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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Diggs Davis Mckenzie Shakir Crowder vs Austin Kumerow, Stevenson, Hodgins, Gentry. I think Crowder and Austin are fighting for one spot. The others for the last one. Kumerow being 30 is a real disadvantage for him, they'll want to keep a developmental prospect. Hodgins has a disadvantage because Sweeney has a similar skill set at TE, plus he can't stay healthy. Stevenens speed is tempting. Stevenson and Austin can also sneak on as returners, which helps them win a spot as WR6, and maybe as WR7
  2. Did I read this correctly? She won because GEICO didn't bother to fight it in court. They ignored her court filing so the judge handed her the win. They appealed, but the higher court upheld the uncontested ruling of the lower court.
  3. Buying a house with a pool. The owner puts it the work and money while everyone else gets to enjoy it.
  4. Ever tried to ask a co-worker where someone is but aren't allowed to refer to their Race, Gender, Species, Height, or weight because it might be offensive? Now try reading some of the LA times descriptions of perpetrators where they are asking the public to call the police if they see this person.
  5. If it makes you feel better. They share the same interests. It would be like saying Stephen A. works for ESPN, not Disney.
  6. Imagine a world where taking selfies was enough to overthrow a government.
  7. Whenever I hear someone say "Your Truth", I immediately interrupt and say, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." At least you admit it affects us every day. How far do you want to move the goal post?
  8. Every time I meet someone, i have to navigate a minefield of pronouns and micro-aggressive dialogues to avoid possible offenses that neither one of us probably even care about, but might trigger a liberal nutjob nearby. So I am inconvenienced constantly.
  9. Why are the majority of the lower bowl called "club seats"? What are the benefits compared to a regular seat?
  10. the roster hasn't been this stacked since 2015
  11. Other than Haack vs Araiza, is there a starting position that is undecided?
  12. I found out that telling people that you Sou Vide their steak will make them hate it, because they think you just boiled away the flavor.
  13. Looks like Top Gun Maverick will break the Memorial Day Record with $156million, and $261M worldwide. It needs to Gross $340M to start making a profit. (%50 of tickets with a budget of $170) Let's see if it can beat the original. Adjusted for inflation, the original made $942M, with a budget of $40M. Profit: $430M Target to match original: $1.2Billion Worldwide.
  14. If we ban all guns, we can limit the deaths to only those caused by criminals... That's a reduction!
  15. For the people arguing about why it's happening, it can be ALL the reasons mentioned so far. There is more than one way to lose an audience. ESPN went political and hired more controversial hosts to produce clickbait headlines to draw younger viewers. What they failed to realize is that the social media generation won't tune in to hour long shows, but prefer 30sec tiktok clips.
  16. The flying and planes were real. They had real pilots doing maneuvers with the actors in the back seat. Most of the CGI used was adding the explosions. The innovations in this movie involved finding ways to film the action inside and around the fighters. https://screenrant.com/how-much-of-top-gun-maverick-is-real-cgi/ Also, my showing had a mini-Behind-the-Scenes interview with the pilots who flew the planes. It added a little more "WoW factor" knowing it was real.
  17. They just built a bunch of stuff in a row and put a hallway between them? It's like a mini-mall: Gym, theater, bar, restaurant, motel...
  18. Obama referenced Trayvon. The shooter shall now be referred to as a white Hispanic.
  19. Remember, when someone said it made him nervous that too many Bills fans had American flags and pictures of dogs on their social media? Or that parents are domestic terrorists for disagreeing with teachers. Who will create the search engine? I don't trust the process there... Even the algorithms will be biased because the left reports everything, while the right reports nothing. Can't even trust an AI to be impartial. That's assuming we just give up on the illusion of privacy. There is already a secret scoring system for Social Justice when applying to Colleges. I guess we can also incorporate China's social point system: If you're high risk, you're not allowed on public transportation. Really high risk? You're not allowed out of your house. The current method is to put them on a watch list. It's a little different once you give the government the authority to limit your rights based on profiles.
  20. The big question! Is the view obstructed?
  21. That would flag the entire Alphabet community as having mental issues, (which medically it is). How about Scientologists? Flat-Earthers? Peta? It's not as easy as just preventing crazy people from getting guns, because almost everyone has some sort of psychosis. We're back to drawing a line on where that is, similar to abortion. One side wants a complete ban, while the other wants unfettered access.
  22. Why is no one pounding the table for other QB's to get a chance? Jemarcus? Manziel? EJ Manuel? Isn't Kaep the guy who made the video comparing the NFL draft to a slave auction just a few months back?
  23. Maybe he was trying to walk home to avoid driving drunk.
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