that got in the way of the official trying to get to the ball to snap it. Dak and the center assumed they could place it themselves. The announcers actually accuse the official of "getting in the way." Also, the center actually moves the ball forward from where it was placed, otherwise the entire Oline would be Offside. The official backs behind the Dlinemen, instead of behind the QB (where he belongs), in an effort to give Dal more time.
  21. THey replaced Sorenson with Thornhill. Still a hole, but an upgrade. The real difference is moving Chris Jones back to DT and adding Melvin Ingram, which improved their pass rush.
  22. Let's give the ref some credit for sprinting 30yds, barreling through linemen, and snatching the ball from the center, in an effort to get the play off in under 13 seconds.
  23. The time got to zero and the Ump was still trying to back up. They generally don't whistle the snap active until he gets in position. That would take another 3 seconds off. I thought it was some kind of trick play where Dak was going to lateral or something. When he slid to ground, I yelled that it was over.
  24. So the Ball was at the 40yd line with 14 seconds left. They called a Draw with no time outs left? That means he needed to get down within 1second of snapping the ball to get the spike off. The OC needs to get fired.
  25. It's already settled science that it takes 13 seconds to set and snap a ball with the clock running. That takes into account that the refs are slow to spot the ball, get into position and blow the whistle. Anyone know if that was a called play or just Dak being stupid?
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